Scott Pilgrim/Characters
Main Characters
Scott Pilgrim

Sketchy-ass 24-year-old
Rating: Awesome
Hero of the story. Scott is an air-headed unemployed slacker (additionally, the bassist of a band called Sex Bob-Omb). He's kind of a dick sometimes, but is mostly a decent guy. Most of the other characters either tolerate him as a person or are actively trying to kill him. He falls in love with Ramona Flowers, but in order to win her heart he has to defeat her seven evil exes.
- Achilles in His Tent: For the first part of volume 6. Luckily, he Took a Level in Badass.
- Adorkable
- Amnesiac Dissonance: Whatever his current faults, Scott's at least less capable of genuine cruelty than he was before his memories were altered.
- Debatable. He seems to have been deliberately repressing bad memories for most of his life even prior to Gideon's memory alteration. Being unable to remember/accept how badly his selfishness and immaturity had hurt the people around him may have made him a worse, or at the very least more insensitive person.
- Anti-Hero: Type III
- Bastard Boyfriend: Scott may have been more of this than he previously thought, due to Gideon tampering with his memories. Especially in the case of Kim, when he beat up her current meek Asian boyfriend in order to go out with her. And when he broke up with her because he was moving to Toronto, he didn't even have the guts to tell her himself. She had to hear it second-hand. Also broke up with Envy over an argument he had caused.
- Chekhov's Skill: In book 2 it's shown that Scott is an exceedingly good cook. When he gets a job at a restaurant in book four he's relegated to a dishwasher.
- Played straight at the end of Volume 6. Scott Pilgrim, greatest prep chef in the world. And he still botches the order.
Stephen Stills: Whatever, they ordered at 10:55. They're getting a salad.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Brutally deconstructed to show the negative repercussions of not paying attention to the people around you and not caring about others' plights or feelings.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Scott Pilgrim may be an idiot, but he's also the "best fighter in the province".
- Epiphany Therapy: Has two; one when He visits Kim Pine at her parents home in the Wilderness and confronts Nega-Scott; and one when Gideon kills him and he remembers his extra life.
- Fag Stag: Young Neil is his only heterosexual male friend.
- To clarify... All his friends had some kind of homosexual experience at one point. Kim and Knives kissed in volume 2, Ramona has an evil ex-girlfriend, Stephen came out of the closet in volume 5, Wallace (as well as Mobile, Jimmy, Other Scott, etc.) is openly gay, and even Scott himself had a somewhat gay backstory about how he and Wallace became roommates.
- Fake Memories: One of the reasons he has a big ego about his high school years is that Gideon tampered with his memories.
- Genius Ditz: Cooking is perhaps the only task at which he's legitimately competent (well, besides fighting) Ramona is shocked to discover that he's actually good at something.
- Guile Hero: Scott used his wits to defeat Lucas and Todd.
- Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow: His hair was much longer in university, until he got an Important Haircut right before breaking up with Envy.
- Half the Man He Used To Be: Happens in Volume 6 to Scott while he's inside Ramona's mind.
- Heel Realization: The main theme of the comic, arguably, is Scott's realizing that he really is an Evil Ex-Boyfriend in the making.
- Heroes Want Redheads: Scott dated two -- Kim and Envy.
- Idiot Hero: Although though not stupid, Scott can be very uncaring about the feelings of others, and definitely not the most practical or responsible person. He also Does Not Understand Sarcasm at times.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: By Gideon in volume 6.
- It's All About Me: Scott has an unfortunate tendency to whitewash his own romantic indiscretions and Jerkass tendencies while complaining about the same behavior in other people. He's a firm believer in his own Protagonist-Centered Morality.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: with emphasis on the "Jerk" part. But then, that's kind of the point.
- Karma Houdini: Scott seems to get away pretty clean in regards to him dating Knives Chau and Ramona at the same time. Until volume 5 that is.
- Lame Comeback: Constantly. Averted, somewhat, in the movie, where Scott gets some genuinely badass one-liners. Take, for example, his fight with Lucas Lee, after defeating his stunt doubles:
Scott: Mr. Lee? You're needed back on set.
- Level Up At Intimacy 5
- Magikarp Power: The reason Scott didn't have a Skateboard Proficiency? He has a Sword Proficiency instead. Convenient when one actually shows up.
- Man Child: Played for laughs at first...
- A Man Is Not a Virgin: For a teen novel, Scott has had a fair share of girlfriends whom he's slept with (Kim in high school, Envy in college, and Ramona in issue 5).
- Averted in the movie. After every night he and Ramona spend together, it is made clear that they didn't get it on, and nothing else is mentioned of his habits one way or another. This is only really notable in contrast to the novel.
- NEET: For most of the comic, he doesn't appear to have a job, even to attempt to find a job, and he's definitely not in college.
- Never Gets Drunk: To the point where it's a big deal whenever he does decide to drink.
- Never My Fault: A big part of his Character Development is learning to accept responsibility for his own failings.
- Nice Guy: Subverted. He's actually a Jerk with a Heart of Gold.
- Nobody Loves the Bassist: Which is why he got stuck with the role -- no-one else wanted it.
- Not So Different: Scott realizing he shares a lot of the petty qualities (such as infidelity) that Ramona's evilly petty exes had. Comes to a head in volume six when he finally fights Gideon. Scott thankfully comes to realize he doesn't like it.
Scott: Gideon...I think I understand you, man....And now I have to kill you.
- Pretty in Mink: His parkas.
- Psychopathic Manchild: Chapter 5 reveals just how messed up he really is.
- Schoolyard Bully All Grown Up: For a given value of "grown up", anyway.
- Shonen Hair: Scott's hair gets spikier and more unkempt with each installment.
- The Slacker
- Tetris Effect: Gideon's plot had a phase of messing around Scott's memories and the result in the high school memories would almost be a good example of this, but with his usual video games instead of Tetris.
- Tenchi Solution: in the game ending, Scott has a harem of Envy, Knives and Kim. But does it make him happy?
- Unreliable Narrator
- What the Hell, Hero?:
Scott: Are you okay now?
Envy: Am I...? You just headbutted my best friend so hard he burst, Scott.
- Scott gets another one with Envy in Volume 6. Becomes more apparent and embarrassing when he breaks it down in front of a thousand quiet fans staring at Envy in awe.
Scott: Envy Adams? Partying with mere mortals?
Envy: *glare*
Scott: Why don't you go back to... to... Montrealhalla.
- Wouldn't Hit a Girl: "What? Is that like a moral high ground or something?"
Ramona Flowers

