< Shake It Up

Shake It Up/Headscratchers

  • In "Hook It Up", didn't Gary say they'd get kicked off if they did anything like what they did (in this episode's case, getting the two girls' faces to appear on the dance floor)?
    • Yeah.
    • To be fair, the two seem to have a good relationship with Gary due to the fact that they do a lot of favors for him.
  • In the episode where they stay up all night before having to dance for a long time (Give it Up I think ) it says that they'd been dancing for four hours at one point and we see that lots of couples are eliminated and almost all of them are exausted at this time. We're also shown that doing incredibly simple moves ( for example, stepping from side to side, or moving your arms ) counts as dancing. I find it hard to believe that doing simple moves such as these will tire people out so much that they fall asleep.
    • It wasn't stepping side-to-side that tired them out, it was regular dancing that tired them out so much they had to go down to do those easy moves. Presumably the bar for what counts as dancing is lowered as time goes on.
  • How and why the heck did the mom get to punish Gary? He didn't do anything wrong in the first place (he told them they could come if their parents were ok with it, he had no idea they had snuck out), and even he himself said he was an adult and she wasn't the boss of him. What the heck gives her the right to force him to clean her house?
    • Rule of Funny
    • Well, he was using two underaged girls as unpaid help, and she is a cop...
      • Which has "Bad Publicity" written all over it...
  • Has anyone else noticed that Gunther and Tinka have different fake accents? Gunther's is more German/Austrian, whereas Tinka's is more Eastern European.
    • Possibly a case of vocal Bizarre Sexual Dimorphism, since Gunther's accent is closer to his father's and Tinka's to her mother's. More likely, it's a case of different regional accents from whatever country it is they're from.
    • Gunther and Tinka run on Fridge Logic and Rule of Funny, even more than most Kid Com characters. At their age and with how long they've been in America, they shouldn't have a nonnative accent at all when speaking English and might even have recieved speech thereapy through the school system to that effect.
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