Sad Panda Q&A
I beliiiiieeeeeve in Sad Panda Q&A!—Coldguy
Five minutes in and logic's already abandoned us. We're getting better!—Welshy, episode 9
Sad Panda Q&A is a strange show hosted by Channel Awesome contributor and YouTube account holder Welshy and That Guy With The Glasses music producer Sad Panda. Any claims that this series actually answers questions are quite false.
The show is hosted by TGWTG, and supposedly viewers can send Sad panda questions, which are then asked by Welshy. While he tries to get Panda to give at least one straight answer every episode, he usually fails after being blocked out by assorted madness such as cameos, flashbacks, insulting Cferra, subtitles, warning signs, and commercial breaks. Needless to say it has a very light grasp on continuity and one certainly shouldn't go there hoping to learn something about Panda.
For Panda's other but equally bizzare show, see Forget About It.
- Absurdity Ascendant
- Acting for Two: Panda and the French Person. Deconstructed when French Person believes he's independent, but Panda can control him with his mind. He then makes the French Person slam his penis in a drawer.
Panda: I'm sure that will hurt me later.
- The Answering Machine Knew One Of Your Shoes Is United
- Blatant Lies: Show up often in every video. Mainly episode 8, which is also a blatant lie itself. They put lies inside another lie.
- Borrowed Catchphrase: Panda tries to borrow The Nostalgia Critic's in episode 2. He nearly gets shot for it.
- Bottle Fairy: Welshy
- Butt Monkey: Panda. And also Cferra on occasion.
- The Cameo: Lots of reviewers (both on and off the site) drop in to ask questions, comment, or just be plain weird.
- Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys:
Smarty: Panda, you stay here. And put that white flag down, dammit!
- Content Warnings: One is voiced by Welshy and is sentient. And once held Panda hostage.
- Cool Shades: Worn by Panda, Welshy, and Linkara in episode 9.
- Creepy Monotone: When Welshy obeys Panda after being given a mind-control drug.
- Death Is a Slap on The Wrist: Welshy has died at least three times, twice in one episode, and once came back as a ghost.
- Death Is Dramatic: Smarty in the Halo version of the show's origin story.
- Department of Redundancy Department
Welshy: The crack seems to be linked to Magfest. Where there will be video games, booze, music, booze, and scantily clad women wearing very little.
- Distracted by the Sexy: When Welshy regenerates as Obscurus Lupa in episode 10, Skitch has to try hard not to stare.
- Does Not Like Women: He believes they are hellspawn. When The Cat appeared on his show, he tried to shoo her away with a broom.
- Dramatic Thunder: Starts off episode 6.
- Driven to Suicide: A tree.
- Evil Laugh: ChaosD1 gives us a powerful one in his first appearance.
- Flame War: Between the two in a four-video arc that ends with them going to MAGfest.
- Freeze-Frame Bonus: In episode 5, an image of The Cat flashes briefly when they are explaining the budget cuts due to a cameo demanding lots of money.
- French Jerk
- Fun with Subtitles: Every episode, most notably episode 5, where they describe everything that is happening in the first few minutes before they piss off Welshy and he shoots them.
- Go Look At the Distraction: To keep Panda from pointing out that the new theme song is from Power Rangers.
Welshy: Look over there! It's a happy Panda!
Panda: Really? *leaves and returns with a panda puppet*...Now what was I saying?
Welshy: You were going to send me some money.
Welshy: Sorry. Sorry, sorry, but I just don't apologize.
- Insult Backfire: In episode 6, Panda doesn't want to talk to Welshy, so he mutes him and plays the Power Rangers theme with lyrics changed to "Welshy is a douche bag!". Welshy shrugs and dances along.
- Jizz in My Pants: Panda while talking about Olivia Wilde.
- Large Ham: "I beliiiiieeeeeve in Panda Q&A!"
- Large Ham Announcer: Skitch does several announcer segments for the show. In episode 9, The Cinema Snob does it and the two get in a fight.
- Literal-Minded: When asked how he writes his songs, he holds up a sheet of paper with the words "A Song" written on it. He also thinks The Cat is an actual cat, telling her to chase a ball of yarn and shooing her away with a broom.
- Lost Episode: Episode 8.
- Makes Just as Much Sense in Context: Which is to say, not much.
- Mind Screw: On many occasions.
- Multiple Choice Past: Episode 4 tells how Welshy came to work for Sad Panda, with several different stories being told by various people.
- Non-Indicative Name: Very rarely will they actually answer questions.
- Offscreen Teleportation: Panda uses it to kill NollUK, who lives in the states.
Welshy: I'm just wondering how you traveled so fast.
Panda: I use Sony Vegas!
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Welshy towards Panda.
- Painting the Fourth Wall: Actors interact with the elements of the show occasionally, like smacking away video clips and getting pushed back by captions. One Running Gag features English Subtitles making fun of Welshy and Panda, and usually have to be shooed off with a Sonic Screwdriver. There was a also a Warning Sign claiming that the show was going to become more serious, but it was beaten up by Welshy. Then it held Panda hostage in episode 7, before Welshy shot it.
- Poorly-Disguised Pilot: For the Rap Critic's "Worst Lyric of the [time frame]".
- Rashomon Style: Episode 4 has multiple retellings from the Sad Panda, Welshy and Smarty as to how the show first started.
- Retraux: The silent-movie version of Panda getting Welshy involved in the series in episode 4.
- The Reveal: The person behind the English Subtitles is Film Brain.
- Running Gag: Welshy getting silenced by guests.
- Self-Deprecation: They tend to insult themselves. A lot.
Panda: Feel free to insult me at this email address.
- Shameless Self Promoter: Anthony Ragusa invokes by promoting his show five times in one episode.
Anthony: I just wanted the biggest shameless plug...ever.
- Shoe Phone: Panda's phone is an Xbox360. Apparently you can use a Play Station 3 as well.
- Sliding Scale of Silliness Versus Seriousness: Firmly on the silly end.
- Small Reference Pools:
ProfessorCelluloid: Redheads are ze best people in ze world! Like Ron Howard! And...Ron Howard!
- Sound Effect Bleep:
GoochOveractor's entire rant against Panda. - Stalker with a Crush: Panda towards Benzaie.
- Tagalong Reporter: Circle Guy.
- Take That/Take That Me: Multiple against both the French and the Welsh.
- Theme Tune Cameo: The ending theme from Zero Punctuation plays at the end of episode 8.
- To the Bat Noun:
Cferra: Something awful/awesome just happened. To the wiki!
- Translation: "Yes": During the silent-movie part of episode 4, Welshy goes on what is obviously an angry rant; the title card afterwards reads "Sounds great! I'm in."
- The Un-Reveal: Panda reveals how he actually writes a song in episode 2...while muted.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Panda and Welshy.
- Waxing Lyrical:
Welshy: What is love?
Panda: Baby don't hurt me. Don't hurt me. No more.
- We Meet Again: ChaosD1 claims this when he sees Panda. Turns out it's the first time they met.
ChaosD1: Really? I swear I thought we had a feud or something.
- We Will Meet Again: Panda thinks they should do this.
- Widget Series
- Word Salad Lyrics:
It's fun to answer questions by giving answers.
I don't have a theme song,
so I say everything that come out of my head:
Blimp, sausages, prostitute, propeller, fork, questions!
- Your Mom: Done by Panda to Welshy. Completely unprovoked and at random.
I beliiiiieeeeeve!