The heroine of the story. An American who recently moved to Canada. A series of chance encounters leads to Scott asking her out on a date. She has a mysterious past which is slowly uncovered over the course of the series. She dated and dumped six guys (and one girl) and not only did they all turn evil, but they formed a league together and now control her love life by fighting and killing off any potential suitor she starts dating.
- Action Girlfriend
- Bag of Holding: Ramona's purse, elaborately Lampshading the fact that it contains a hammer (+ 2 against girls), a titanium baseball bat (+ 1 against blondes), and even Scott himself. "Capacity: unknown."
- And now, it has been revealed to basically hold Ramona's soul, as well as a giant Gideon Graves, which Scott Pilgrim battles.
- Birds of a Feather: Near the end of volume 6, it's revealed that Ramona spent her time away from Scott pretty much the exact same way he did - by moping, slacking, and sleeping all day. Scott's friends declare them a perfect couple.
- She also has many of the same flaws as Scott, tending to overlook her own mistakes and blaming her failed love life on others.
- Bi the Way: With Roxanne, and is rather more interested in Kim Pine than everybody else.
- Captain Ersatz: of Haruko. The resemblance is uncanny...
- Combat Medic: In the game, she's the only one who can heal all players at once by summoning Knives. Kim can heal, but she can only heal herself.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Drop the Hammer / Batter Up: Her choice of weapons
- Femme Fatale: Parodied.
- Genki Girl: You might think she is one just looking how she runs and her victory pose when you beat an ex.
- Girl of My Dreams: Also parodied.
- Hotblooded Sideburns
- Hypocrite: Lampshaded a few times. She regularly gets angry at Scott for minor transgressions while she has either done or is doing worse. For example, she's a bit miffed at Scott for spending a platonic evening with Lisa, even though that same evening Ramona was hanging out (and making out a little) with one of her exes. She's angry when Scott goes inside her head, even though she regularly has fun teasing him when she goes inside his head. And she freaks out about Scott dating her before breaking things off with Knives, even though she cheated on all or nearly all of her exes.
- Important Haircut: Inverted. If Ramona decides to grow her hair out, there's something going on.
- Kuudere
- Manic Pixie Dream Girl: Parodied, but also deconstructed.
- Mysterious Past
- Phlebotinum Rebel: Her teleportation powers come from Gideon experimenting "the glow" on her, something that traps someone in the emotions of their head. She found a way to travel out of her head and through other people's.
- Portal Network: Convenient for an employee.
- Rollerblade Good: Her preferred method of transportation.
- Schoolgirl Lesbians: Ramona and Roxanne, in the past. "You had a SEXY PHASE?!"
- Stocking Filler: In subspace.
- Tomboyish Sidetails
- Took a Level in Jerkass: In Volume 4.
- Traumatic Haircut: Before leaving Scott at the end of volume 5.
- Vague Age: At first. It's 24.
- Visual Pun: Her Bag of Holding. At the end of volume 6, Gideon destroys it and all her baggage spills all over the floor. She decides not to bother picking it up.
- We Named the Monkey "Jack": Ramona's cat is named Gideon.
- A fact that shocks even Gideon.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: And red, and green, and purple...
Kimberly "Kim" Pine

