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Sengoku Basara/Characters/Nation of Xavism

Nation of Xavism

Pontiff Xavi

Voiced by: Kozo Shioya (Japanese), Lee Tockar (Devil Kings)

"Open your heart and welcome Xavi's loooooove!"

A foreign missionary who makes it his goal to convert all of Japan to his Religion of LOVE! Is a big believer in love through superior firepower and boasts some impressive technology.

His name in Devil Kings is Q-ball.

Otomo Sorin

Voiced by: Noriaki Sugiyama (Japanese), Jay D. Stone (English)

"All together now, let's happy ceremony!"

Introduced in the third game, he is a powerful daimyo of northern Kyushu and a Xavi devotee, who plans to unify the land under Xavi's religion of LOVE.

Xavi Xavi Xavi Xavi Xaaaavi Sorin Sorin Sorin Sorin Sooorin

  • Mini-Mecha
  • Motor Mouth: He's a passionate public speaker and if he's not ranting then he's singing. At least he's better at it than Xavi.
  • Psycho Supporter: He's basically your stereotypical religious fanatic.
  • The Remnant: Arguably. Xavi is nowhere to be seen after Sorin takes charge, though apparently he just went on holiday.
  • Sissy Villain: Comes with being a Xavist. His voice doesn't help either (particularly the English voice).
  • Skip of Innocence: It's his running animation.
  • Super Mode: His Mini-Mecha mode. With it, Sorin upgrades himself from frantic spinning and ear-bursting prayer to flamethrowers and lasers. He also becomes insanely fast when using his flamethrowers as boosters.
  • Tank Goodness: His weapon is a tank with Xavi's face on it. In Utage it gains robotic limbs and Eye Beams.
  • You Have Failed Me...: Muneshige's ending in Utage has Sorin angrily chasing Muneshige for slapping him.

Tachibana Muneshige

Voiced by: Tetsu Inada (Japanese), Kyle Hebert (English)

"All people are slaves to something, be it their lord, their general, or some other unfortunate fate..."

New character introduced in the third game. A vassal of the Otomo clan, noted for his bravery and strength both in battle and everyday life.

"Afterwards I'll have a bath and rest well!... Er, no, I mean, there must be a mistake..."

  • The Dog Bites Back/Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: His story in Utage begins when he finally loses patience with Sorin and slaps him!!
    • Yank the Dog's Chain: Unfortunately for him, this just makes Sorin pissed enough to kick him out. And send a few torpedoes his way.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: It's probably no coincidence that the map featuring the game's treatment of Christianity also features a character you essentially force to commit fumi-e.
  • The Dragon: To Sorin.
    • Dragon-in-Chief: In a manner of speaking. In any of the story paths where the Otomo clan is significant, it's because someone wants to talk to Muneshige, and not Sorin. Muneshige is completely loyal to Sorin, however.
    • Noble Top Enforcer
  • Dual-Wielding: Of, it should be repeated, chainsaws.
  • A Father to His Men: Says that he wants his troops to bond as a family, since this is how he sees them. Aww.
  • The Fettered: Sorin has to be beaten up by Yoshihiro before he even lets Muneshige leave the castle.
  • Henpecked Husband: Muneshige's wife is apparently far stronger and more skilled than him, and will beat him up or throws things at him if he annoys her. His letters seem to imply he loves her though.
    • Possibly a Take That to rival series Samurai Warriors, where Ginchiyo is characterized as being abrasive, stubborn, and an impressive Tsundere towards her Muneshige.
  • Honor Before Reason: Will not take the shortcuts in his stage once the player activates them due to them having a portrait of Sorin on them, which would mean stepping upon the face of his lord. If the player makes it to Sorin before him, he'll be stuck on the other side unable to help.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: A move of his has him impale an enemy with one of his chainsaws and then electrocuting them with it.
  • Implacable Man: He's the second hardest character to stun, after Tadakatsu, and his direct attacks are almost impossible to block.
    • Just to rub it in, dueling Muneshige involves him blocking your blows, and doing nothing else unless you lose. Despite this he's the second-hardest character to duel, and Tadakatsu is actually hitting you back.
  • Inner Monologue: Usually involves the Raikiri and/or his wife. And constant despair over his current situation.
  • Japanese Pronouns: 'Temae', sometimes 'Washi'
  • Mighty Glacier: As a boss, he's just slow enough that you can outrun him if not willing to face his saw. The game encourages it. As a playable character, he's upgraded to standard Mighty Glacier speed.
  • My Master, Right or Wrong: Clearly isn't very happy with Sorin's fascination with Xavism, or the way he treats him, but remains unfailingly loyal to him regardless. Either that or he's just given up.
    • According to his ending, it seems that after being forced to Walk The Earth he decided he misses his lord after all.
  • Reluctant Warrior: He talks quite a bit about wanting to give up being a samurai and live peacefully.
  • Shock and Awe: And did we mention his Raikiri are lightning chainsaws?
  • Shoulders of Doom
  • Sobriquet: "Thunder King". Well-deserved, especially given half his moveset involves calling lightning to electrocute people.
  • Sparkling Stream of Tears: Also Tears of Joy, when he is finally reunited with Sorin in Kyoto after being sent away. Turns out Sorin wasn't quite as pleased to see him.
  • There Was a Door: Makes a habit of smashing holes in stone walls whilst chasing you through the castle, since all the bridges have portraits of Sorin on them.
  • Throw the Dog a Bone: Like Kanbe, joining up with Yoshihiro, like he does in Yoshihiro's blue and green paths, is more or less the best thing that can happen to him.
  • Undying Loyalty: Despite all the crap he puts up with, he's loyal to a fault to his lord and will only leave his side if given permission.
  • Unfortunate Names: His Xavism baptism name (forced on him by Sorin, even though he's not a Xavist) is "Gallop". Mune... er, "Gallop" decides to wear it with as much pride he can muster since his lord gave it to him.
  • Yank the Dog's Chain: His ending, where it seems that Sorin has forgiven him and wants to take him back. Turns out he's just looking for revenge. Nonetheless, he seems to be content at things going back to normal.
  • Your Approval Fills Me with Shame: Isn't exactly bursting with joy when Sorin compliments him by saying he's acting more like a Xavist.

Tachibana Ginchiyo

Muneshige's domineering, currently offscreen wife, whom he loves and fears in equal parts.

  • Badass: When you can out-badass Muneshige, you're practically off the charts.
  • Dual-Wielding Chainsaw Good: And she is BETTER at it than Muneshige!
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": Although Ginchiyo's name is common knowledge amongst fans, in-game Muneshige always refers to her as "the wife".
  • Hair-Trigger Temper
  • Iron Lady: Her husband thinks she'd be a much better leader than him at any rate.
  • Mundane Utility: She uses the Raikiri to prune her bonsai trees.
  • Muscles Are Meaningless: Quite possibly. Muneshige notes that she is much, much stronger than she appears.
  • Tantrum Throwing: When Muneshige annoys her she starts throwing chainsaws at him.
  • The Unseen: She's often mentioned, but never makes an appearance. Funnily enough Muneshige is the only one who seems to notice her absence.
    • Historically accurate, shockingly enough. Ginchiyo and Muneshige were separated (along with their clan) during the late Sengoku era for political reasons.
  1. otherwise, it's pretty much inoffensive if you stay directly in front of it, provided it isn't signing while you do that
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