< Ship Tease
Ship Tease/Fanfic
- In Kyon: Big Damn Hero, Kyon has had Ship Tease with every female character he's not related to. And one of his cousins, though that's one-sided. To be fair, though, he has that in canon, too.
- In The Kobold Necromancer's fic TDWT: Reducks Redux, pretty much everything that's been published so far has been dedicated to this trope. Five chapters in we have: Ezekiel/Bridgette, Ezekiel/Izzy, Ezekiel/Lindsay, Courtney/Duncan/Gwen, Gwen/Tyler, Harold/Bridgette, Harold/Lindsay, Cody/Sierra and Noah/Katie. Also Alejandro/Leshawna, Bridgette and girls in general, but that's sort of his schtick anyway.
- In the Firefly fic Forward, there are a number of scenes that tease River/Jayne. The author does, however, twist these around quite a bit, and one of the most tense moments between the two is ruined by a realization that psychic mind-manipulation was involved.
- The Touhou fanfiction Imperfect Metamorphosis has no pairings whatsoever but nonetheless manages quite a bit of teasing, including offhand comments, speculation by other characters, ambiguous, highly emotional scenes, and anything to do with Yuuka
- Chapter 40 of The Tainted Grimoire teases Luso/Kanin in it's climax and conclusion.
- In Hawkeye: The Series, Mockingbird is teased to have a crush on Hawkeye. He, however, doesn't appear to realize this.
- The Sword Art Online fanfic Monochrome Duet is an Alternate Universe story built completely around a ship tease between Kirito and Kizmel.
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