Drummer of the band Sex Bob-Omb. An ex-girlfriend of Scott's, and his close friend since their high school days. She is usually the lone voice of reason in all the madness going around her. Since said voice of reason usually gets ignored, it doesn't matter all that much.
Years before Scott Pilgrim was created, Bryan Lee O'Malley used the name "Kim Pine" for a very different (or at least much less defined) character in his short-lived comic strip "Style".
- Ass Kicks You: In the game.
- Badass: In the game. Admit it, someone who can obliterate goons with just Armor Piercing Slaps and can beat Gideon Graves with her ass, is pretty badass.
- Bi the Way: Made out with Knives while drunk, and also showed interest in Ramona.
- Upgraded when she calls Knives to assist in the game.
- Damsel in Distress: Kim is found captured by evil-doers two time. They are keeping her trapped, in shackles or otherwise, and waiting for a contender to show up. Although the first time she may not have been captured at all, considering she was dating the guy. Scott is just a famously Unreliable Narrator.
- Given the constant references to video games, it is natural that Scott Pilgrim has to Save the Princess.
- A Day in the Limelight: O'Malley made a short comic about Kim once.
- Deadpan Snarker: Notably in the films, Allison Pill's performance seems to have been influenced in no small part by Tracy Grandstaff.
- Demoted to Extra: a borderline case. Alison Pill still gets main-cast billing, but the character's role is vastly reduced from the comics.
- Elegant Gothic Lolita: One of her stage outfits.
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: While she doesn't hit him, it's her words that finally get Scott to come to terms with himself in Vol 6.
- Grumpy Bear
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Kissing Under the Influence
- Motivational Lie: Cleverly uses one to raise Scott's morale when he's fighting the twins.
- Nice Girl: Yes, she can be snarky, cantankerous and not exactly the happiest person in the world, but, in the inside, she is (probably) the nicest character of the Scott Pilgrim universe, just read towards the end of the fifth volume.
- Put on a Bus: In volume 5.
- Red Headed Heroine
- The Reliable One: While everyone is reliable compared to Scott, she's the most consistent example. Scott even says as much at one point, saying that she's the one who's always there for him. The twins also lampshaded this, and kidnap her because of the fact.
- Slasher Smile: In the game. Give Kim Pine a weapon. Look at how her facial expression (normally bored) changes when she uses it. She has this same expression when stomping a fallen enemy.
- Spit Take/Vomit Indiscretion Shot: In the game, one of her moves involves spitting out something that resembles heavily condensed pure negativity.
- Tsurime Eyes
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: Which seems to be mostly resolved in volume six.
- When She Smiles: Scott gets bonus points in the movie for saying the right things to her.
- White Magician Girl: In the game. Does she have a staff? No, but she substitutes it with drumsticks. She can also heal best and she is one of the only two characters who have a projectile move.
- Will They or Won't They?: Her and Scott.
Stephen Stills

Lead vocalist/guitarist and "the talent" of Sex Bob-Omb, and another close friend of Scott's going back to their college days. He works as a cook at a stir-fry restaurant and is Julie Powers' on-again-off-again-off forever because he's actually gay boyfriend.
- Alliterative Name
- Beard of Sorrow: Not necessarily a beard, but Perma-Stubble. Also, his only known girlfriend and boyfriend is Julie and Joseph. The author even labelled him as kind of emo.
- Beta Couple: First with Julie, then with Kim's gay former roommate Joseph.
- Coming Out Story in the end of book 6; he says he came out of the closet in volume 5.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Full-Name Basis
- Mighty Glacier: In the game.
- No Accounting for Taste: Stephen Stills and Julie have a pretty vitriolic relationship. By book five, they've broken up "for like the fiftieth time!"
- Stephen Stills continues to be an example of this even after he comes out as gay--his new boyfriend Joseph is, if possible, even more bitchy than Julie.
- Not So Stoic: Stephen is fairly laid-back for the most part, but this is punctuated by his various anxiety attacks throughout the series.
- Shoryuken: In the game
- Invisible to Gaydar
- Younger Than They Look: In the second volume, he is revealed to be 22 whereas Scott is 23. In the fourth volume, his 24th birthday happens before Scott's 24th birthday happens... But then again, the story is told in Scott's point of view.
- Your Cheating Heart: His relationship with (or at least interest in) Joseph seems to have started during Volume 4, at a time when he and Julie were still "on."
Wallace Wells

Scott's cool gay roommate. Very snarky and blunt, but usually has Scott's best interests at heart. He serves as Mission Control (or something close to it) for Scott's fight against the League of Evil Exes. Bryan Lee O'Malley claims that Wallace is based on a former real-life roommate of his.
- All Gays Are Promiscuous: "I didn't make up the gay rulebook."
- Alliterative Name
- Barrier Guy: He actually manages to tank for Ramona during the fight with Envy. Because Envy can't hit her as long as Wallace is giving her moral support. Wallace being Wallace, he doesn't seem to notice this at all and leaves to use the bathroom just when Ramona's about to win.
- Bottle Fairy
- Captain Obvious: Wallace is actually helpful most of the time, but once a fight actually starts ... "Scott, watch out! I think that guy might be Gideon!"
- Cynical Mentor: To Scott.
- Fetish: Wallace has a big fetish for guys wearing glasses.
- Non-Action Snarker
- Promotion to Love Interest: Other Scott went from Wallace's friend-who-is-also-gay to his boyfriend in the movie.
- Invisible to Gaydar: And pretty darn gay too.
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
Knives Chau

A 17-year-old-girl who Scott dated on a whim at the start of the series to ease his loneliness. She becomes obsessed with him and assimilates herself into his circle of friends. She ends up sticking around, even after Scott breaks up with her to date Ramona. Oh yeah, and she's a ninja and so is her father.
- Action Girl
- Adorkable
- Assist Character
- Promoted to Unlockable: Has her own DLC.
- Bi the Way: Made out with Kim when they were both drunk. And all the time in the game.
- Catholic School Girls Rule: When Stacey confronts Scott in the movie about the fact he's dating a highschool student, he states it's a Catholic school "with the uniform and everything". In the graphic novel, Stacey shouts the last part instead.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: Hoo boy.
- Dual-Wielding: Her Weapon of Choice is a set of two ... knives.
- Expy: According to O'Malley, of Cho Chang. They are both Asian characters who go out with the main character but aren't part of the Official Couple in the end.
- Femme Fatale: Parodied.
- Genki Girl
- The Glomp: Every time she sees Scott.
- Important Haircut: She dyes her hair when Scott breaks up with her, which turns out bright red.
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Knives claims to be this for Scott.
- In the film she attacked Ramona at the Chaos Theater for breaking Scott's heart. Then told Scott to go after Ramona when everything was said and done.
- Kissing Under the Influence: With Kim.
- Klatchian Coffee: She delivers this in the game when assisting Ramona.
- Knife Nut
- Little Miss Badass
- Memetic Outfit: You'd be hard pressed to not find fanart of her with a scarf, highlights, and sai.
- Metaphorgotten: "You'll always be my Clash at Demonhead."
(Whatever that means.)
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: "What kind of idiot would knowingly date a girl names Knives?"
- No Name Given: Her real first name is never revealed. (Unless that is her real first name, of course.)
- Promoted to Love Interest: To Kim Pine in the game.
- And to Scott in the film, where she's portrayed as a serious love interest instead of a joke like in the comics.
- Running Gag: Knives Chau: 17 years old.
- Shiny Midnight Black: Her hair color.
- Smitten Teenage Girl
- Stalker with a Crush
- Storm of Blades: In the game when Stills summons her.
- Violently Protective Girlfriend
- Waif Fu
- Yandere
- Zettai Ryouiki
(Young) Neil Nordegraf

