Sex Drive

Sex Drive is a 2008 comedy starring Josh Zuckerman, James Marsden, Clark Duke, and Amanda Crew.

Ian Lafferty is, as his friend Lance puts it, "A bust-ass virgin." After striking it up with the hot Ms. Tasty online, she requests Ian come to Knoxville and see her. If he does, she'll go all the way with him. The catch? Ian's profile is a sham with his head posted on different body, the car in the picture belongs to his brother, and he is still fighting feelings for his friend Felicia. With help from his buddy Lance, and Felicia in tow, Ian heads off to Tennessee, hoping to score, hoping Felicia won't find out why he's really going, and hoping Rex doesn't find out his car is gone.

Tropes used in Sex Drive include:
  • Armoured Closet Gay: Rex is a pretty classic example of this.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: Lance does this while having sex with Mary (the Amish girl he meets at a party in Ezekiel's village).
  • Burger Fool: The donut stand Ian works at in the mall, complete with the tacky Senor Donut costume, which Rex describes as looking like a mexican butthole.
  • Calling Your Attacks: "Purple Soda!!!" *WHACK!*
  • Cat Fight: Courtesy of Felicia and Ms. Tasty. Rex even says the trope name out loud.
  • Click. "Hello.": How Ian meets Ms. Tasty's boyfriend
  • Cool Car: Rex's 69 GTO judge.
  • Dropped a Bridget On Him: Discussed and eventually averted.
  • Dynamic Entry: Ian makes an impressive off-screen, leaping entrance, in full donut costume to save everyone from Ms. Tasty's gun-toting boyfriend
  • Fawlty Towers Plot: There are stacks and layers of lies. One in particular leads to the Unusual Euphemism mentioned below.
  • Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?: Inverted with Rex, who comes out of the closet at the end.
  • Hidden Agenda Villain: Ms. Tasty
  • Hidden Depths: After riding up on the broken down judge, Ezekiel asks if they need any help. Lance scoffs, assuming an Amish guy wouldn't know anything about cars...prompting Ezekiel to correctly name the model, year, and engine specs of the car. The entire Amish community turns out to have some hidden depths. Assuming an Amish celebration would be nothing but a cheesy polka band, Felicia, Ian, and Lance are all shocked to see Fall Out Boy getting off a tour bus.
  • I Choose to Stay: At the end, Lance decides to stay in the Amish village to be with Mary.
  • Jerkass: Rex takes this to another level. He's a homophobic, abusing, foul mouthed douche, who seems more in love with his car than anything. At the films end, we find out why he's such a jerk. It's psychological projection; he himself is gay.
  • Letting the Air Out of the Band: When Ian and Lance swipe the spare key to The Judge, they proceed to drive off, set to some ACDC...only for the music to fizzle when Felecia walks in front of them, and decides to tag along.
  • A Man Is Not a Virgin
  • Pick on Someone Your Own Size : Rex has no trouble beating on weakling Ian. Then he tries to fight Ms. Tasty's car thief boyfriend. He goes down in one punch.
  • Punctuated Pounding: Ian delivers this to a poor Opossum he runs over. After trying twice to put it out of its misery, he gets pissed, and pounds on it with a crowbar yelling "I'!" He promptly chucks the crowbar...which goes right into a police cars windshield.
  • Quest for Sex
  • Raging Stiffie: Ian gets one staring at some hot girls undressing backstage...while a pregnant girl gives a speech, at what turns out to be an abstinence rally.
  • The Reveal: A souped up Mitsubishi that Ian races twice in the movie, turns out to be driven by none other than Andy and Randy.
    • = Ms. Tasty turns out to be a car thief.
  • Running Gag: Various things the characters do winding up on the web. Like Ian buying condoms, Felicia pissing in the car radiator and Ian busting a stiffy at an abstinence rally
  • Those Two Guys: Andy and Randy, two buds who hit on seemingly every female that passes by.
  • Unstoppable Rage: After finding out his car is gone, Rex goes bonkers, tearing down the garage door, and driving all the way to Knoxville on a dirt bike to give Ian a beating.
  • Unusual Euphemism: "Visiting Grandma"
  • Wouldn't Hit a Girl: Discussed between Felicia and Rick when she blocks the door to the room Lance is banging his girlfriend in.

Felicia: What are you gonna do, hit a girl?
Rick: No. But what I'm gonna do *points at Ian* is whoop his ass.
Ian yanks her out of the way

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