< Scarface (1983 film)

Scarface (1983 film)/YMMV

  • Adaptation Displacement - The 1983 version is more popularly well-known than the 1932 original.
  • Complete Monster - Sosa and Hector!
  • Darkness-Induced Audience Apathy: The movie have a problem invoking the second part of this trope. There is no point getting emotionally attached to any of the people in this movie, since it is a dark representation of the rise and fall of the drug kingpin.
  • Ear Worm - Several, noticeably Push It To The Limit.
  • Family-Unfriendly Aesop - Tony dies because he refuses to harm children, to the point of killing a hitman who's about to blow up a whole family. On the other hand, if Tony hadn't agreed to help kill an innocent man (which he said he would never do), he wouldn't be in that situation in the first place. "Betraying your principles leads to terrible choices" is a much more friendly Aesop.
  • Fan Disservice - As a large group of heavily armed men sent by Sosa slowly surround Tony's villa, Gina shows up in front of Tony, nearly naked wearing only panties and a bathrobe, and confronts Tony with extreme hate, no longer willing to live and wanting him dead, too.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight - A number of times, Tony and Manny use the phrase "talk to Frank". To a British viewer, Talk To Frank is the name of a government-backed drugs advice service - not exactly what you'd expect two aspiring drug kingpins to get their information from.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Tony Montana himself, very arguably.
  • Large Ham - Tony.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Tony.
  • Memetic Mutation - Say hello to my little friend!
  • Misaimed Fandom - The film is extremely popular among a certain audience, who idolize Tony and seem to ignore all of his various, and sometimes creepy, flaws.
  • Moral Event Horizon - Sosa's hitman crosses it when he insists on killing Gutierrez by blowing up his car even though he knows damn well that Gutierrez's wife and kids are also in the car.
  • Narm -
    • How Tony's possessiveness is portrayed. Maybe.
    • Anyone from South Florida can tell you that Al Pacino has one of the worst "Cuban" accents ever.
    • Also the gigantic pile of cocaine on his desk, after Tony kills his best friend for marrying Gina. Here you are, nearly teary eyed from the very poignant scene right before, and then you have to snap out of it to crack up.
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