Stephen Stills' roommate and Sex Bob-Omb's #1 (and only) fan/roadie. He's very quiet and is mostly an observer/commentator on the events of the story. After Scott dumps her, Knives briefly dates Neil because he looks similar to Scott, but they later break up.
- Alliterative Name: His full name is Neil Nordegraf.
- Cloudcuckoolander: In the movie, mainly.
- Demoted to Extra: Slowly begins to fall into the background with each volume, though he regains a bit of prominence when Scott finally takes the "Young" out of his name.
- Mauve Shirt: Arguably he's at least as prominent as anyone else connected to Sex Bob-bomb in the film.
- The Generic Guy
- My Name Is Not Durwood: He never objected much to it, but when he is introduced simply as Neil, with the "young" part dropped, it's the best day of his life.
- Older Than They Look: Supposed to be 20, but looks about as young as Knives.
- Replacement Goldfish: Knives throws herself at him on the rebound from Scott because he looks more-or-less just like him. They break up rather quickly once Knives realizes he's about as far from Scott as you can get personality-wise.
- Took a Level in Jerkass
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: Volume 6: The greatest day of Young Neil's life was when Scott simply called him "Neil". ...Kinda sad, isn't it?
Envy Adams

The world-famous lead singer of the super group The Clash at Demonhead. She is also Scott's old girlfriend from their college days. They were in a band together, they broke up, she joined a new band, she got famous, Scott didn't. She's currently dating her bassist, Todd Ingram. After Scott and Ramona inadvertently kill the other two members of TCaDh, she launches a solo career and signs with Gideon's recording label.
- Adaptation Dye Job: While she's a redhead in the books (the covers, anyway) and the video game, she's a blonde in the movie.
- Alpha Bitch: For a while, but she gets better.
- Anti-Villain: Type I.
- The Chanteuse
- Costume Porn
- Demoted to Extra: In the movie. A lot of her scenes were given to Ramona and Roxie.
- Do Not Call Me Paul
- Empathic Environment: The sky was raining the whole time she was in Toronto and in the game, after she loses, she melts away from a raincloud.
- Evil Diva
- Femme Fatale: Parodied
- Fiery Redhead
- For Massive Damage / Finger-Poke of Doom: The back of her knees. Don't ask how Scott knows this.
- Hannibal Lecture: She gives one to Ramona about how they are Not So Different.
- Heel Face Turn: CLOSURE!
- Also, earlier on she warns Scott that Gideon's going to attack from behind via her opening song.
- Impractically Fancy Outfit: The stage outfit Gideon puts her in. It's one Pimped-Out Dress over another.
- Kick Chick: Her preferred style during her fight with Ramona at Lee's Palace.
- All her major attacks in the game involve high jump kicks.
- Lean and Mean: It's interesting to note that Envy is probably the skinniest character in the series. The way other female characters are drawn would suggest O'Malley has an appreciation for girls with healthy curves and even petite ones like Knives still have very soft, rounded facial features in sharp contrast to Envy's narrow, vulpine looks.
- Master of the Mixed Message: Oh boy howdy is she ever. Even though Envy was the one who dumped Scott, she still continues to send him mixed signals and seems to be jealous of his relationship with Ramona. Possibly justified though since their breakup is told from Scott's perspective, and he completely white washes his own negative traits.
- New Old Flame
- Noble Demon
- OOC Is Serious Business: Much has been made of the sex-on-a-stick voice Brie Larson uses in portraying Envy. She drops it for only one line: right after Scott calls her "Natalie". (Well, two lines, counting Julie's interjection.)
- Peek-a-Bangs
- Personal Raincloud: In the game after she loses and after Todd was destroyed in the comic.
- Rain, Rain, Go Away: Right after she left in the 3rd book, the rain left as well.
- Rich Bitch
- Screw the Rules, I'm Beautiful
- Screw the Rules, I Have Connections
- She's Got Legs
- Start of Darkness: Envy's play out through flashbacks in Vol. 3. It begins with her selling all her Anime paraphernalia and culminates with her asking Scott to start calling her "Envy" rather than Natalie. Then she breaks up with him and turns completely evil, showing the reader the exact moment she crossed the line that she'd been living on the other side of since she first appeared in the comic.
- That Woman Is Dead: Natalie is dead and remains so even after Envy's Heel Face Turn, but Envy is happy that Scott is around to keep her memory alive.
- Tsurime Eyes
- Villain with Good Publicity
- Woman Scorned: For a while.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Grade A.
The League of Evil Exes
Matthew Patel

