Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger

Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger was the third Harryhausen Movie to feature Sinbad the Sailor, portrayed in this outing by Patrick Wayne (son of John Wayne).

The plot involves Sinbad seeking to rescue a prince who has been turned into a baboon (animated by Ray, sadly, it's rather stiff) by a sorceress.

Tropes used in Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger include:
  • Baleful Polymorph: Prince Kassim has been turned into a baboon
  • Bare Your Midriff: Princess Farah
  • Bathing Beauty: Princess Farah and Dione becomes these once they get to Hyperborea, only to be interrupted by the troglodyte
  • Beast and Beauty: Dione with Kassim, and later with the troglodyte
  • Big Creepy-Crawlies: A giant wasp.
  • Billing Displacement: For some reason Taryn Power is credited second after Patrick Wayne, despite Dione being a less important character than Zenobia, Farah, or Melanthius. Being the daughter of Tyrone Power might have had something to do with it. Either that, or the fact that Taryn Power grew up in Spain, where a good bit of the film was shot, and made her first two films (in Spanish) there.
  • Blood Magic: Used by Zenobia.
  • The Chick: Princess Farah definitely (she manages to screw up walking), Dione slightly less so.
  • Evil Stepmother: The sorceress Zenobia.
  • Friend to All Living Things: Dione.
  • Gentle Giant: the troglodyte turns out to be one
  • A Load of Bull: Zenobia's servant the Minaton, a giant bronze minotaur-shaped golem. It was portrayed by Peter Mayhew, who also played Chewbacca in Star Wars.
  • Lost World: Hyperboria, land of troglodytes and the eponymous sabre-toothed tiger.
  • Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter: Dione is a variant where the Mad Scientist in question (Melanthius) is a good guy
  • Ms. Fanservice: Princess Farah and Dione
  • Stripperiffic: Most of Princess Farah's outfits cover very little
  • Toplessness From the Back: Princess Farah often, the scene where she and Dione are bathing is perhaps the most blatant
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