Serpent's Hand
Perhaps you have a Power. Perhaps you simply know more than the next guy.—the Main Page
Serpent's Hand is a Spin-Off of the SCP Foundation roleplay (Active Duty) and the official roleplay for the Wanderer's Library. Confused yet?
There are some familiar faces in the Serpent's Hand you may recognize if you follow the SCP Foundation at all. Unlike the Foundation roleplay, this one focuses more on intriguing locales and is generally less of a plot clusterfuck. It's less sci-fi horror than fantasy with some weirdness.
Tropes used in Serpent's Hand include:
- The Alcoholic - Finn, of the obviously inebriated variety.
- Angst - Finn, Fritz, Todd, and Dusty. Shockingly, subverted by Sadler.
- Awesome McCoolname - Ask Yoric to rattle off the full name of Howl-For-Sorrow the Unrepentant. No, that's not the entire thing.
- The Beast Master - Sadler. With tiny beasts.
- Big Bad - Some sort of demon thing. It's not clear exactly what it is.
- Big Creepy-Crawlies - They live on Howl's world. People make houses out of their chitin.
- The Big Guy - Ionas
"built like a sack full of cinderblocks."
- Brother-Sister Team: Hiram and Adelle.
- Blue and Orange Morality - Qeb is quite alien.
- Cats Are Magic - Midnight is an Unbound familiar, and a superior one at that. She's as powerful as most any mortal mage, not to mention an expert on the occult.
- Cats Are Mean - Subverted. Midnight is kind and considerate to others. She's part of the Serpent's Hand because she wishes to help other sapients, no matter what their size.
- Cats Are Snarkers - Midnight's good at this, too, but then again her player has his moments, too.
- Cats Are Superior - Midnight's general point of view in things. It helps that she is a cat. It also helps that she can often back it up.
- Cats Hate Water - Subverted. While Midnight doesn't enjoy swimming and such, she does enjoy the fish that result from it.
- Circus of Fear - Sizzle and Blink's Pandimensional Flying Circus. It's less fun than it sounds.
- Cool House - Odd House. There is one and only one way to die in each room.
- Crack Pairing
- Todd/Sadler or Finn.
- Azi/Desiderata.
- Iriel/Chainshank. Either Squee or Squick, depending on your point of view.
- Deadpan Snarker - Midnight. Gabriel, at times.
Gabriel: "Oh Christ, what now?"
- Different As Night and Day: Hiram and Adelle.
- Don't Split Us Up - Hiram and Adelle.
- Ensemble Darkhorse - Chainshank. Oh god.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin - Doctopus.
- Femme Fatale - Desiderata.
- Game Face - Azi's everything, Desiderata's true form, Todd's fangs... Presumably Manticore as well.
- Giant Flyer - Giant butterflies and sparrows are available for rent to explore the upper reaches of the Library.
- Hemo-Erotic - Dusty and Hare.
- Heroic BSOD - Sadler, curling up into the fetal position after the ordeal with the insect-people at the Ridgewood Asylum.
- Heroic Sacrifice - Gemric, after the World Eaters came the first time.
- Horny Devils - Desiderata and her sister Titania. It's not really certain what Gabriel is but he probably fits in this category as well.
- Horrible Judge of Character - Iriel thinks no one is entirely evil, and that Chainshank is not a bad guy underneath it all. Unfortunately, when she tried to warn the others about Jessie being dangerous, nobody seemed to take her seriously.
- Hub Level - The Library. It contains Doors to probably everywhere ever.
- Intergenerational Friendship - Azi and Desiderata
- Jerkass - Gally, Midnight's demonic rat familiar. He will go out of his way to insult everyone.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold - Yoric and Richard.
- Lady of War - Isi.
- Lizard Folk - Azi.
- Loads and Loads of Characters - All the players plus the NPCs add up to several people and creatures, and new ones keep getting made up by the day.
- Memetic Molester - Chainshank, thanks to some truly horrifying smut.
- Motor Mouth - Fritz Freud never shuts up.
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot - Chainshank, the ultraviolent animate British quincy punk demon scarecrow.
- Our Homunculi Are Different - Theomagus was created by some mage and is made entirely of paper. Iriel is also this sort of thing, but her medium was clay.
- Perpetual Poverty - Sadler.
- The Pig Pen - Sadler, again. He's not a slob; it's just hard for him to stay tidy.
- The Quiet One - Isi.
- Religious Bruiser - Howl and Nathaniel.
- Reptiles Are Abhorrent - Thoroughly averted by Azi, played straight with his race.
- Shipping Goggles - In spades. In spades.
- Skilled but Naive - Azi. Maybe Theo too.
- Slurpasaur - Also present on Howl's world. "We do not know how large they can grow."
- Steampunk - Gyrocopters!
- The Speechless - Stephen can't talk, but he does have a notepad he writes things on.
- Truly Single Parent - Iriel's 'lord'.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl - Iriel's hair isn't paper white, but it's pretty light-colored.
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