Silver Chaos

Silver Chaos is a Visual Novel / Boys Love Game for PC made by Vivid Color.
Set in a medieval/fantasy world many years after a great war, the story starts when Might is fatally wounded while fending off a mysterious apparition. Adonis, his childhood friend, uses a forbidden spell to save him (which was offered to him in a book by the same mysterious apparition), but then Adonis disappears. Might goes on a quest to find and save him, while meeting other handsome male characters along the way.
Silver Chaos: Eternal Fantasia, a Fanbox Edition of the game, has been released, and includes several after-stories to add to the original endings of the game and a mini-quiz game where you can unlock wallpapers as rewards.
A sequel to the game has been created called Silver Chaos 2 Artificial Mermaid, though it's pretty much the same characters in the original taken and put into a sci-fi futuristic setting with a new storyline.
- A Date with Rosie Palms: If you refuse to let Ragsiel borrow your body, he'll force you to masturbate uncontrollably. This is also part of the said offender's ending.
- Adorably Precocious Child: Pam. He grows up to be a Bishonen, though.
- Aerith and Bob: We have names like Ragsiel and Hardius with names like Hector, Lorrence, and Kurt.
- Bespectacled Bastard Boyfriend: Hector.
- Blackmail: Hector towards Might if you escape your jail cell later instead of earlier. And if you refuse to be blackmailed by him, Leica comes to your rescue by blackmailing Hector back.
- This also unfortunately leads to Hardius's Ending.
- Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: In most pathways, your team usually would have Leica, Lorence, and of course, the main character, Might.
- Boisterous Bruiser: Leica
- Break the Cutie: Almost. Poor Pam...
- Beast Man/Petting Zoo People: Pam's mother in the Fanbox version and her entire clan in the original.
- Calling Your Orgasms
- Can't Hold His Liquor
- Cast Full of Pretty Boys: Considering the genre, pretty much a given.
- Combat Tentacles
- Eroge
- Eyes of Gold: King Sergei and his son Werne, as well as Hector and Leica.
- Freudian Excuse: Hector's messed up for a reason.
- Friend to All Children: Leica actually runs an orphanage.
- Furo Scene
- God: Ragsiel, albeit a very perverse one...
- I Got Bigger: In Pam's ending, Pam has grown much taller than Might. He is also the Seme in the Fanbox.
- Might himself in Werne's ending.
- Intergenerational Friendship: Pam towards the rest of the group, and Might and the group towards Sergei. And possibly Might towards Lorrence, Kurt, or Leica, too, if you assume that at least one of these characters are at least ten years older than him.
- Intoxication Ensues: With Lorrence.
- Kissing Under the Influence: With Lorrence towards Might.
- Little Bit Beastly: Pam.
- May-December Romance: Sergei's ending. And possibly Lorrence's, too.
- Hardius and Ragsiel (with Might) also count since one's a demon and the other's a god who has been against said demon for who knows how long.
- Multiple Endings
- Naughty Tentacles: But you only see them used this way in Adonis's or Hardius's path/ending.
- No Sense of Humor: Lorrence doesn't respond to Leica's jokes very well.
- Parental Abandonment: Might's and Adonis' parents died before the story started. Hector's family was slain by a government conspiracy. Pam's family had seemingly abandoned him at first, but we find out in the Fanbox version of the game that Pam's father died protecting his family from hunters, and his mother lost Pam as an infant in the commotion.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse: Pam.
- Pixellation: Most of the yaoi scenes have their naughty bits pixelled out. It still manages to keep a lot of its appeal thanks to the high-quality artwork.
- Rape Is Love: Hector and Hardius. Poor Might.
- And maybe Ragsiel counts too, since he does something similar to this to Kurt through Might.
- Sex Slave: Might to Hardius in most of the bad endings if you don't stab Adonis/Hardius and refuse to become his partner-in-world-domination. Also, Hardius's 'good' ending.
- Shotacon: Might can have sex with Pam, in his ending. He's only TEN.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Hardius/Hardeus/Herdeus
- The Stoic: Lorrence.
- Supporting Leader: Lorrence, when he leads the group to fight Hardius.
- Three-Way Sex: With Might, Adonis, and Ragsiel. It goes into even more detail in the Fanbox version.
- Unusual Ears: Pam.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Adonis/Hardius
- The White Prince: Werne.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Hector and his family, Werne, Sergei, and Kurt.