< Samson and Sally
Samson and Sally/YMMV
- Anvilicious: The Green Aesop of this movie is NOT subtle
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: whenever a killer whale gets beaten by a bigger whale.
- Crowning Music of Awesome: The slow jam that plays as Samson swims around the sunken New York ruins.
- Fridge Logic: So, the environment is destroyed to the point that part of the ocean is on fire and whole cities have sunk into the ocean. What does mankind decide to do? Go whaling! Could be Fridge Brilliance if most of the land animals are killed off and whales are one of the last sources of food, but then you see that we still have Polar Bears, animals that are in danger of extinction now.
- Also, how is Moby Dick still alive? This movie takes place in the future. how far is up to debate, but New York looks like its been under for a while. And he would have been well over a hundred even in modern times!
- There have been cases of live whales found with antique, 200 year old harpoons lodged in them. They can last for quite a while, although his longevity is indeed improbable.
- Also, how is Moby Dick still alive? This movie takes place in the future. how far is up to debate, but New York looks like its been under for a while. And he would have been well over a hundred even in modern times!
- High Octane Nightmare Fuel: The Killer Whales. It doesn't help that they more resemble malevolent torpedos than whales.
- Take That: The animator Jannik Hastrup depicts a sunken New York City in this film. With a look at a previous work, it was something against the United States.
- Tear Jerker: the death of Sampson's mother, although the over all lack of importance it has in the story might dampen it.
- The smiling whale even moreso. It's all in the sad look Sampson gives when he realizes what has happened
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