The first of Ramona's Evil Exes. He went to middle school with Ramona and was the only non-white, non-jock boy her age there. They teamed up and took over the school for a few weeks, and then she left him. He apparently never got over it. Also has mystical powers.
- Camp Straight
- The Evil Sorcerer
- Flunky Boss: Summons Demon Hipster Chicks to the fray.
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- Incoming Ham: In the movie, he very suddenly busts through a wall shouting "MIS-TER PIL-GRIIIIM!" This is the very first time we see an Evil Ex.
- Large Ham: He is MATTHEW PATEL!, Ramona's FIRST... Evil... Ex... boyfriend.
If you wa-a-a-ant to fight me... Ha! You're not the bri-i-i-ightest-ah!
- Leitmotif: Bollywood tunes play when Ramona talks about how she met Matthew, and it's also a buildup for his Villain Song.
- Musical Episode: His fight with Scott is either a Shout-Out to Bollywood dance numbers or Space Channel 5.
- His song in the game could be considered both. That or a Bollywood Chiptune number at the very least. Either way, it's awesome.
- One-Scene Wonder
- Peek-a-Bangs
- Pirate: They're in this year.
- Playing with Fire
- Psychopathic Manchild
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: Precisely why Scott Pilgrim ignores his "threatening" emails.
- Starter Villain
- Summon Backup Dancers: His Demon Hipster Chicks.
- This Cannot Be!
This is impossible! How can this be?
Scott: Open your eyes, and maybe you'll see!
- Token Minority: As the "only non-white, non-jock" in Ramona's middle school, this trope was the only reason she truly bothered with him in the first place. It's also the primary basis for his "mystical powers," according to Ramona herself. Once they overpowered everyone else in their middle school...
- Villain Song: "Slick" in the movie, more or less taken out of his scene in the graphic novel with the Space Channel 5 elements replaced with a Bollywood number.
- Warmup Boss: Word of God claims he was supposed to be rather pathetic, what with his letters and his one sided fight with Scott.
- Not to mention when he bursts into coins the resulting pocket change isn't even enough for the bus ride home. Probably related to the Sorting Algorithm of Weapon Effectiveness.
Lucas Lee

The second Evil Ex. A former pro skate-boarder turned actor. He's in Toronto in Vol 2 to shoot a movie, so he invites Scott down to the set just to kick his ass. Despite being out to kill Scott, he's actually quite a decent guy.
- Alliterative Name
- Anti-Villain: Type IV.
- Beard of Sorrow
- Berserk Button: The gloves come off when Scott calls him a sellout.
- The Brute
- Flunky Boss: In the game, he brings skateboarders into the fray. Specifically so that you can knock them off their boards, allowing him to equip one and become more powerful. In the film, he calls out stunt doubles while he goes to get a cup of coffee.
- Friendly Enemy: To Scott.
- Genius Bruiser
- Jerk Jock: Subverted in the comic. Despite being an "Evil Ex" he's ironically more of Friendly Enemy. Played more or less straight in the movie.
- Jobber: Offers his defeat in exchange for loose change.
- Large Ham: You can tell Chris Evans is having a lot of fun.
"I'm an A-lister brah!"
- My Name Is Not Durwood: Scott keeps getting him and Luke Wilson mixed up. Even after Lucas bites it, he still mistakes Luke Wilson as Lucas Lee.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Lucas Lee is Jason Lee.
- Punch Clock Villain: Lucas Lee is a genuinely nice guy, engages in small talk with the group and even offers Scott some baby carrots and Ritz. Right after throwing him into Casa Loma's tallest tower.[1]
- This changes in the movie since Chris Evans plays him as a hilariously douchey ham, though he also engages in a bit of small talk with Ramona and remarks that Scott "seems nice".
- Self-Disposing Villain: Kills himself taking up a dare to grind a rather gnarly railing.
- Super Strength: Throws Scott five stories straight up into the top of a tower, which is demolished.
- Token Good Teammate: In the comics.
- Took a Level in Jerkass: He becomes less of a nice guy and more of a jerk in the film.
- "Wake-Up Call" Boss: In the game. He has much more health and does more damage to the players with each hit than Matthew Patel, and summons skateboarders who are fast, also do a pretty large amount of damage, block more frequently, and will pick up skateboards (or other weapons) and use reach. Lee himself has a nasty combo attack once he has a skateboard that hits three times. In addition, any time the player is knocked prone there is a good chance anyone on a skateboard will run them over for more damage. However, all of these factors can be mitigated or avoided by players with a better idea of Lee's boss pattern or who have come in with inflated levels.
- Wolfpack Boss: He's content to let his stunt doubles beat Scott to a pulp instead of doing it himself.
Todd Ingram

