Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths and Legend

Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths and Legend (1999-2000) was an animated show from the BKN line-up, not to be confused with the other show about Roswell. Consists of many diverse myths being debunked as alien activity, sort of like The X-Files. Better Than It Sounds.

The main character is Nick Logan, a Bounty Hunter who finds one of his marks is a little more than meets the eye. Soon after he receives a contract to track down another, a banshee named Sh'lainn Blaze. The two wind up saving each other's life and begin working together to figure out who's trying to kill them, only to wind up working for said organization, Nick so he can find out what happened to his father, Sh'lainn because she's been exiled from her clan and has no where else to go. It eventually builds up with a slow Myth Arc involving alien invaders, werewolves, vampires, banshee and other aliens all coming to a head by the 40th episode.

Tropes used in Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths and Legend include:
  • Aliens of London: The Banshees all have some sort of Irish accent. Well, considering where the legend comes from...
  • All Myths Are True: and they're all aliens. Sasquatch & Yeti, Werewolves, Banshee, Talos, Norse Mythology, etc.
  • The Alliance: The organization Nick Logan finds himself working for. May have started off as an alliance but has since grown into a powerful paramilitary organization that keeps control of the various aliens who are living on earth. Seemingly independant of the government or any other oversight.
  • Atlantis: The first to fight, and drive off, the Shadoens.
  • Area 51: Mentioned a few times and one episode involves a supremely destructive robot that was buried there. Another had them trying to infiltrate it. The Alliance also stages UFO sightings there.
  • Badass Native: Jefferson Trueblood.
  • Bad Boss: The General. He's almost killed our heros on several occasions, and declares almost everybody an enemy at least once. We eventually find out why.
  • Belligerent Sexual Tension: Occasionally played with by Nick and Sh'lainn, but they get through it fairly quick. By episode 14 they've had their first kiss and by the first half of Season 2 they've had declarations of love.
  • Beta Couple: Fitz and Nema.
  • Bounty Hunter: Nick, of course, but also the Minatauri.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: Conspiracy guy taking notes on a shadow without a source notices the camera. "What'choo lookin' at!"
  • Catch Phrase: "Thank you General Rinaker!"
  • Chekhov's Gun: The EMP charge is just what was needed to utterly destroy the Shadoen fleet.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: Athos, son of Ruk.
  • The Conspiracy was actually faked to throw people off the scent of what was really going on, though that probably just makes it a conspiracy hidden inside another conspiracy. Subverted in that the ones running it are the good guys...most of the time.
  • Conspiracy Theorist: Crazy guy in Roswell. really Obfuscating Stupidity.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: Hanek, the Vampire head of Intracom.
  • Dead All Along: Rinaker. A Shadoen apparently killed him and took his form.
  • Deadpan Snarker: All the characters have their moments, but special mention goes to Fitz, with Nema not far behind.
  • Disappeared Dad: Subverted. Nick's father is actually a substitute the Alliance installed to keep an eye on Nick. A nice guy who actually gives Nick a lot of support when he decides to find his real father.
  • Divide and Conquer: The Shadoens realized that if the alien races on earth ever started working with humans and each other, it would be much harder to take over. One of their own was sent to infiltrate the Alliance and ensure that such unity was never achieved until too late.
  • Doomsday Device: the EMP charge.
    • Also the entire Shadoen fleet.
  • Drives Like Crazy: Sh'lainn. She hates technology to begin with, and therefore doesn't know how to drive. Needless to say, Nick gets rather annoyed when she tries to drive his car.
  • Fan Service: Though we never get any actual nudity, we do get a very nice shot of Sh'lainn Blaze the Banshee from behind wearing very thin pants...
    • Not to mention that nightgown we sometimes see her in.
    • did anyone forget the outfit she was in when she was temporarily leader of the the Banshee
  • Frickin' Laser Beams
  • General Ripper: Mentioned above.
  • Genre Savvy: Nick Logan.
  • Grand Finale: A huge one, involving a major alien fleet, the Moon being attacked, all the show's heroes and villains coming together, and the finale of a big Myth Arc.
  • Human Aliens: Banshees, Lycanthropes, and Vampires.
  • Human Popsicle: Turns out Walter Logan has been one since the 70s.
  • Hero Insurance: Nick has a tendency to blow things up and cause a lot of damage. He gets away with it because the Alliance is an undercover organization. They have a team dedicated specifically to keeping the cover-up going, either making up stories or arranging someone else to take the blame.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Trueblood, Nick's foster dad and Ruk all make one in the finale.
  • Humongous Mecha: The Cyclopses.
  • Improvised Weapon: "Available weapons, son, available weapons!"
  • Interspecies Romance: Nick and Sh'lainn.
  • Knight Templar: The General
  • Made of Explodium: Every car, when damaged, will explode.
    • With enough force to break through a fortified bunker entrance.
  • Magical Native American: Averted by Jefferson... until he plays it straight by becoming the leader of his tribe and doing a Spirit Walk thing.
  • The Mole: The General
  • Mysterious Informant: Kraker. Nick's contact who has access to seemingly unlimited amounts of information.
  • Nature Spirit: The Banshee certainly fit the bill.
  • Our Zombies Are Different: The Vodun are actually slug-like creatures who inhabit dead corpses. Their leader has been trying to let them be Puppeteer Parasites, but hasn't been successful.
  • Out of Focus: Kraker stops showing up after a point, eventually becoming unused.
  • Play-Along Prisoner: Ruk uses this once to get into the Alliance's maximum-security prison to kidnap Ti-Yet.
  • Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Sh'lainn is older than she looks, though she won't tell Nick how old.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Fitz is Red, Nema is blue.
  • Reptiles Are Abhorrent: Vampires, which are presented as basically snakes with human features.
  • Roswell That Ends Well: The Roswell incident was staged and the witnesses were plants to spread the rumors that the government then had to coverup. This focused the country's attention on the conspiracy while members of the military who were involved could form The Alliance.
  • Running Gag: Sh'lainn's predicting Nick's impending doom. Eventually gets to the point, due to them getting closer, where she can tell when he's in danger a continent away. Lampshaded in one episode where Rinaker mentions that she's predicted Nick's death a number of times with him surviving.
  • Spy Satellites: An alien one has been watching the earth since the Alliance was founded.
  • Those Two Guys: the Detail Team, Nema and Fitz. Responsible for passing off alien activities as accidents, mishaps, or acts of Congress.
  • Timm Style[context?]
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Most of the main alien antagonists are shown to be this, mainly wanting to defend their people from whatever threats they see. The only real exceptions are the Aesiri. It takes the threat of annihilation from the Shadoens to actually get them to work together, though.
  • White-Haired Pretty Girl: Sh'lainn
  • With Due Respect: Nick and the General. Every Frickn' episode.
  • Yakuza: Led by the Oni.
  • Your Days Are Numbered: Part of Sh'lainn's powerset includes the ability to know when those nearby are about to die. Usually it's not so much a matter of days as seconds, and also it's usually just enough warning to do something about it.
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