< Siren (video game)

Siren (video game)/Characters


Kyoya Suda

The main character, more or less. An Ordinary High School Student who comes to the Hanuda area to investigate an urban legend about a mysterious village and a massacre that supposedly took place there. He finds himself stranded in the mountains after his bike breaks down, stumbles upon a weird religious ceremony, and then gets shot by a cop who's apparently immune to getting run over by a truck. And that's just the beginning.

  • Clothing Damage: He gets a bullethole in his shirt after being shot once in the prologue, and another one later after being shot again.
  • The Hero
  • Hide Your Children: His age was raised from 16 to 18 for the American release.
  • Took a Level in Badass
  • Walking the Earth: It's implied that this is what he's been doing between the first and second games. Not much else he can do, being stuck in another dimension and all.

Tamon Takeuchi

A professor of folklore at the Josei University in Tokyo, but born and raised in Hanuda. Tamon travels to the area under the guise of researching local folklore, but is actually trying to uncover the truth about a landslide that killed his parents in the seventies in the very same village.

  • Badass Bookworm: He is a university professor who dons a cool revolver like nobody's business.
  • The Lancer: To Kyoya to an extent, particularly when they briefly team up in day 3.
  • Parental Abandonment: His parents were buried under a landslide when he was just a child.

Yoriko Anno

A somewhat geeky and ditzy (at first) student of Tamon's who invites herself along on his trip to Hanuda. She secretly harbours a massive crush on him.

  • Hot for Teacher: Not only is she fond of her tutor, she keeps a photo of him in her wallet, and gets embarrassed if she suspects anyone trying to take a look inside.
  • Meganekko
  • Too Dumb to Live: Early on, when Tamon leaves her alone and tells her to stay put, she decides to go searching for something she dropped in a completely different area without any means of defending herself.
  • Took a Level in Badass: By the end of the game, her and Tamon's roles appear to be reversed, as she's the one taking charge and dragging his helpless ass along.

Kei Makino

Also referred to as "Leader Makino" because of his position as a priest for the local Mana religion. He is the identical twin brother of Shiro Miyata.

  • The Chick: A male example, and one of the more prominent opposing traits to his brother.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: The kind-hearted, yet passive counterpart to the cold but effectual Shiro.
  • Twin Switch: If you want to get technical, it's not much of a switch" per se, as he gets killed in the process...

Shiro Miyata

A handsome young doctor at the local clinic and Kei's identical twin brother. He's dating Mina Onda, the nurse who has gone mysteriously missing at the start of the game.

Akira Shimura

A 70-year-old hunter who has lived his entire life in Hanuda. He goes around shooting shibito and dropping cryptic hints about what is going on.

  • Cool Old Guy: Akira is 70 years old, but he is pretty spry for his age and a great shot who enjoys going on occasional hunting trips, and he is more than capable of standing up to the shibitos who gets in his way.
  • Driven to Suicide: He tries to kill himself in an attempt to escape the curse. It doesn't work.

Hisako Yao

Also known as "Guide Hisako", being a high-ranking member of the enigmatic Mana Cult. She encounters Kyoya early on in the game and helps him gets his bearings in the tutorial stage.

Miyako Kajiro

A 14-year-old girl born with a sixth sense, but without eyesight, Miyako is supposed to be sacrificed in the Mana cult's ritual, but is on the run from her fate. She meets and tags along with Kyoya, and the two form a close bond over the course of the story.

  • Blind Seer: She has born with the ability to sightjack, and is able to use it even outside the Other World, allowing her to compensate for her blindness by using her trusty dog as a literal eye-seeing dog.
  • Kill the Cutie: She is killed upon her capture and her forceful participation in the ceremony created by Hisako Yao and the Kajiro siblings.
  • The Load: She is arguably even moreso than Yoriko. Since she's blind, you have to stay close to her and occasionally turn back and look at her so she is able to follow you.
  • Mystical Waif: Miyako is very much an archetypical example. She is a young girl Kyoya meets quite early on and he feels driven to protect and help her. Miyako, on the other hand, is deeply important for the cult's ritual, and she is implied to possess some form of Psychic Powers, having been able to sightjack her entire life even without entering the Other World.
  • Woman in Black: Her black dress and black hair make a striking visual impression, but she doesn't actually fit the usual characterization.

Reiko Takato

A teacher at the Hanuda elementary school, who cares for her young pupil Harumi as if she was her own daughter.

  • Cool Teacher: The fact that she is willing to protect her pupil Harumi at all costs definitely earns her this title.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: When trying to hide Harumi in a cart used by the shibito, the siren sounds and the shibito is alerted to Harumi's presence. With no other options, Reiko decides to sound the horn from an abandoned truck, leak the gasoline, and ignite it. The resulting explosion not only disables the shibito, but it also kills Reiko.
  • Mama Bear: Toward Harumi. Even after being Shibito-fied.