Ramona's 3rd Evil Ex-Boyfriend
Status: Incorrigible
(Doesn't know the meaning of the word)[2]
Third Evil Ex and and the bass player of the superband The Clash at Demonhead and the current boyfriend of its lead singer Envy Adams. He possesses psychic powers because of his devotion to veganism, but he's not particularly faithful to it... or Envy for that matter.
- Advancing Wall of Doom: He fills this role in the video game.
- Bastard Boyfriend: And that's not because he's an Evil Ex of Ramona. He was cheating on Envy behind her back with their drummer.
- Body Horror: The game carries the Tetsuo references even further with this trope.
- Conditional Powers: Don't keep Vegan? Don't keep your powers.
- Deface of the Moon: He punched two craters in the moon with his Vegan powers, one for Ramona and one for Envy.
- The Dragon: While he is the evil ex of volume 3, Envy is the real villain while Todd acts more as a minion to her, until the climax of the book.
- Evil Counterpart: Less pronounced than Gideon, but like Scott, Todd is a bass player. While Scott once dated Envy and now dates Ramona, Todd once dated Ramona and now dates Envy. Todd is also two-timing Envy, like Scott briefly was with Knives.
- Expy: He's basically a Canadian, vegan Tetsuo.
- Flipping the Bird
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Todd's defeat is caused by a variety of things he has done to himself; however, Scott takes advantage of his vegan weakness in the movie a lot more effectively.
- It Runs on Nonsensoleum: Telekinesis through veganism!
- Jerkass: Really is in the running with Gideon as the biggest douche in the series.
- The Juggernaut
- Karma Houdini: Todd thinks he should be one because in his own words, "I'm a rockstar!"
- Kick the Dog: In the movie, Todd's punching of Knives is definitely this, if not a outright crossing of the MEH.
- 90% of Your Brain: Played for Laughs
- Well, if you knew the science, you'd know he's right.
- Power Glows/Glowing Eyes of Doom
- Psychic Powers: Benefit from being a Vegan
- The Rock Star
- Self-Disposing Villain
- Smug Snake: He just wishes he could do anything and get away with everything. Unfortunately, the Vegan Police proves otherwise
- Smug Straight Edge
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: It's revealed during his Villainous Breakdown that he has parental issues that drove him to veganism.
- Would Hit a Girl: Cause he's a rock-star, losers!
- Your Cheating Heart: He cheats on Envy with Lynette and tries to claim it's Not What It Looks Like, despite having her panties on his head.
Roxanne Richter
[[File:250px-Roxy_1130.png|frame|Roxanne Richter
Ramona's 4th Evil Ex-Boyfriend
Gender: Female]]
The fourth Evil Ex-Boyfriend (actually a girl). She was Ramona's college roommate and dated Ramona as part of a bi-curious "sexy phase" Ramona was going through at the time. She was Ramona's ninja mentor and is actually quite friendly with her despite being a member of the League.
- Alliterative Name
- Berserk Button: Roxie seems pretty sensitive about people doubting her abilities, probably due to only being half-ninja.
- Butch Lesbian: Especially in the movie.
- Character Exaggeration: The movie plays up the Psycho Lesbian aspect of her character, making her openly hostile to both Scott and Ramona, whereas in the comic she's quite friendly with Ramona, even when she's trying to kill Scott.
- The Dark Chick
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: Roxie's defeat is anything but subtle in the movie; she even grits out "You'll never... be able... to do this to her!" and moans in ecstasy before she explodes.
- Dude, Where's My Reward?: Unlike the other Evil Exes, Roxie turns into a bunch of cute woodland animals Sonic the Hedgehog-style as opposed to coins. Scott does gain The Power of Love though, so it's not like he walks away empty-handed. Averted in the game, where the woodland creatures are worth money.
- Excessive Evil Eyeshadow / Facial Markings: She has eye black under her eyes in every scene we see her in in the comic, and may even wear it while she's asleep.
- For Massive Damage: The back of her knees in the movie. In the comics, this was Envy's weak point.
- Friendly Enemy: To Ramona in the comic. Not so much to Scott.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: She is Katara!
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- Half-Human Hybrid: Parodied; Roxie is a "half-ninja".
- Half Ninja
- Ninja Log: Utilized in the game.
- Teleport Spam: Almost constantly. She also teleports away a few times in the movie.
- Only Known By Her Nickname: She is never once referred to as "Roxanne" in the film.
- Psycho Ex-Girlfriend and Psycho Lesbian
- Samus Is a Girl: When menaced by an anonymous black blur in their first fight, Scott simply throws his fist up. Turns out he punched her in the boob, much to his disgust.
- Shout-Out: In the movie and game, she uses a Whip Sword. Now take a moment to remember her surname.
- Single-Stroke Battle
- The Smurfette Principle: The one female Evil Ex, which, in the comic, somehow is able to keep her from dying outright, getting her turned into several cute little animals instead.
- Spell My Name with an "S": "Roxie" in the comic, "Roxy" in the movie.
- Woman Scorned: Particularly in the movie.
Kyle and Ken Katayanagi

Fifth and Sixth Evil Exes. A pair of Japanese twin DJs Ramona dated behind each other's backs. After she dumped them, they banded together to get back at her. They send their home-made robots out to battle Scott throughout Vol 5 before finally fighting him together.
- Alliterative Names
- Death by Looking Up: Movie.
- Dual Boss
- The Evil Geniuses
- Gadgeteer Genius: Mentioned to be award-winning roboticists and siccing robot Mooks on Scott before their actual "boss" fight. In the film, they become Musical Assassins.
- Hannibal Lecture
- Palette Swap: In the game, which is strange, because their boss portrait shows them with different hairstyles and clothes like in the comic.
- Punny Name: K is the eleventh letter in the alphabet. 11 = 5 + 6
- Shout-Out: To Ryu and Ken/Billy and Jimmy Lee.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: In visual appearance. Kyle has white hair while Ken has black, and their outfits are opposite.
- Single-Minded Twins: Deliberately.
- Smug Snake: They are competent, but they still have this kind of demeanor.
- Vacuum Hurricane Kick
- The Voiceless: They become this in the film (losing their backstory and personalities entirely in the process) because their actors didn't speak English. So the whole robot theme is replaced with "amp to amp battle" where their holographic twin dragons fight against Sex Bob-Omb's holographic giant ogre. Whether this is an improvement or not depends on your point of view, but at the very least it's Crowning Music of Awesome.
- It helps that the amp battle was based on the original draft of Volume 5 that the filmmakers were given.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Kyle
Gideon Gordon Graves

