Rooster Teeth Shorts

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The Rooster Teeth Shorts are a series of live-action shorts that chronicle the adventures of Rooster Teeth studios (a.k.a the guys who make RWBY and Red vs. Blue). As of early 2020 there are eight complete seasons with a total of 209 episodes. The episodes have varying sizes, themes and aesthetics, ranging from the "mockumentary" short Dress Rehearsal, taking place entirely in one room, to Hotel Buddies taking place in a hotel in California and using some chickens, metal bits, and mysterious lights.

Tropes used in Rooster Teeth Shorts include:

Burnie: "Are you seriously suggesting, sir, something sinister-sounding circumstantially surrounding some scissors?"
Geoff: "...Can you say that again?"
Gus: "Can you not encourage him?"

Ben: Geoff, somebody thought that you were hobo that had wandered onto the set, they didn't think you were acting.

  • Bad Boss: Burnie leans towards this most of the time, coming up with convoluted schemes or just downright abusing his workers. Examples include stealing Gus's beard (somehow) and attempting to fire a worker for no other reason than to get his sandwich.
  • Big No: Steve Rogers lets out an anguised one in the Captain America: The First Avenger (Parody), after getting friend-zoned.
  • Big OMG: Or perhaps a ClusterOMGBomb in Paper Cut.
  • Bound and Gagged: Gavin's clones (and Ben) in Secret Door.
  • Brick Joke: During Chain of Thought, Nathan's thoughts are nothing but an ominous rumble. It's because he's thinking about the wind outside.
  • British Accents:

Burnie: Yeah, we can't really tell you guys apart 'cause you both have the same pompous-ass British accent. I can't even tell what you're saying half the time.
Gavin: What are you talking about? We don't sound anything alike, I'm from Oxford and he's from Nottingham.
Ben: They're totally distinct accents!
Gavin: Exactly.
Burnie: Yeah, not a word...

Joel: See that line over there?
Jack: ... Yeah ...
Joel: See, first you say the name of the food, then you throw it at your opponents face, if the food crosses the line and hits your opponent in the face you get a point.
Gus: Unless the opponent catches it in with their mouth in which case you don't.
Joel: That's when you enter the double peril zone. In the double peril zone, the point values are doubled, but instead of saying the name of the food you say-
Gus: FOOD WAR! Then you get a chance to fire it back at your opponent.
Joel: Right, but if you're able to catch that with your mouth you can put your opponent into double danger overtime, I once took Nathan into a fifth round overtime with a dollop of ketchup, but he swallowed it so he was disqualified.
Gus: Normally condiments aren't allowed but we were playing by Aussie rules that day.

Gus: Oh fuck, We need to keep the original out here so we can make another clone.
Burnie: Oh right, gotta go from the source otherwise the copy DNA gets bad.

    • And then they grab Ben instead of Gavin.
  • Cloning Blues: Geoff, Gus and Burnie found a way to clone Gavin on craigslist.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Geoff and Burnie are probably the most consistent ones, but Joel and Gus get a fair bit of it, too.
  • Completely Missing the Point: Chris spends the entirety of the Picture Perfect episode not realizing that Matt does not want dogs having sex at all in the photos of Burnie.
  • Conspiracy Theorist: Matt, at least in season 1.

Matt: Black helicopters. Google it.

Gus: Your strength has gone up by 2! Your intellect 3! Your charisma is unchanged but that's useless.

  • Easy Amnesia: Played for Laughs in Paper Cut.
  • Fan Disservice: Frag Dude. It does end with some Fan Service at the end, though.
    • Gus without his shirt in general.
  • Gag Penis: In the Captain America: The First Avenger (Parody) video, after being told that the super serum will enlarge the rest of his body by displacing the part of his body he won't use for fighting (his penis), Steve suggests they reverse the concept and shrink the rest of his body to make his penis really big so he could fight with it "like some sort of battleaxe". The idea is declined.
  • Girl-On-Girl Is Hot: Invoked and inverted in Dress Rehearsal.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: If you listen closely you can hear the cast's Red vs. Blue voices coming through. Also particularly recognizable is Ed Robertson of Barenaked Ladies fame, who plays the titular character in Captain Dynamic.
  • Hot Mom: Griffon Ramsey, who has appeared in several shorts so far. While it's never mentioned in the shorts, she is a mother and, well, damn.
  • Ho Yay: The Stand Alone episode culminates in Burnie, Geoff and Joel all apparently falling in love with the Gus cardboard cutout, leading to an argument. Gus is revealed to have spent his time away from work creating cardboard cutouts of them also, and promptly throws off his shirt asking "Who wants to play strip poker?!".

Geoff: Congratulations to Joel. Landing that big Hollywood acting gig like that? That's not easy.
Nathan: Yeah, it takes a lot of balls to do gay porn.

Matt: You should be like, fucking bronzed and put in the Smithsonian.

Chris: "He's fast, yes, but in order to be fast you must be strong."
Marshall: "You're telling me that if you went up to Sonic the Hedgehog, you would much rather race him than try a squat competition?"

Geoff: What? I watch a lot of TV.

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