Harumi Yomoda

A 10-year-old elementary school student, whom Mrs. Takato has taken under her wing.

  • Infant Immortality: Unlike the other characters, she is never shown dying when a shibito catches up with her, merely cowering instead as the screen fades out. She's also the only character who makes it out of the otherworld alive.
  • One-Hit-Point Wonder: One of the main contributors to the school stage's infamous status as the Scrappy Level.
  • Replacement Goldfish: For Reiko's daughter.

Risa Onda

Mina Onda's identical twin, who was born in Hanuda, but has since then moved to Tokyo. She's come home to visit her sister, only to get caught up in the horrible wackiness that's going on.

  • Creepy Twins: With Mina, though only after they've both been Shibito-fied.
  • Twin Telepathy: There is definitely a connection between her and Mina. It's implied that the reason Risa turns into a Shibito is because her sister is infected as well.

Mina Onda

Risa's sister, Shiro's lover and a nurse at the Miyata clinic. She appears to have gone missing at the start of the game.

  • Creepy Twins: With Risa, though only after they've both been Shibito-fied.
  • Twin Telepathy: There is definitely a connection between her and Risa.

Naoko Mihama

A former model and actress who hasn't been able to keep up with the competitive entertainment industry and has been reduced to B-list status. She's in Hanuda to film an episode for an occult TV series of questionable quality when she gets separated from her camera crew.

Tomoko Maeda

A young girl who had just run away from home when the whole of Hanuda went to hell. Now she's trying to reunite with her parents.

Siren 2

Mamoru Itsuki

A young journalist who arrives on Yamijima Island to gather material for an article for the mystery/science magazine "Atlantis". Can be considered the main character of the game.

Yuri Kishida

A mysterious, beautiful, yet vaguely unsettling young woman whom Mamoru stumbles upon at the beginning of the game. She claims to be on the island looking for her mother.

Shu Mikami

A popular romance novelist whose sight has been impaired by a traumatic childhood event. Born and raised on Yamijima island, he is returning home in order to recover his lost memories. In-game, he is able to navigate around by sightjacking his seeing-eye dog Tsukasa.

Ikuko Kifune

A teenaged girl who works on the docks and on the boat when it gets whisked away by the red tsunami. She has the ability to take control of the beings she sightjacks.

Takeaki Misawa

A major in the Japanese Ground Self-Defense Force who crash lands on the island in a helicopter along with Yorito Nagai. He is determined and experienced, but is constantly haunted by visions of a rescue operation he took part in years ago.

Yorito Nagai

A private in the Japanese Ground Self-Defense Force who crash lands on the island in a helicopter along with Takeaki Misawa. Young and inexperienced, Yorito can't help but follow Misawa's lead until the circumstances force him to man up and take charge of himself.

Soji Abe

The flatmate of a murdered young woman called Ryuko Tagawa who is accused of killing her. He kidnaps clairvoyant Akiko Kiyota and persuades her to help him clear his name. His special ability in-game is setting down hunting traps, which immobilize the enemy and makes them take more damage.

Akiko Kiyota

The clairvoyant who accompanies Soji to Yamijima Island, where she believes they'll be able to find some answers on what really happened to Ryuko. She can use her sightjacking skills to see flashbacks of past events.

  • Grand Theft Me: Her body gets hijacked by Kanae once she gets too absorbed in solving the mysteries of the past, leaving herself vulnerable to possession.

Shigeru Fujita

An aging, unlucky police officer.

Ichiko Yagura

A 14-year-old schoolgirl who finds herself wandering in the stranded Bright Win ferry with gaping holes in her memory.


A mysterious young woman from Shu's past.

Siren: Blood Curse

Howard Wright

A 18-year old American boy who is living and studying in Japan. He is invited to the village by a mysterious e-mail from Sam Monroe.

  • Expy: A pretty direct one of Kyoya, as opposed to most of the other cast, who each share traits with multiple characters from the original game.

Melissa Gale

The divorced wife of Sam Monroe, mother of Bella Monroe, and the presenter of the TV crew that comes to Hanuda to investigate the legend of the vanished village.

Sam Monroe

The divorced husband of Melissa Gale and father of Bella Monroe. He is a professor of folklore and comes to Hanuda with the TV crew to serve as their expert on the subject.

Bella Monroe

The young daughter of Sam Monroe and Melissa Gale. Sam brings her along to their trip to Hanuda, much to Melissa's horror.

Sol Jackson

The cameraman of the TV crew documenting the mysteries of Hanuda.

Seigo Saiga

  • Composite Character: Poor Seigo's probably got it the worst out of the Blood Curse cast, having to cover the roles of Akira, Shiro and Jun, with a little bit of Kei thrown in.
  • Driven to Suicide: During the first time loop.



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