Narrative Poem

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    The wind was a torrent of darkness among the gusty trees,

    The moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas,

    The road was a ribbon of moonlight over the purple moor,

    And the highwayman came riding--


    The highwayman came riding, up to the old inn-door.

    Alfred Noyes, "The Highwayman"

    Simply put, a narrative poem is a poem that tells a story. This format is Older Than Dirt—in fact, it may even predate prose. Such poems were popular in ye olden dayes, as the rhymes, rhythms, and alliteration helped the storyteller remember how the story went.

    Narrative poems started to decline in popularity with the advent of writing, as it was not quite so necessary to learn stories off by heart when they are written down. However, they persisted in popularity for several hundred years, as the majority of people were illiterate for much of human history.

    Nowadays, narrative poems are rarely written.

    Subtypes of narrative poetry include:

    • A narrative poem that meets the criteria of an epic is an epic poem.
    • A shorter narrative poem that uses stanzas is a ballad (especially if it is set to music)
    • A Novel written in verse is a verse novel.

    Subgroups of ballads that have their own page on this wiki are the Murder Ballad and the Morality Ballad. For a related format, see Rock Opera.

    Examples of Narrative Poem include:

    Epic poems (including genre parodies)

    Verse novel

    • Eugene Onegin, a Russian novel by Alexander Pushkin
    • Pan Tadeusz by Adam Mickiewicz
    • The Golden Gate, a modern novel written in Pushkin sonnets by Vikram Seth.
    • Zorgamazoo, a modern novel written entirely in rhyme by Robert Paul Weston.
    • Impulse and Identical, Young Adult verse novels by Ellen Hopkins.

    Other (includes ballads)

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