Seventh and final Evil Ex and leader of the League of Evil Exes. Gideon is a 30-something entertainment mogul from New York and Ramona was once both his girlfriend and his muse. He formed the League after he posted a drunken rant on Craigslist, and only wants Ramona back to complete his collection of his seven former girlfriends--all of whom have been stored in cryogenic freezing capsules. He is a total asshole.
- Affably Evil: He refers to Scott as buddy, and compliments him on his shirt. Also, when he kills Scott, he buys everyone a drink.
- Alliterative Name
- Big Bad
- Comic Book Fantasy Casting: It's tough to tell from the art style, but evidently the character's look was based in part on actor Jason Schwartzman, who ended up playing him in the film.
- Crazy Prepared: Gideon: "Yes! I had a sword built into Envy's dress in case of emergency! THAT'S JUST THE KIND OF GUY I AM!"
- Early-Bird Cameo: Gideon slips in a cameo (shrouded in shadows) at the end of Volume 3 right after Scott defeats Todd. He also slips in another one in Volume 4 when Scott crashes Ramona's subconscious.
- Evil Counterpart: to Scott.
- Evil Plan: Control Ramona's love life and ultimately use her to complete his collection of ex-girlfriends.
- Evil Is Petty: Along with the above plan, he started all of this simply because Ramaona dumped him when they were dating. The whole "league" only came about because he was drunk at the time and probably didn't even know what he was doing or that he would even be taken seriously.
- Final Boss
- Four Eyes, Zero Soul
- He Who Must Not Be Seen
- Jerkass
- Knight of Cerebus: Most of Scott's enemies (except Lucas) were huge douchebags, but rarely went beyond that line. Gideon was the first and only antagonist who could successfully be called a Complete Monster, particularly when he stabs both Scott and Ramona.
- Large Ham
- Manipulative Bastard: Especially in the movie.
- Meaningful Name: Count the letters in his name. Also, what number does G look like to you?
- Also, his last name is Graves. He ends up managing to kill Scott.
- Not So Different: Indeed, he and Scott aren't very good at relationships.
- Obviously Evil: Gideon Graves: What A Dick!
- One-Winged Angel: Echoing the end of Final Fantasy VI, Gideon transforms into a sixty-foot tall barely-clothed and brutishly muscular version of himself surrounded by his fawning (and brainwashed) ex-girlfriends. Scott literally headbutts him back to normal one page later.
- Played straight in the game, where he transforms into what looks like a cross between Safer Sephiroth and the Tyrant. His lower half is even composed of faces of the other exes.
- Pride: The one difference between him and Scott is that Gideon is too proud to accept being a Bastard Boyfriend, while Scott is willing to change himself for the better.
- Psychopathic Manchild
- Punny Name: Take a wild guess what the 7th letter of the alphabet is.
- Sharp-Dressed Man: Never seen in anything but a suit and tie with vest.
- Smug Snake: He's a manipulative, arrogant, and all-around unlikeable person.
- The Sociopath: Textbook case, as he is highly socially capable, flexible, manipulative, ruthless, sadistic game-playing, superficially charming, self-directed, compassion-deprived, and calculating. Similarly to Scott, he is also mentally walled off, just less blatantly, and quite meticulous, but then so are a large part of sociopaths.
- Villainous Breakdown: In the movie anyway.
- We Can Rule Together: This offer is made by Gideon to Scott, after he finds out that Ramona has left Scott. Granted, he was offering the chance to rule Ramona's future love life, rather than the world, but still...
- Would Hit a Girl
Julie Powers

Stephen's on/off girlfriend and a quasi-main character. Known for her abrasive personality and razor-sharp criticisms of others.
- Alpha Bitch: Sorta. She only hangs around Scott and the others through association with Stephen.
- Cluster F-Bomb: Rather subverted in one scene in the movie where Julie's expletives were bleeped out while her mouth was covered by a black censor box. Scott asks how she did that.
- Death Glare: Her default expression.
- Even Evil Has Standards: For all her complaints, she was quite visibly shocked when seeing Scott die by the hands of Gideon.
- The Friend Nobody Likes: Due to her Alpha Bitch status and being Stephen Stills' girlfriend, the main cast even point this out.
- Jerkass: Though she MIGHT have a Hidden Heart of Gold deep down.
- Meganekko: In the later volumes.
- No Accounting for Taste: She and Stephen have broken up and gotten back together so many times that nobody even questions why they're still dating anymore.
- Satellite Character: Though whose satellite depends on the volume.
- Tsundere Decidedly of the tsun-tsun type.
Stacey Pilgrim

Scott's younger, more mature sister. Rated "T" for Teen. She serves as Scott's moral support when Wallace is nowhere to be found. Works at the Second Cup coffee house and becomes good friends with Ramona. She is based on and shares the same first name as Bryan Lee O'Malley's real-life sister.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Fag Hag: In the 6th level of the video-game she is the only straight background character. Make of that what you will.
- Only Sane Man
- Satellite Character: For Scott.
- Ship Tease: with Neil.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: In the movie.
Mr. Chau

