Introduced in SSX
Mac Fraser
- The Casanova: According to his bio in SSX 2012, he is a ladies man.
- Flanderization: Originally, he was just The Kid, but in Tricky, he evolved into Pretty Fly for a White Guy.
- In the Hood: His main outfit in SSX 2012 consists of ski jackets with the hood up.
- The Kid: Before Griff came along, Mac was the youngest competitor on the circuit.
- Pretty Fly for a White Guy: What he became in Tricky after his Flanderization.
- Putting the Band Back Together: Along with Zoe, Mac is one of the former borders who formed the new world tour in SSX 2012.
- Weak but Skilled: He's got plenty of skill when it comes to tricks, but he gets smacked around quite a bit.
Moby Jones
- Badass
- Flanderization: Originally, he was just the risk-taker. Tricky made him a full-on Badass.
- Jack of All Stats: He's around average in all stats, and he has a board which helps in races and freestyle events.
- Knight in Shining Armor: What some of his costume options in 3 add up to.
- Patriotic Fervor: Wearing a Flag on Your Head is second nature when you're Moby. The Union Jack's gone pretty much everywhere on his outfit at some point, including his board.
- Put on a Bus: In On Tour, but he's mentioned in the ending. The Bus Came Back for Blur, but his trademark dreadlocks didn't.
- The dreads were apparently on a different bus, because they returned in the latest game.
- Scary Black Man: He's pretty intimidating in appearance.
- Stripperiffic: A male example; he could ride shirtless in 3. Averted in Tricky, where he was the only one wearing full snowboarding gear.
- Swedes Love Moby Jones
Elise Riggs
- Alpha Bitch
- Bare Your Midriff: Starting with Tricky.
- Canada, Eh?
- Flanderization: She became more of a Hot Amazon with Tricky.
- Hot Amazon
- Ms. Fanservice
- She's Got Legs
- Stripperiffic: Win some events in 3 and she'll be riding in a bikini!
Kaori Nishidake
- Berserk Button: Intentional thuggery in a competition does NOT sit well with Kaori.
- The Cutie
- Dye Hard: She has a pink streak in her hair in SSX 2012.
- Genki Girl: So much so that she was one of the few characters who wasn't Flanderized for Tricky; she didn't have to be.
- Gratuitous English: Largely averted; she only speaks English in the character selection screen.
- Either played straight or zig-zagged in On Tour, depending on whether her voice actress in that game is really Japanese or someone faking an accent.
Jurgen Angermann
- Bald of Awesome
- Mighty Glacier: He's got the best starting stability stat, but he's not exactly fast.
- Put on a Bus: He only ever appeared as a cheat character in 3 after the original game.
Zoe Payne
- Action Girl: Her favorite reading? SAS survival training. No, not a required read for what she goes through, her fave.
- Badass: Hell yeah.
- Bare Your Midriff: Her primary form of Fan Service.
- Fetish Fuel Station Attendant: Ace snowboard, surf and motorcross champion? She grinds a mid air helicopter in her first trick event, check. Action Girl? She enjoys SAS survival training, check. Hot Amazon? She could play Shepard, and not only would she do it but closely match her awesomeness, check.
- Going Commando: One question during an interview is whether she prefers boxers or briefs. Her reply and love for special forces makes it easy to guess.
- The Hero: In SSX 2012, she leads the team in their quest to go down all nine Deadly Descents.
- Hot Amazon
- Jack of All Stats: And she's close friends with Moby, the other character of this franchise with average stats.
- Putting the Band Back Together: Co-founder of SSX and was the one who started the idea in SSX 2012
- Tomboy
JP Aresnault
- Blond Guys Are Evil, but then they decide that You Gotta Have Blue Hair.
- Flanderization: Went from stylish to full-on egotist in Tricky.
- French Jerk
- Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: He's a Jerkass with a fragile ego who puts on a Jerkass Facade to hide it. How's that for a Mind Screw?
- Put on a Bus: He wasn't a standalone character between Tricky and Blur.
