< Shoo Out the New Guy
Shoo Out the New Guy/Playing With
Basic Trope: A new character is introduced into a series with much fanfare, doesn't resonate with the audience, and is removed fairly quickly.
- Straight: Troperia Tales introduced its new season with newcomer Alice, who is revealed to be Bob's cousin who lived down the block. She quickly takes a major role in the series. The audience doesn't like her, so halfway into the season, she awkwardly visits her sick mother we've never heard of and is never heard from again.
- Exaggerated: All marketing material heavily features Alice, and she quickly becomes extremely important. The audience despises her so much she's hit by a falling plane by the second episode.
- Justified: Alice's actress doesn't act very well, so it's hardly a surprise the audience didn't like her.
- Or she overacts.
- The higher-ups just threw Alice in, thinking it would bring in a new audience. Those types of people didn't watch the show anyway.
- Inverted: Ensemble Darkhorse
- Subverted: Alice is a new character massively hyped, but she's written out for extremely believable reasons, like a disease that was part of her character from the get-go.
- Alternatively, the audience didn't have a problem with Alice, but she's written out because of problems with the girl that plays her.
- When Alice is going to get written off, her brother Jack comes to pick her up. Because of actor chemistry, the audience changes their mind about her.
- Double Subverted: After the business with the actress is complete, Alice returns. The audience loathes her due to this, and she quickly takes a new job in another country.
- The executives take the wrong message, write off Jack, and bring Alice back for more loathing.
- Parodied: Alice takes on duties not even possible for normal folk. She's so reviled the show doesn't even bother to explain getting rid of her.
- Or if they do, it's extreme and exceedingly vicious.
- Deconstructed: Putting Alice on the show and all the hype she gets while there is the beginning of the end for the show.
- Executives see what happened with the show, misinterpret, and it goes to a different slot instead.
- 'Reconstructed:
- Zig Zagged: Alice is introduced with much fanfare, doesn't gel well, and is going to get written off. Her brother comes to get her and that is well-received. The execs don't understand and bring back Alice with no Jack and it falters, sending Alice for a new job in East Asia. She comes back in three episodes.
- Averted: Alice is a new cast member and successful actress, but doesn't receive top billing.
- Enforced: "Man, putting Alice on was a huge mistake, let's get rid of her. How? I dunno, make her get hit by the moon or something."
- Lampshaded: "Remember when they wrote out Alice? That was random, wasn't it."
- Invoked:
- Defied: Alice's reasons for leaving the show make perfect sense.
- Alice doesn't leave the show, whether she's reviled or not.
- Discussed:
- Conversed: "Hey, look, the actors are striking. What do you think that will cause?" "Hey, they wrote out Alice in a stupid way. They can do it again."
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