Sasami: Magical Girls Club
Re-imagining of the 1996 Affectionate Parody Pretty Sammy series as a 2006 cookie-cutter Magical Girl Anime of the Cute Witch variety. Sasami Iwakura is a young girl with magical powers of a telekinetic type that her parents forbid her from using. This has lead to her feeling isolated due to a belief of herself as some sort of freak. One day, she goes to the newly formed cooking club headed by Washu, a rather eccentric teacher that starts the club off by faking an attempt to kill her pet. After some hilarity, it turns out that the cooking club is a front for the magical girls club, with Sasami and Misao as the first members. Through this club, they meet more awakening magical girls and discover a Masquerade involving a magical world.
This show manages the impressive feat of applying a Lighter and Softer tone to a pseudo-series that was already pretty light and soft to begin with. In this case, it cut the Refuge in Audacity style of parody in favor of more Fantastic Comedy Dom Com style. Washu still has some shades of her pseudo-Ax Crazy characterization, but it gets considerably toned down after her introduction. Because of this, the series most likely won't appeal to people that were expecting a continuation of the parody style, but for those that want a magical girl show of the more traditional kind, this is as good as any.
- Alternate Continuity: To Tenchi Muyo!.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Misao, at the end of the series.
- Butterfly of Death and Rebirth: Some butterflies of impending doom feature in the final events of the series.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: Anri.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Amitav.
- Darker and Edgier: The second season (compared to the first season, at least).
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: Amitav.
- Emotionless Girl: Tsukasa.
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": The Chief Sorceress is only ever called by her title.
- Evil Costume Switch: Misao gets a cleavage-tastic outfit when she gets possessed by Keura.
- Expy: Sasami, Misao, Washu, and Mihoshi.
- Favouritism Flip Flop: Anri.
- Fiery Redhead: Washu
- Gag Dub: FUNi's english dub hits close to this.
- Gainaxing: Itoki.
- Genki Girl: Sasami.
- Girlish Pigtails: Sasami and Anri, to emphasize their Genki Girl and Clingy Jealous Girl traits respectively.
- Hair Antennae: Anri.
- Idiot Hair: Makoto has three idiot hairs going off in unsymmetrical directions.
- In Name Only: Sasami and Washu. By contrast, Mihoshi is relatively intact since stupidity was her only real defining trait by this time anyway.
- Late for School: Mihoshi (the teacher) in the first episode.
- Les Yay: At least in Anri's mind towards Tsukasa.
- At one point, Anri makes a sign appear over her head that reads "For Tsukasa-sama's exclusive use" with an arrow pointing towards herself. And of course she makes sure that Tsukasa sees it right away.
- Also Misao and Sasami have these vibes.
- Love Triangle: Misao loves Monta, Monta loves Sasami, and Sasami loves Amitav.
- The Masquerade
- Motivation on a Stick: While riding on a cart pulled by an ox-like creature, Anri complains about how slow it is, so Washu pulls out an "Acceleration Device" that turns out to be a bundle of hay hanging from a stick. The ox takes off like a rocket and catches the hay once they reach their destination, with the quick stop flinging everyone out of the cart.
- The Napoleon: Makoto is very short and very cranky about it.
- Nosebleed: Anri has one when she sees a doodle of herself and Tsukasa under an Umbrella of Togetherness.
- Otaku O'Clock
- Panty Shot: In the first episode, Mihoshi forgets to put on a skirt in her Late for School rush.
- Parent Service: Itoki (that is, if the show even was aimed at kids).
- Reverse Mole: Itoki.
- Schoolgirl Lesbians: Anri, towards Tsukasa.
- Shrinking Violet: Misao.
- Shy Blue-Haired Girl: Misao.
- The Stoic: Tsukasa.
- Take That: To other Magical Girl Anime from the get go in the dub. "I'm not telling you to whore it up like high school girls
- What Happened to the Mouse?: In the final episode, it isn't clear if Keura absorbing the Chief Sorceress' "evil energy" killed the Chief Sorceress or not.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Amitav
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: And pink hair and sea green hair and yellow-green hair.