- Small Name, Big Ego
Hiro Karamatsu
- Fragile Speedster: He's a naturally speedy guy who's the only one to mainly have the Alpine board type, which plays to speed and acceleration. However, his stability and tricks aren't so good.
- Put on a Bus: He had a similar situation to Jurgen after the original.
Introduced in SSX Tricky
A lot of the characters in this batch were Put on a Bus; some of them only appeared as standalone characters in this game. We won't list it in these sections unless it isn't played straight.
Eddie Wachowski
- Disco Dan
- Fun Personified: Dancing around and doing snow angels?
- Fragile Speedster: And he's a Freestyle rider, which is normally the worst type of board for racers (but best for tricks).
- The Kid: He's nicknamed this because he acts younger than his nineteen years.
- New Age Retro Hippie: Eddie's theme in SSX 2012.
- The Bus Came Back: Eddie is coming back to SSX 2012.
Brodi Case
- Mr. Fanservice
- Surfer Dude
- Technical Pacifist: He may be a peaceful guy, but that doesn't stop you from punching everybody around when you play as him. Of course, it'd be Out of Character for him to do that.
Marisol Diez Delgado
- Bare Your Midriff
- Innocent Fanservice Girl: All she really wants is to party, windsurf and snowboard. She's so wrapped up in it that she's kind of unaware of her attractiveness.
- Ms. Fanservice: The most blatant one in the series.
- Spicy Latina
- Stripperiffic
- Woman Scorned: She got dumped by JP and she wants to beat him thoroughly on the course where they both met and broke up.
Psymon Stark
- Ax Crazy
- Canada, Eh?: "SASKATOON!!!"
- Cloudcuckoolander: He talks to his TATTOOS!
- Ensemble Darkhorse
- I Meant to Do That: One of his reactions to taking a hit.
- Large Ham
- Not What I Signed on For: Apparently, the reason why Psymon left the tour in the first place and why he was so reluctant to signing back up on the team was because he was sick of the sponsorship and corporate dealings.
- The Pig Pen: Kaori comments on his lack of hygiene in Tricky.
Kaori: Psymon, you need a bath!
- Put on a Bus: He's the ONLY one of the characters introduced in this game who averted this. In fact, he shows up in all three games to come after Tricky.
Seeiah Owens
- Bald of Awesome
- Christmas Cake: She's exactly 25 years old.
- Disco Dan: A female example.
- Genki Girl
- Hey, It's That Voice!: She's voiced by Macy Gray.
- Sassy Black Woman
- Shout-Out: Her Master-rank board is called the Funky Drummer.
Luther-Dwayne Grady
- The Brute: To JP, though JP's no Big Bad.
- Cowboy: He's not a full-on Wild West guy, but he's got some of this trope.
- Eighties Hair: Wears a mullet.
- Fat Bastard
- Hey, It's That Voice!: He's voiced by Oliver Platt.
- Lightning Bruiser: What he can become if you distribute your EXP right.
- Mighty Glacier: Big and slow, but when the time comes to punch people, he can more than dish it out.
- Younger Than They Look: He doesn't exactly look 22.
Introduced in SSX 3
Griff Simmons
- The Ace:And damn knowledgeable of it
- Black Sheep: According to him, he was.
- Blonde Guys Are Evil: Or at least bratty and whiny as all hell.
- Card-Carrying Villain: Takes solace in the fact that he is the enemy of SSX '12
- Child Prodigy
- Jerk Justifications: Griff's reasons for being an asshole in SSX 2012 are a mixture of type two and type three.
- The Kid: Currently is the youngest to ever compete in SSX. Beating out Mac.
- Rival Turned Evil: He was rivals with Zoe earlier, but in SSX 2012, Zoe and Griff are arch-nemeses.
- Took a Level in Jerkass: Griff, in SSX 2012, is no longer that hyper active kid that couldn't even sit straight.
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid: SSX '12 is invoking this trope to the max.
Allegra Sauvegess
Viggo Rollig
- Not Even Bothering with the Accent: His character profile says he's from Sweden. You wouldn't know it from the way he talks.
- Third Person Person: Refers to himself as "this guy" when performing tricks.
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