< Shake It Up

Shake It Up/Heartwarming

  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Whenever CeCe cries and Rocky comforts her, or vice-versa.
  • Also in "Heat It Up" when Flynn goes outside to cry after hearing that their road trip was getting cancelled, CeCe cheers him up and kisses him lightly on the forehead.
  • CeCe's prayer in the episode in which Rocky undergoes surgery. Bella Thorne's delivery was impressive.
  • Tinka and Gunther's relationship as siblings could be seen as this. While they show obvious disdain for everyone else, they do truly care about each other.
  • From "Shrink It Up":

CeCe: You're the reason I made it onto Shake It Up Chicago. Because of you, I'm getting to do the thing I love most in the world.
Rocky: Dancing?
CeCe: No (Beat) being your best friend.

    • That episode is full of CMoHs.
  • The date between Ty and Tinka at the "L" station in "Add It Up." There's a reason somebody added Will They or Won't They? on the main page.
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