Samson and Sally

A mildly obscure movie, animated in Denmark in 1984, Samson and Sally is a Coming of Age Story centering around a young white whale named Samson. He and his herd live their lives in the Arctic Ocean, eating octopuses, hiding from the Iron Beasts (whaling ships) who hunt them, and dealing with the destruction that mankind wreaks on their ocean. Shortly after a run-in with one Iron Beast, the herd comes across an orphaned whale named Sally, who they take in. The two young whales grow closer, eventually leading to a "Falling in Love" Montage. Shortly afterwards, Samson leaves the herd to search for his hero, the legendary white whale, Moby Dick.

Tropes used in Samson and Sally include:
  • After the End: It's implied throughout the movie that mankind is on its last leg and has stopped trying to protect the environment.
  • Angst? What Angst?: Sally watched her parents die, as well as some of her friends, but she seems none the worse for wear. This could arguably apply to Sampson.
  • All Myths Are True: Though they might not be quite how they're described. Moby Dick is an old, decrepit whale, living in Atlantis, which is apparently a sunken New York City.
  • Babies Ever After: The last scene of the movie shows adult Samson and Sally defending their baby from killer whales.
  • Badass Boast: Sampson claims to be able to destroy an iron beast with a single strike from his tail.
  • Big Dancing Walrus Moment: A pair of walruses put on a dance routine around a broken down oilrig, and end up getting radiation sickness. Never mentioned ever again.
    • Weirdly enough, considering the tone of the movie, doubles as an Ear Worm
  • Bittersweet Ending
  • Coming of Age Story
  • Does Not Like Spam: Initially, Samson hates eating octopuses. It ends up being a phase, though.
  • "Falling in Love" Montage
  • Green Aesop: It's pretty apparent. Along with the usual 'save the whales' aesop, we get one about the environment.
  • Humans Are the Real Monsters: Over the movie, the whales have to deal with two oil spills, radiation dumping, and whalers.
  • Humans Are Cthulhu: They're also one of the only things that can kill a whale.
  • Humans Are Morons: As said by Moby Dick, "Mankind is not vicious, mankind is stupid!"
  • Let's Meet the Meat: During the Non Sequitur Scene]], one of the walruses comes across a can of sardines, who dance down his arm and dive into his mouth.
  • Mood Whiplash: Samsom's mother death is juxtaposed directly with Samson and Sally's "Falling in Love" Montage.
  • No Name Given: Samson, Sally, and Moby Dick are the only characters whose names are mentioned.
  • Parental Abandonment: Both of Sally's parents are dead before the movie begins, and Samson's mother dies in the movie.
  • Plucky Comic Relief: The Seagull, also a Deadpan Snarker
  • Ruins of the Modern Age: a sunken New York City. Doubles as scenery porn.
  • She's A Man In English: In the English dub, Samson's mother is given a deep, clearly male voice in her first scenes. This effectively turns her into a new, unnamed character whose relation to Samson is uncertain.
  • Spaghetti Kiss: Done with an octopus tentacle
  • Underwater Ruins: Atlantis, a.k.a. a Sunken New York
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