< Sengoku Basara

Sengoku Basara/YMMV

Subjectives from the games:

  • Cargo Ship: Kojuro x Vegetables
    • Also Hisahide x Teapot
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: Yukimura's adorable/hilarious reaction to seeing Shingen still alive, before getting punched in the face, from SB3.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: "Crosswise", by T.M. Revolution. Also serves as the opening theme of Cross and plays during every character's Basara K.O.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Which is one way to get promoted from NPC to playable character. Motochika and Motonari were popular NPCs that got promoted into playable characters in the second game. From the second game to the expansion pack, Kojuro, Nagamasa and Oichi. But mainly Kojuro (the one who spawns the most fanart between those three). And there was much boo-ing when he got Demoted To NPC
    • And special mention to Oichi. Mind you, this is a series dominated with pretty and manly boys, but the Oichi fanbase is very very solid when compared to other female characters, which includes her being the only playable female in the fighting game and returning in 3.
  • Ho Yay Shipping: Unlike the Dynasty Warriors series which has a good share of both yaoi and straight doujins, SB is practically flooded with yaoi (with Masamune/Yukimura, Kojuro/Masamune, and Motochika/Motonari being the most popular) with the occasional Oichi/Kasuga hentai. Makes sense as Sengoku Basara doesn't have many female characters.
  • Macekre: The game was called Devil Kings in the U.S, the producer attempting (and failing) to make a Darker and Edgier version.
  • Misaimed Fandom: Has about three times as many female fans as it does male fans.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks: Shortly before Basara 3 came out, many fans were baying for Kobayashi's blood for overloading the game with NPCs. Some still are.
    • Things may get better with Sengoku Basara 3: Utage where many characters (including Kojuro, Tenkai and Matsunaga of all people) return as playable characters.
  • This Is Your Premise on Drugs: Samurai Warriors on steroids... and lots of crack.
  • Toy Ship: Itsuki and Ranmaru, who are both about 12 years old.
  • Wangst: Mitsunari's ramblings sometimes stray into this territory.

Subjectives from the anime:

  • Cargo Ship: Kojuro and his vegetables.
  • Complete Monster: Nobunaga and Mitsuhide in season 1. Hisahide has his moments too.
  • Creepy Awesome: Mitsuhide. He's a White-Haired Pretty Boy Soft-Spoken Sadist Combat Sadomasochist who does pretty much everything For the Evulz and more or less orgasms when he gets hurt. And he would be so much lamer if he wasn't.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: Episode 5: Naoe Kanetsugu getting WTFPWN'D by Tadakatsu and again second season in episode 3 by Toshiie.
    • The typical routine between Toshiie and Matsu.
    • Season 2, episode 9: Motochika and Masamune coming up with the exact same plan to attack Osaka, only with the roles of who does what being reversed. Then starting a fight over it while protesting how they are nothing like each other.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The whole soundtrack. Particularly "JAP" by Abingdon Boys School, the first anime opening which gives "Crosswise" a run for its money in popularity and, for many, has come to symbolise the whole spirit of the series.
  • Foe Yay:
    • Kenshin with Shingen. Spades of it. He also seems to flirt with Shingen Junior a.k.a Yukimura a couple of times. Then there's him nicknaming Masamune the 'Beautiful Dragon'.
    • Mitsuhide is fond of Nouhime and sometimes expresses sympathy for her situation. She just finds his advances creepy.
      • Let's not forget how he complimented Motonari's looks and figure... only to remark that he wanted to cut him up.
    • Disturbingly enough, Oichi has this with her brother in the third game, especially how she strokes his face as they return to hell together.
    • Hanbe's obsession with Kojuro in the anime. Basically everything he says in the games can be interpreted as this.
    • Otani displays an unhealthy interest in Oichi and her dark powers, and finds her positively charming. Kanbe points out he has horrible taste in women, to which he agrees.
      • He sometimes appears to be making advances at Motonari, though this may just be deliberately trying to annoy him.
    • Motochika with his rival, Motonari. At least some fangirls like to think so...
    • Hisahide certainly seems to relish the idea of beating up Kojuro a little too much in the anime. There's also the way he whispers salaciously to Mitsunari when he's got him pinned underfoot in Utage.
    • Yukimura's feelings towards Masamune are... complicated, to say the least.
      • The anime turns the UST with Masamune Up to Eleven, to the point where staff members referred to their battle in the movie as a love scene.
  • Freud Was Right: Motochika's giant... cannon.
  • Memetic Mutation: "ARE YOU READY GUYS?! PUT YA GUNZ ON!!"
    • And manly bonding sessions consisting of screaming names while punching each other in the face.
  • Tear Jerker: Nagamasa's death. Poor Oichi... also Tadakatsu.
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