Silent Hill: Downpour/Characters

Murphy Pendleton

  • Action Survivor
    • He toes the line between this and Badass Normal, being more experienced with and more willing to inflict violence than a few of the previous protagonists (though not quite as experienced as others). He was Sewell's designated hitman for a reason.
  • And Now for Someone Completely Different: The finale puts Murphy in the shoes of Bogeyman.
  • And Then Murphy Was the Bogeyman...though not permanently, should you choose to spare Anne.
  • Anti-Hero: A mix of Type I and IV.
  • Audience Surrogate: Murphy has shades of this: he's seen reacting in ways normal people would, something that was more or less glossed over in previous protagonists. Early on, during the first transitition to the Otherworld, his reaction is "What the hell IS this!?". And when given the chance to mentally catch his breath, is wondering just what the fuck this town is throwing at him.
    • It's been noted that Murphy seems to be designed to yell "Fuck!" at the exact same time as the player.
  • Batman Gambit: The whole process of getting into jail was one in order for him to get close enough to Napier to murder him.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Even some of the cops who know him as a convict can tell that he's a lot more decent than any con has a right to be. His psyche report even notes that he's soft-spoken and shy. However, the very first thing you learn about Murphy is that he can and will get his hands dirty and be cold as ice about it.
  • Character Development: Present most clearly in the good endings: Murphy comes to realize that dehumanizing Napier in the name of revenge wouldn't absolve himself from the guilt of torturing and murdering Napier, even if he more than deserved it. Murphy also acknowledges responsibility for not only the victim of his revenge but also for the pain and suffering caused to others in his quest for revenge. With Anne's forgiveness, he moves past the guilt and earns freedom.
  • Combat Pragmatist: He uses whatever he can find on the ground against the monsters.
  • Deal with the Devil: Murphy makes this kind of deal with Sewell. If he wants to kill Napier, Murphy has to do a favor for Sewell, that being killing Coleridge.
  • Driven to Suicide: Attempts to do this in the Full Circle ending, but fails.
  • Expy/Shout-Out: His outlook, mannerisms, and even appearance are reminiscent of Chuck Greene, the protagonist of Dead Rising 2.
  • Fate Worse Than Death: In the Full Circle ending.
  • Genre Savvy: He's about as Genre Savvy as a (possibly experienced) Silent Hill player, often peeking behind himself and, if scared or frightened, will refuse to go any faster than a cautious walk and instead scan the environment very carefully for tricks or scares. Heck, the rear-view function in itself is a testament to his savviness.
  • Grease Monkey: Was a car-mechanic and will occasionally comment on cars lying around Silent Hill.
  • Hyper Awareness: The "Look behind you" button will let you get a full view behind Murphy's shoulder (way more than real life peripheral vision would get you) and yet he barely cocks his head to the side. In action, it ends up looking very much like Murphy is using his hearing more than his eyesight.
  • Hyperspace Arsenal: Averted with weapons. Unlike in previous entries in the series, Murphy can only carry one weapon at a time. If he finds a gun, Murphy can holster it and carry a melee weapon. Played straight with regular inventory items.
  • Institutional Apparel: Murphy's a freshly escaped con and starts out wearing a prisoner's jumpsuit. Later in the game, he can find a different outfit.
  • Made of Iron: He takes damage somewhat realistically, but he can take a lot of it.
  • Meaningful Name: His name means Sea Warrior.
  • Mighty Glacier: Just about everything in town's faster than him and can knock him around. The average encounter tends to require lots of blocking before striking at openings if you're trying to keep your health up.
  • Multiple Choice Past: Whether or no he killed Coleridge or was framed for it before the game began depends on actions in the game.
  • My God, What Have I Done?
  • Nice Guy: Though he can be blunt, if you do most of the side-quests, he comes off as a rather gentle man predisposed to helping others, rather than the violent grunt the game introduces him as. He borders on The Messiah if you make a habit of sparing the monsters.
  • Not So Stoic: He's usually very cool headed and blunt with other people, but he's frantic and rushed when fighting monsters, doesn't take hits graciously, and is quite clearly freaked out by Silent Hill's various scares.
  • Paedo Hunt: Murphy arranging to murder his son's killer, Napier.
  • Papa Wolf: Deconstructed. Seeking out revenge against his son's murderer only makes things worse. He's still in prison, his wife left him due to very understandable reasons, and the deal he made with Sewell has him having to kill Coleridge, which even if Murph doesn't kill him, Coleridge's death still haunts him.
  • Parental Abandonment: According to text from the bonus gallery, Murphy was raised in an orphanage.
  • Pay Evil Unto Evil
  • Revenge Before Reason
  • Screams Like a Little Girl: He verges on it (standard disclaimer) when being chased by The Void. It also sounds incredibly painful, especially since it seems to be ripping blood or even pieces of his very existence out of him.
    • He also screams quite a lot when he isn't currently being hurt, just out of pure terror. Not that we blame him.
  • Sympathetic Murderer
  • You Killed My Son

Anne Cunningham

Charlie Pendleton

Howard Blackwood

JP Sater

Frank Coleridge

Bobby Ricks

  • And I Must Scream: His predicament was verging on this. He apparently was confining himself to his top-floor radio-station-cum-apartment. The lower levels of the building were utterly infested with monsters. He mentions to Murphy that he'd been DJing and spinning records and answering calls continuously for a very long time. Being only human, Bobby was clearly breaking under the strain.
  • Hero of Another Story
  • Jive Turkey
  • Genre Savvy: Very much so. He's completely aware that the monsters and other miscellaneous horrors aren't just random paranormal events, but tied to the town itself. He's also aware that there are rules that Silent Hill plays by; not knowing what these are, he pretends absolutely nothing's wrong (imitating the enigmatic mailman who goes through Silent Hill completely unscathed)
  • Properly Paranoid
  • What Happened to the Mouse?

Patrick Napier


George Sewell


  • You Have to Believe Me: Uh-huh, Sanchez, sure, it just looked like you were killing and/or raping that woman and gloating about it in the process. Oh shit it's a screamer.

Unknown Girl

The Bogeyman

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