< Shamo


  • Creepy Sexy
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: Quite a few.
    • Ryo crushing Sugarawas fist with his skull.
    • Ryo after his fight with Black monkey where you see him in one scene after he completed his ki training.
    • Ryo defeating the Thai boxer.
  • Darkness-Induced Audience Apathy: This trope is present in full force for many readers - this troper came away with a severe case of nausea just from reading it, but couldn't stop because of how skillful the author was.
  • Designated Hero: If by hero, you mean Lord Byron or the old Roman definition, sure.
  • Evil Is Cool: And how.
  • Evil Is Sexy: Ryo does work as a gigolo throughout the series and gets paid very well.
  • Jumped the Shark: The series after the Black Monkey Arc.
  • Moral Event Horizon: The titular character crosses this when he rapes his foils girl friend completly unprovoked and then makes him listen in on it.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Ryo tries to cremate Rangah on a funeral pyre after the latter apparently dies from injuries. Turns out he wasn't quite so dead.
  • Woobie: A very dark type
    • Actually when you think about it he is almost every type of woobie on the list. Including Jerkass Woobie, Iron Woobie, Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds and Stoic Woobie (not to say he is stoic in the least however he never ever complains about his life he simply rages against it World of Woobie and just to complete the list his manager and sister are Woobies In A Wheel Chair. Damn now thats a lot of woobie.
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