< Rome


  • Alternative Character Interpretation: The show presents one for Brutus. Instead of a righteous crusader who kills Caesar out of a sense of duty, he's a Momma's Boy with an Oedipus Complex who gets duped into killing Caesar (his surrogate father, and his mom's lover) because of a petty family feud that he wants nothing to do with.
  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: A third season was denied us, which sucked. But there is now rejoicing, because we're getting a movie!
  • Complete Monster: Octavian arguably turns into this over the course of the series. At least 2 characters (Atia and Cleopatra) actually refer to him as 'a monster' in the second season.
    • To his credit, the historical Augustus (Octavian) considered himself to be "acting:" sure, he was ruthless and did whatever he had to in order to secure power, but he did so because he believed it the best way to preserve Rome.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: Definitely in episode 11, when Lucius Vorenus jumps into the gladiator arena to aid Titus Pullo.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: Several oneliners, such as: "I was at an orgy, Mother."
  • Historical Villain Upgrade: Atia is portrayed as seductive, manipulative and evil. There's absolutely no historical evidence for this; Tacitus actually describes her as a pious, devoted mother and an ideal Roman matron.
  • Jerkass Woobie:
    • Mark Antony does plenty of vile things (such as starving the entire Roman population to make a point) but he's strangely sympathetic and his downfall and death seem genuinely tragic.
    • Vorenus also fits.
    • Servilia, if only because all the crap Atia puts her through. Otherwise she would be just plain Jerkass.
  • Large Ham: Many in-universe examples. There's the Forum newsreader, for one. "OUR GLORIOUS FATHER - GAIUS! JULIUS! CAESAR!"
    • Erastes Fulmen also fits, especially when he wants to emphasize something. "DIFFERENT FUCKING RULES!"
  • Magnificent Bastard: Caesar, Mark Antony, Servilia and Atia, who is an awesomely magnificent bitch. In the second season, Octavian puts every other Magnificent Bastard in the show to shame.
  • Moral Event Horizon: what happens to Vorenus's wife? GOOD GOD.
  • Squick: Many examples. The worst one would be the incest between Octavia and her little brother Octavian. Not to mention what Titus Pullo does to gang leader Memmio near the end of the series.
  • The Woobie:
    • Subverted with Lucius Vorenus but played straight with his children.
    • Poor, helpless Octavia. She is pimped by her own mother to a repulsive old man and blackmailed by her dominating lesbian lover into having sex with her brother. This continues in Season Two, where said brother is master of the family and now pimping her to Mark Antony instead.
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