< Sigma Star Saga
Sigma Star Saga/Funny
- Halfway through Sigma Star Saga, Psyme falls victim to an apparent illness after Ian Recker gave her a kiss. Knowing nothing about Krill physiology, Recker assumes that he impregnated her...somehow. (Two Krillian healers tell him that "this is a special moment between you two", not helping his case any.) He then takes her back to the Forest Planet to dip her in a pool to allow her to "recover", and the expecting dad is instead greeted by a perfectly healthy Psyme, now sporting a new set of fairy-like wings. After chastising him for failing Krill physiology 101, she gives the wings to him for use by his parasite, admitting that they only grow on Krill females whenever they feel...close to a person. The game then congratulates the player for acquiring Psyme's gift by taking a jab at Recker's, erm..."manliness":
"You got the Girl Wings! Wings like a GIRL!"
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