Simon's Cat
Simon's Cat is an animated cartoon series by the English animator, Simon Tofield. Each episode features a house cat who uses increasingly heavy-handed tactics to get its owners attention. The series is hand drawn and then animated with the Adobe Flash software. There are also four published books and a series of Daily Mirror strips featuring the titular cat in comic form, as well as two apps.
Cat owners will attest to many of the behaviours seen.
Episodes include:
- Simon's Cat in 'Cat Man Do'
- Simon's Cat in 'Let Me In!'
- Simon's Cat in 'TV Dinner'
- Simon's Sister's Dog in 'Fed Up' (a PSA for the RSPCA)
- Simon's Cat in 'Fly Guy'
- Simon's Cat in 'Hot Spot'
- Simon's Cat in 'Snow Business'
- Simon's Cat in 'The Box'
- Simon's Cat in 'Cat Chat'
- Simon's Cat in 'Lunch Break'
- Simon's Cat: Beyond the Fence (a TV advert for the second book)
- Simon's Cat in 'Santa Claws'
- Simon's Cat in 'Sticky Tape'
- Simon's Cat in 'Hop It'
- Simon's Cat in 'Hidden Treasure'
- Simon's Cat in 'Cat & Mouse'
- Simon's Cat in 'Double Trouble'
- Simon's Cat in 'Catnap'
- Simon's Cat in 'Fowl Play'
- Simon's Cat in 'Shelf Life'
- Simon's Cat in 'Tongue Tied'
Other videos include:
- Simon's Cat: Kitten Chaos Premiere Event (a video from a premiere event for the third book)
- Simon's Cat in Cat Chat App (a trailer for the first app)
- Simon Draws: Simon's Cat
- Simon Draws: The Kitten
- Simon Draws: The Hedgehog
- Simon Draws: The Dog
- Simon Draws: Rabbits
- Simon Draws: Simon
- Simon Draws: Mice
- Cat Fans Do: Simon's Cat #1
- Cat Fans Do: Simon's Cat #2
- Cat Fans Do: Simon's Cat #3
- Cat Fans Do: Simon's Cat #4
Tropes used in Simon's Cat include:
- Aside Glance: Episodes tend to end on these.
- Batter Up: How he eventually wakes up his owner in 'Cat Man Do'.
- Catch Phrase: More like a Catch Action - the cat points to his open mouth and meows, a gesture that usually means "Feed me!"
- Cats Are Mean: And hungry. Simon's Cat is rarely intentionally hostile though. He does seem to think the ends justify the means sometimes, which any cat owner will attest to.
- Christmas Episode
- Comedic Sociopathy: Of the most adorable kind.
- Continuity Nod: One of the increasingly bizarre array of objects pulled from under the fridge in 'Hidden Treasure' is the baseball bat from 'Cat Man Do'. The cat even pauses to examine it before throwing it aside.
- Dogs Are Dumb
- Efficient Displacement: Seen in 'Snow Business'. Justified in that it was soft snow he landed in.
- Heavy Sleeper: The owner.
- I Meant to Do That: It's a cat, Duhhh.
- I Surrender, Suckers: The kitten does this in 'Double Trouble'. After plopping into the "surrender" position (lying flat on his back) in response to the cat hissing at him, the kitten waits until the cat closes his eyes and gloats over his victory, then deftly throws a pillow at him, nearly knocking him off the couch.
- Look Behind You!:
- Used to get away from a chatty hedgehog. Did I really just say that?
- Used to distract a bird during a snowball fight in 'Snow Business'.
- Real Life Writes the Plot:
- How 'Cat Man Do' came to be, according to creator Simon Tofield:
- A lot of the cat's antics are based on the antics of Simon's own cats. The new kitten added to the cast also happens to be based on his newest kitten.
- Rearrange the Song
- Rummage Fail: When the cat is trying to retrieve the ball from under the fridge in 'Hidden Treasure'.
- Shown Their Work: Simon has obviously watched his cats carefully to get every motion of the animated furballs very realistic.
- Sphere Eyes
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