< Shakugan no Shana

Shakugan no Shana/Awesome

  • In Shakugan no Shana, the typical MacGuffin-carrying Ordinary High School Student Non-Action Guy hero, who has been something of a male damsel in distress for most of the show and slowly developing his powers, finally gets some respect from the fans when he kills off Zarovee's five selves one by one, actually breaking one's neck with his bare hands. Granted, Yuji's power was explicitly stated to dwarf Zarovee's (who had been relying on a hostage situation), but nonetheless, he crushed a guy's throat in with his bare hands..
  • Wilhelmina is hinted at being fairly strong, but you don't realize her true power until episodes 20 and 21 where she battles the implacable assassin Sabrac, dealing blow after awesome blow even after being struck with gradually opening wounds. The battle includes faking Sabrac out with a fake Yuji, setting her bandages to explode like magical remote mines multiple times, and crushing Sabrac between two buildings and then nuking them. The fact that Sabrac, The Destructive Blade, take all of this abuse without even flinching (and with amusing self-criticism) makes it a Crowning Moment of Awesome for him as well.
  • The entire cast gets one in episode 21 when they finally take down Sabrac, complete with an utterly awesome (in this troper's opinion) Theme Music Power-Up.
  • Episode 13 in the first season give us two Crowning Moments Of Awesome, Shana's My Name Is Inigo Montoya and Margery Daw's Big Damn Heroes scene, both of them the turning point in their respective battles.
    • "Here, catch!"
  • Khamsin and Rebecca's rampage in the Seireiden.
    • Tenmoku Ikko fighting his way to Shana, taking out Fecor (and cutting through Magnesia!) in the process.
  • Sophie Sawallisch proves how she's the leader of the Flame Hazes when she one shots freaking Decarabia!
  • Wilhelmina, Rebecca and Khamsin's fight with Sabrac. He proceeds to take them 3-on-1, Implacable Man-style, wounds Wilhelmine and Rebecca, and No Sells an attempt to beat him the same way as before[1] by binding the surroundings to his body.
  • That scene with Shana going into a rampage while attacking Snake of the Festival Yuuji with her trademark Tsundere BAKA! qualifies as this is the first time in this season that she let go of her bottled feelings (since Episode 4) and her stoic facade that she's been wearing all the time.
  • Eastedge's entrance in Episode 18 of Season 3. The guy just walks through Misaki battlefield, stars raining from the sky around him, chanting a Badass Creed, accompanied by Ominous Latin Chanting.
  1. By removing his body from ground and destroying it
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