Hawkeye: The Series

Hawkeye: The Series is an ongoing Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes fanfiction written by The Nerd King on Fanfiction.Net. The story follows Hawkeye, alongside an updated Avengers team, as they battle familiar and unfamiliar villains. It also features DC characters, and X-Men characters. The story is arranged in two-chapter "episodes", including:

  • Episode 1: "The Reaper Returns"
  • Episode 2: "Newbies"
  • Episode 3: "Meet the Bat-Family"
  • Episode 4: "Why I Hate the Circus"
  • Episode 5: "Widow and Devil"
  • Episode 6: "Mistaken Identity"
  • Episode 7: "Birds in Suits"
  • Episode 8: "Insert Name Here, This is Getting Freakin' Hard"

Read it here.

Tropes used in Hawkeye: The Series include:
  • Adaptational Villainy: Inverted. In Wolverine and the X-Men, Gambit was a deceitful thief-for-hire and Quicksilver was more of a thug than anything else. In Hawkeye: The Series. the two have acted that way, but genuinely feel bad about it.
  • Badass Normal: Hawkeye, Mockingbird, and Batman all count as this.
  • Continuity Nod: In "Newbies", when Magneto breaks into Avengers Mansion, he attacks the Avengers with Iron Man suits from a room below him. Hawkeye's response is "Tony still keeps these here? What is wrong with that guy?", referencing how Ultron controlled the Iron Man armors in Avengers Mansion during the old show, making them attack the Avengers.
  • Crossover: The story mainly takes place in the Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes universe, but crosses over with The Batman and Wolverine and the X-Men.
  • Everyone Can See It: In "Widow and Devil", it's clear that Gambit and Black Panther are fully aware of Mockingbird's attraction to Hawkeye.

 You two have fun on your night on da town? *chuckles*

  • Mythology Gag: In "The Reaper Returns", Grim Reaper hides out near the intersection of "Barney Street" and "Ronin Avenue". In the comics, Barney Barton is Hawkeye's brother, and Ronin is another identity taken up by Clint Barton, which he takes up later in this very fanfic, during "Mistaken Identity".
    • In "Newbies", Mockingbird refers to herself and the other three new Avengers as a "kooky quartet", the name for an earlier Avengers lineup including Captain America, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, and Hawkeye.
    • In "Meet the Bat-Family", Joker tells Batman "I set a trap, and you sprung it gloriously".
  • Oblivious to Love: Mockingbird has a crush on Hawkeye. He apparently has no idea.
    • Not even after Gambit points it out to him in "Newbies".
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: In "Meet the Bat-Family", Batman beats down Hawkeye and Mockingbird. Presumably, both on his own.
  • Put on a Bus: Iron Man, YellowJacket, Hulk, and Mrs. Marvel suffer brain damage from brainwashing and have to leave the Avengers. They're immediately replaced.
  • Ship Tease: Hawkeye and Mockingbird.
  • The Stoic: Black Panther and Batman.

Vision: *watching Iron Man and Hawkeye argue* Should we stop this?
Wasp: Nah, let's see who wins this argument. *giggles* It's pretty entertaining.
Vision turns to T'Challa
Black Panther: I am actually with Wasp on this one.

  • Demoted to Extra: Robin and Batgirl receive this treatment. So does Captain America, and Wasp, after the first episode. Iron Man, Ms. Marvel, Hulk, and YellowJacket are Put on a Bus.
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