Sakura Samurai

Sakura Samurai: Art of the Sword is an action-adventure game developed by Grounding Inc. and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo 3DS's eshop.
In a feudal Japan, where bloomed many Sakura trees and in one lived Princess Cherry Blossom, who was beloved by all in the kingdom. They all people lived happily until one day, a demon captured the princess and the Sakura trees stopped blooming, eventually the princess was forgotten, except by a lonely Kappa, who still grieves over the lost princess waiting for a samurai to come and save the princess. Enter the player, a young samurai. who has heard the call from the kappa and with your trusty sword, that's imbued with sakura energy, set forth to reclaim the princess from the monster! On his quest, the Sakura Samurai must fight against the demon's blade-wielding henchmen and save the day.
- Adapted Out: The whole world forgotten about Princess Cherry Blossom's existence. It made sense, since she was kidnapped by an evil entity.
- Unless, you're the Kappa.
- The Boss Is About to Stab You: Every boss cinematic ends with the baddies pointing their weapon directly at the camera.
- Breakable Weapons: Though your sword won't break, it does dull without maintenance.
- The Call
- Cherry Blossoms: Everywhere. That's the reason why it's called 'Sakura' Samurai.
- Cool Mask: The oni mask that the demon wears.
- Copy and Paste Environments: It IS a downloadable game though.
- Counter Attack: The game revolves around this. The player has to stick and move according to the foe's telegraphs. As the game progresses, they get faster and later on, mixes things up. So Hacking and slashing willy nilly is a quicker way to lose.
- Counter Attack: The game primarily revolves around this.
- Cracking Up: A few of the Kappa's Idle Animation.
- Damsel in Distress: Princess Cherry Blossom.
- Divine Parentage: The Princess's dad is actually the Cherry Blossom god.
- Flower Motif
- Hyperactive Metabolism: Rice cakes.
- Iaijutsu Practitioner: You, the player.
- Impossible Item Drop: When you defeat foes, they drop coins for you to use.
- Katanas Are Just Better: Way better.
- Life Meter: The heart shape sakura petal life bar.
- Light Is Good: Princess Cherry Blossom is the Princess of Light.
- Meaningful Rename: After the samurai completes his training, the Kappa renames him as the "Sakura Samurai" (Or "Hana Samurai").
- Mentor Mascot: The Kappa.
- Mook: The blade-wielding henchmen.
- New Game+: After beating the final boss, Expert mode is unlocked.
- No Name Given: The samurai hero is nameless.
- No Export for You: If one wants to play this game, they need a Nintendo 3DS.
- Even this game's cameo in Super Smash Bros for the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U are exclusively on the 3DS version of the game.
- Samurai: You. The player character.
- Save the Princess: The whole point of the game.
- Short Title: Long Elaborate Subtitle: Sakura Samurai: Art of the Sword
- Only the Pure of Heart: For one to do this quest this trope is needed, according to the Kappa.
- Pure of Heart: Both the Princess and the samurai hero.
- Purple Is the New Black: The demon wears purple and is downright evil.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: The Kappa.
- Trauma Inn
- Variable Mix: A bit. Perfectly landing hits in a battle will make the music more intense briefly and moving the world map around gives the music an upbeat synth layer.
- Youkai: Natch'.