< Scarface (1983 film)

Scarface (1983 film)/Headscratchers

  • Sosa called Tony to drive a car bomb expert around New York to take out the man putting the dealers' collective balls to the fire. Coupla different problems with that:
    1. A car bomb only works if you're trying to send a message, which is why its favoured by guerrillas. If you're trying to take out one guy to shut him up, a sniper rifle's a far better choice. Alternatively, they could have paid someone to shoot the guy, while they were watching him walk from his car to his hotel.
    2. Tony's a highly skilled drug dealer who has a problem harming innocent civilians. Why would you get him to do it, and not just pay some random guy $2000 to do it? And for that matter, why not just find an English speaker who knew his way around an explosive charge and a remote control? The job didn't exactly require a great deal of specialisation.
    3. Tony's explosively violent and as high as a kite 24/7. Why on earth would Sosa give him such a delicate job?
    • The cartel is trying to send a message. If they just shot him, what was to say there wouldn't be a dozen more guys just like him trying to take them down the very next day? You can't hire "some random guy" to do a hit. It had to be someone within the organization. Otherwise then you would have to end up killing him as well, to make sure he didn't talk. Tony was selected for the job because Sosa wanted to know that Tony could be controlled, and would fall into order.
      • Assuming Tony can do that, which he doesn't, and everyone gets fucked over. Sosa less than others, though. Still, there's really no reason Tony specifically has to do it, and the deal is overwhelmingly in Tony's favor if he does. If anyone else who speaks English and is in Sosa's organization does it, the job gets done. All Sosa gained from asking Tony was keeping a trading partner out of jail for 3 years, and even then, he has to call in favors to do so.
  • How the hell did Sosa get that many gunmen to Tony's mansion at the end without anyone noticing? There must have been almost a hundred of them, and they presumably came in less than two days after the botched bombing. How did Sosa get that many men from Bolivia and Miami with their guns and with no one noticing something off? How did they even expect to get away before the police came a knockin' with the kind of noise they were making?
    • A private plane, perhaps? Convoy? Ship? There are plenty of possibilities. As for the last question, Tony lives in a heavily guarded private compound in a fairly remote area. It's entirely possible that if there are any cops around at all they've either been bought off or have learned to adopt a "Just leave things alone unless they spill out of the compound into the larger area" mindset.

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