Sins of the Father
Sins of the Father is a Final Fantasy VII fanfiction written by troper Mystwalker. It's hosted on and can be found right here. The fic uses the pairings AeriSeph, Yuffentine, and Cloti, but mostly focuses on the Babies Ever After aspect of it.
The fanfiction's main character is Zephyr "Z" Gainsborough, Aerith and Sephiroth's child, and her Nakama. It's Better Than It Sounds. (At least, this troper would hope so.)
Note: Readers who are also tropers (if any of them exist), have the author's full permission to edit this trope page and add in any tropes they feel fit the story.
Tropes used in Sins of the Father include:
- Awesome McCoolname: Raven Valentine. Hilariously so.
- Bash Brothers: Zack and Z are shaping up to be this.
- Beta Couple: Ciel and Lucre.
- Big Brother Mentor: Sean is mostly this, although he overlaps with Team Dad and, when forcing the other three to eat and sleep...TeamMom.
- Chekhov's Armory: You have been warned.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Raven. He gets better.
- Compassionate Critic: Sagara
- Dead Guy, Junior: Zack Strife. It helps that he has black hair. Also, Lucrecia Valentine.
- Dual-Wielding: Z.
- Early-Bird Cameo: Genesis makes his appearance in Chapter 6, however, his name isn't mentioned until the end of Chapter 8. His signature coat is described, so it's possible to pick it up.
- Enemy Within: Raven and Shade, but more importantly, Lucre and Ruin.
- Every Japanese Sword Is a Katana: Subverted, Z's swords are referred to as kodachi.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Z is Choleric, Zack is Melancholic, Sean is Phlegmatic, and Raven is Sanguine.
- Friendly Fireproof: Subverted HARD in Chapter 4.
- Generation Xerox: Justified, the parents kept in close contact with each other and trained their own children.
- Go Mad from the Revelation: Zephyr specifically states that she and her siblings were told the truth about the past from childhood in order to avoid this.
- Green Eyes: Z and Ciel, from both parents.
- Gut Feeling: Zephyr seems to have this, as she was able to tell that the group they were watching knew that they were being watched and played a game of Feed the Mole in Chapter 12, and also found her way off Mt. Nibel with Zack in an event referenced by him in the past.
- Highly-Visible Ninja: Raven. It runs in the family.
- In the Blood: Z and Ciel live in fear of this, but about different types.
- It Was a Gift: Kazekiri and Mizuha. Z will cut you to pieces if you go out of your way to deface them.
- Keet: Lampshaded. Raven's nickname is Parakeet.
- Knife Nut: Raven.
- Limit Break: It's a Final Fantasy VII fanfiction. Enough said.
- Mad Scientist: Ciel seems to be shaping up to be this.
- Mission Control: Wynn, especially in Chapter 8.
- Named Weapons: Besides the canon weapons, there's also Kazekiri and Mizuha.
- One-Letter Name: Z. Pointed out by Genesis in Chapter 11.
- Shout-Out: Zephyr's second Limit Break is a Shout-Out to Sephiroth's Hell's Gate in Dissidia.
- Sink or Swim Mentor: Sagara shows elements of this, in that he doesn't actually help Z overtly.
- The Unfunny: Sagara.
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