Seven of Seven

Seven of Seven (七人のナナ Shichinin no Nana) is an anime series that debuted in 2002. It's what happens when you let Yasuhiro Imagawa (Giant Robo, G Gundam) create a Shoujo series.

Nana Suzuki is an ordinary schoolgirl with a crush on one Yuichi Kamichika. One day, while trying to bake a cake for Yuichi, she stumbles on her scientist grandfather's secret experiment to separate the light of a rainbow into seven crystals. Naturally, the experiment goes awry, and splits Nana into seven versions of herself, each with her own matching rainbow crystal. Now, Nana must find a way to integrate the crystals together, or else all seven of her will vanish.

The Seven Nanas are:

Tropes used in Seven of Seven include:
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