< Running Wild (band)

Running Wild (band)/YMMV

/wiki/Running Wild (band)creator
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Roughly 90% of the discography is made of this, but "Under Jolly Roger" is a good place to start.
  • Epic Riff: "Under Jolly Roger" is the main one, but there're several of them in all the albums.
  • Epileptic Trees: Due to the plastic drum sound in Victory, The Brotherhood and Rogues En Vogue, fans claimed that the drummer Angelo Sasso didn't really existed, and is actually a computer program. Rolf denied these rumours and told that Angelo Sasso is actually a guy using a stage name.
    • This incident was lampshaded by some bands crediting drums to Angelo Sasso when they really used a computer program.
  • Evil Is Cool: Arguably, the theme of their first two albums.
  • Face of the Band: Rolf Kasparek, natch.
  • Fandom Rivalry: Running Wild versus X-Wild.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks: Common complaint of The Brotherhood album, which was much slower offering when contrasted on the rest of the discography.
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