< Seikon no Qwaser

Seikon no Qwaser/Headscratchers

  • Does Mafuyu-Chan really think she looks threatening with that wooden sword? The bad guys can manipulate the elements themselves, and could kill her with barely the lift of a finger.
    • It's a symbolic gesture of defiance consistent with her character, not a calculated roll of the dice based on her stats versus their stats.
  • Why do female qwasers need to drink other people's soma? Can't they produce their own? (Yes, there's an obvious reason for this, but it's story-external.)
    • Yeah, I think that's physically impossible. No amount of bending over or twisting will ever allow reaching.
      • First episode explains that a Qwaser sucks life-force from their Maria. So unless they are willing to burn their own life-force to manipulate the elements I doubt that a female Qwaser could feed themselves. Also, lactation kinda takes time to happen without medication/hormones/a suckling baby. Perhaps it is more of an ancient alchemy thing (you know, those who try and turn lead into gold) involving the masculine consumer and the female producer.
      • With breasts that big, I see no reason why it would be physically impossible.
      • Tomo can reach. Mafuyu even ends up smacking her upside the head for actually doing it after suggested to do so in a flippant manner. Furthermore, actual lactation is completely irrelevant no matter how much the anime pushes it. There's simply no way ALL the young women used as batteries over the course of the series are lactating.
        • Why not? It would be simple to explain that when a qwaser attaches their mouth to a breast it starts to produce milk due to a reaction with the magic or something.
          • It's also possible that actual milk isn't even necessary. Soma is life-force. Breastfeeding to get it just has more symbolic power than just biting on the neck or something.
  • If Sasha has power over iron, why go through all the trouble of making a weapon when you could just pull a Magneto and rip the iron from the opponents blood?
    • Because not only would that probably be vastly more difficult, it would make for really fucking boring fights.
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