Silent Hill: Shattered Memories/Fridge
Fridge Brilliance
- Most of the characters in Shattered Memories resemble their namesakes in the original. They have different personalities, but their roles are the same - Cybil's still a cop, Lisa's still a nurse, and so on. So why does Dahlia look like a piece of jailbait when the original was a creepy old woman? Then you get to the end and realize Dahlia represents Cheryl's mental image of her own mother. So she DOES fulfill a similar role to her original self. The designers did this deliberately to mess with people who have preconceived notions about Shattered Memories based on the original game; one said "We want people to look and say, 'Hey, that's not Dahlia!'"
- During one of the therapy sessions, the player is asked by Dr. K to choose words that might have been used to describe them in high school. One of the words, "slut", is an unusual (albeit not unheard of) term with which to refer to a man. Most players will probably dismiss this as a quirk, until The Reveal at the end of the game.
- In the spoof UFO ending James arrives at his couples counseling on the wrong day. Still having trouble remembering when significant things happen huh James?
- The meanings of the mementos could probably have their own page in this. The best example would be the last two mementos you can find, two halves of a pendant. They have two pictures when formed, one of Harry, one of Dahlia. When put together, it reads "never forget true happiness" with the first two words on Harry's half and the last two on Dahlia's half. Remembering Kaufman's words at the end, this message could be for Cheryl, saying that she should not forget her deceased father but her still living mother is where she'll find the happiness she's looking for.
- On top of that, the "Harry" half of the pendant is found inside a box in the shape of a head!
- The nightmare world doesn't emerge at certain locations simply because that's where Harry uncovers an important plot point, but because those were places where Cheryl experienced great suffering!
- The part of town near the road shifts because that's where her father crashed and died.
- The woods shift because she went to a bad party there where she got drugged up and started stripping.
- The school shifts because she was intensely bullied and abused there, even becoming a subject of gossip.
- The bridge shifts because she probably went there, suicidal, and considered jumping off.
- The hospital shifts due to her most likely being sent there after the crash to make sure she was alright, all the while being completely traumatized from her father's death.
- IIRC, Cheryl wasn't in the car when Harry died. This still fits because she went there after she cut her foot at the cabin, an event where Harry died not long afterward.
- The mall shifts because that's where she was caught shoplifting multiple times, and eventually stabbed a guard.
- The pawn shop and accompanying home shifts because that's where Cheryl and her mother live, and it's OBVIOUSLY not a happy place.
- The last nightmare chase, where the raw shocks try harder than ever to stop you, is on your way to the Lighthouse Clinic because it's closest to Cheryl and the trauma of her memories being shattered!
- Another explination been put forth is that the Nightmare Sequences are Cheryl's way for keeping Harry away. If Harry arrvied, she'd realize the truth. It's her way of keeping him, the REAL him, away from her.
- Was the girl who got drugged at the party supposed to be Cheryl? I thought it was implied in the second party echo that that girl died. ("We thought she was still swimming, but she wasn't moving.") Furthermore, that girl is referred to as "the new girl", while Cheryl has lived in Silent Hill her whole life.
- This troper didn't realize this until watching an episode of NCIS, but static also has another term: "snow". Considering that static is heard as Rawshocks get nearer or just before the icy Otherworld emerges...
- Dahlia appeared as though she didn't age all that well: in the "flirty" incarnation, for example, she grew to be an overweight, wrinkly old woman pathetically clinging to her youth by dressing like a tramp despite her age. Then you realise that it's how Cheryl, who hated her mother as a result of her guilt and twisted psyche, viewed Dahlia in her mind. If you meet the real Dahlia just before the credits roll, you'll see that she's... well, a video game-conventional Hot Mom.
Fridge Logic
- In the sinking car scene, the windows freeze over and the raw shocks scratch "Stop fighting", "It will all be over soon", and "So cold" into the frost on the windows. This implies that they very much dislike their current cold, icy situation. If this is so, why do they cower in fear as soon as Harry lights up a bright, warm emergency flare?
- The way it was worded, it sounded more like the raw shocks were taunting Harry rather than expressing their distaste for the frozen atmosphere.
- If not this, it's also possible that the monsters themselves are being tortured by Silent Hill. They're trying to absorb his body heat, after all.
- Alternatively, have you ever been outside in below freezing temperatures only to come inside and try running your hands under a stream of hot water? The sensation isn't pleasant.
- One way to think about this: Are the raw shocks talking to Harry? Or to Cheryl? Harry has been fighting to get in--Cheryl has been fighting to keep him out.
- It could also be what remains of Cheryl's mental stability-she knows how screwed up she is and is begging to be let out of her Self-Inflicted Hell.
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