< Sengoku Rance

Sengoku Rance/Heartwarming

  • In a horrifying cross with a brutal Tear Jerker, when Rance finds Kouhime after being sexually violated, he completely flips his shit and slaughters everyone responsible, genuinely sickened and horrified with what happened to her, proving that despite under layers and layers of Jerkass, underneath it all is quite emotional Hidden Heart of Gold.
    • A few turns after that, there's a (completely non-sexual) Furo Scene with Rance helping Kouhime bathe. She's heartbroken over being Defiled Forever, but Rance tells her those guys don't count.
  • Rance attempting to revive Sill with a wake up kiss.
    • Or Ran going back to Sounn at the end of her route.
    • This troper finally understands why Noir of all people was chosen to be in Rance Quest. Going to Rance's Place Tonight (option) you find that she has a nice little snuggle moment with him (while he's asleep) and Rance actually does something sweet. When you do the same with the other Youkai girls, Orime and Omachi are using him as a rebound and Nogiku is being forced.
  • Basically any scene in with Isoroku in her route after he agrees to impregnate her. Treating her with love and affection, going on walks with her because it's good exercise for an expecting mother. Epically losing his shit when Keikoku puts down Isoroku. If it weren't for...well, everything else he does, he comes across as a loving, caring husband to her.
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