Knives' father. Doesn't take kindly to hearing his daughter was dating a white guy. Serves as a mini-boss/double-blind Stealth Mentor to Scott in Vol 4.
- Absurdly Sharp Blade: Cuts right through a trolley like butter.
- All Asians Know Martial Arts
- Asian Rudeness
- Badass Longcoat
- Determinator: Doubles as a Shout-Out as well.
- Fun with Subtitles: He speaks only in Chinese characters. The other characters aren't privy to the translation subtitles--not even his own daughter.
- This becomes a Bilingual Bonus because what he says to her is not remotely related to the translation given.
- Implacable Man
- Katanas Are Just Better
- Knight Templar Parent
- Late to the Party: He goes after Scott on his daughter's behalf two whole volumes after he broke up with her.
- Overprotective Dad
- Roaming Enemy: He stalks Scott through the entirety of Vol. 4.
- Sinister Shades
- Worthy Opponent: He admits Scott is a decent person ... after he nearly murders him.
- Would Hit a Girl: Attacked Ramona basically for being in the same breathing space as Scott, who later tricks him into attacking Roxy.
Lisa Miller

Another old friend of Scott's from his high school days. They lost contact with he moved away, but they reconnect when she shows up in Vol 4. Years before Scott Pilgrim was created, Bryan Lee O'Malley used the name "Lisa Miller" for a different (or at least much less defined) character in his short-lived comic strip "Style".
- Adaptation Dye Job: Whenever Paul Robertson draws her (i.e. for the game and the six-volume comic box set), she has pale pink hair instead of the blonde O'Malley uses. This could be a reference to Bryan Lee O'Malley's old web comic, Style, where she had pink hair.
- Just Friends
- She's All Grown Up
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: Sadly.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: Averted. Lisa brings it up, but Scott is not willing.
Lynette Guycott

The drummer of The Clash at Demonhead. She largely remains silent and expressionless and lets Envy and Todd do all the talking. She has a bionic arm and is capable of teleportation. Todd is cheating with her behind Envy's back.
- Artificial Limbs
- The Dragon: To Envy.
- Emotionless Girl
- Opaque Lenses: It's subtly implied in the comics that they're just Scary Shiny Glasses, but they're outright reflective lenses in the movie.
- Power Perversion Potential: Think carefully...
- Punny Name: In French, lunettes means glasses.
- The Quiet One
- Stoic Spectacles/Scary Shiny Glasses
- Tele Frag: Envy tears her bionic arm off as she teleports away. Ramona later decides to have it mounted.
- Teleportation
- The Vamp: A short scene in the comic shows her from Todd's P.O.V seducing him to cheat on Envy.
- The Voiceless: Just like the Katayanagi twins, Lynette's character is practically excised from the film in order to focus on the Scott-Ramona-Todd-Envy Love Dodecahedron. She's there in the background, but she gets no lines and her defining moment in the comic (punching the highlights out of Knives' hair) is transferred over to Todd just to up his already sky-high douchebag factor. Once the actual fighting starts she's never seen again.
The Negascott

Scott's dark side, who makes his first appearance in Vol. 4 just before Scott's battle with Roxanne Richter. He makes a second appearance after Ramona goes missing in action, and finally confronts Scott in one of his darker moments in Vol. 6.
- Enemy Without
- Giant Space Flea From Nowhere : In the film version, Negascott comes out of nowhere. Then again...
- Mirror Scare
- Sheathe Your Sword
- Slasher Smile
- Split Personality Merge

One of Kim's roommates when she moves into a new apartment. Quiet and not much of a talker, but is pretty insulting and abrasive when he does talk. Stephen notices he has a home music studio and coaxes Joseph into letting Sex Bob-Omb use it to make a album. Turns out the real reason was because he found Stephen attractive. By Vol 6 the two are officially a couple.
- Closet Key: For Stephen. Slowly becomes obvious over the course of the series. Joseph himself is openly gay.
- The Engineer
- Evil Counterpart: For Wallace.
- Jerkass: He's usually pissed off looking all the time and described as the insensitive one, notably his expression remained unchanged when Scott and later Ramona were killed by Gideon.
- No Accounting for Taste: Might as well be a male version of Julie.
- Though general consensus is, he's really much more of a bitch.
- Sorry I Left the BGM On: It turns out he's responsible for all the broadcasting music going on in the game except for in the Katayanagis' lair and places like Leo's Place and Chaos Theater.
- Invisible to Gaydar
Michael Comeau

A mutual friend of everyone (even you). He usually turns up once every other book, sometimes just in the background. Based on and named after an artist friend of the author's.
- Artifact of Death: He has a freaky skull ring that came "from the future" and it whispers Scott's name as he shows it off to him. It's implied to be Made of Evil, but it's never followed up on.
- A Day in the Limelight: One of the extra-canonical guest comics is devoted entirely to him.
- Hey, It's That Guy!
- Lampshade Hanging/Self-Deprecation: Scott runs past him in The Movie and overhears him talking about how "the comic book was much better than the movie".
- Mauve Shirt
- One-Scene Wonder
Tamara Chen
Knives's best friend, and when you get right down to it her only friend. Usually turns up whenever Knives has to angst about her love for Scott.
- Not So Different: At the Chaos Theatre, she seems to have become just as eager and wild about music as Knives has.
- Only Sane Man
- Satellite Character: For Knives.
- ↑ He's actually considered evil because he's a sellout.
- ↑ (He really doesn't)