Rumpelstiltskin (film)
This ain't no fairy tale.
"I smell a baby... smells a lot like a baby named Johnny!"
Rumpelstiltskin is a 1995 horror film by Mark Jones and it stars Max Grodénchik and Kim Johnston Ulrich. It was directed by Mark Jones, the man responsible for the Leprechaun series.
Much like his green counterpart, Rumpelstiltskin is a Darker and Edgier take on the fairy tale. He grants wishes to those with newborn and takes the babies for their souls.
The film opens in 15th century, where Rumpelstiltskin's baby-exchange deal has gone sour and is imprisoned inside a statue by a witch. He is then brought back to the present (The Nineties) by a mourning widow who accidentally makes a wish (while holding the statue) to bring back her gunned down police husband. Carnage ensues.
- Alliterative Name: Shelly Stewart.
- Antagonist Title
- Axe Before Entering
- Barrier-Busting Blow
- Car Chase
- Car Fu
- Cassandra Truth: People have hard time believing Shelley's story about a murderous fairy tale character.
- Chained by Fashion
- Contrived Coincidence: When Shelley and Max are searching for Matilda, they just happen to steal the car where she is sleeping in.
- Deal with the Devil
- Destination Defenestration
- Dramatic Thunder
- Eats Babies: Rumpelstilskin's motivation.
- Every Car Is a Pinto
- Everything's Deader with Zombies: Rumpelstiltskin raises zombies to help him near the end.
- Evil-Detecting Dog
- Evil Laugh
- Eye Scream: Rumpelstiltskin rips a man's eye out in the opening and eats it.
- Eyes of Gold: Rumpelstiltskin's eyes.
- Fan Service
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: Shelley slaps the panicking Max at one point.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars
- Good Smoking, Evil Smoking
- Groin Attack
- Half the Man He Used To Be
- Helping Hands
- I Know Your True Name: Rumpelstiltskin's weakness, as expected.
- Immune to Bullets
- Kill It with Fire: Burning straw is used against Rumpelstilstkin
- Kryptonite Factor: Fire and straw to Rumpelstiltskin. Straw is even referred to be "like kryptonite".
- Losing Your Head: Complete with the "body blindly searching for its head" gag.
- Mama Bear: The instant when Rumpelstiltskin confronts Shelley about giving him the baby she starts dishing out the pain.
- Men Don't Cry
- Mind Over Matter
- My Car Hates Me
- Neck Snap: Hildy's death.
- Off with His Head: Trucker's death.
- Ominous Fog: It starts circling Rumpelstiltskin when he starts prematurely celebrating his victory at the graveyard.
- Police Are Useless
- Rule of Three
- Sealed Evil in a Can
- Self-Plagiarism: Mark Jones has a thing for shorter villains.
- Shower Scene: Subverted.
- Someone to Remember Him By
- Stock Scream
- Sunglasses at Night: The biker who confronts Rumpelstilskin in the middle of street.
- Super Window Jump
- Talk Show: Max hosts one.
- Too Dumb to Live: The criminal early in the film decides to hijack a car, with cops right next to him.
- Torches and Pitchforks
- Window Pain
- Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe: "Fucketh me!"