Rogue Galaxy/Characters
Jaster Rogue
Voiced by: Will Friedle
An orphan hailing from the desert planet Rosa. He dreams of seeing the galaxy, but when the Longardian military forces occupy his planet, they make it illegal to leave. Luckily, some pirates just happen to be looking for a new recruit in the area, and Jaster was recently given a legendary sword by a strange hooded man...
- Blow You Away
- Facial Markings: His birthmark, the mark of the Star King.
- Jumped At the Call
- Lightning Sword
- Mistaken Identity: Almost. Everyone thinks he's the legendary Desert Claw, due to him holding Desert Seeker.
- Secret Legacy: He is a descendant of the Star King.
- Shock and Awe
- Super Mode
- Sword and Gun
Simon Wicard
Voiced by: Greg Ellis
A mysterious man from Zerard that dislikes talking about his past and refuses to show his face.
- Cool Mask
- Disappeared Dad: Simon IS the dad in this situation: he abandoned his family following an accident that disfigured him entirely.
- Macross Missile Massacre
- Playing with Fire
Voiced by: Yuri Lowenthal
A high-tech robot constructed by Dr. Pocacchio. Currently, he works as the pirate ship Dorgenark's pilot.
Voiced by: Natalie Lander
Captain Dorgengoa's daughter, whose sweet exterior belies a very clever and capable young woman.
- Action Girl: One of two, along with Lilika.
- An Ice Person
- Bare Your Midriff: In most of her outfits.
- Break the Fourth Wall: If in the party, she'll suggest things like saving and, if you've played long enough, to take a break from the game.
- Detached Sleeves
- Holy Hand Grenade
- Light'Em Up
- Pirate Girl
- The Power of Love: Her combination attack with Jaster attacks all enemies with a powerful attack made manifest by their love.
- Secret Legacy: She is really the missing Princess of Mariglenn, Irieth.
- The Ugly Guy's Hot Daughter: Or is she his daughter?
- Zettai Ryouiki: would you classify this one, anyway?
- Sexy as hell?
Zegram Ghart
Voiced by: Steve Blum
An elite Hunter hired by Captain Dorgengoa. He prides himself on being a friendless "Lone Wolf".
- Badass Longcoat
- Bounty Hunter
- Eyepatch of Power
- Heartbroken Badass
- Heel Face Turn
- Love Makes You Evil
- The Mole
- Playing with Fire
- Token Evil Teammate
Lilika Rhyza
Voiced by: Kari Wahlgren
An amazon from the remote and primitive Burkaqua Tribe of the planet Juraika. She's fiercely protective of her little sister.
- The Archer/Rain of Arrows
- Blind Little Sister
- Hot Amazon
- No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: She kills the Star God having revealing it for what it truly was: the monster that killed her mother and blinded her sister. Despite this, the elder still banishes her from the village.
- Playing with Fire
Jupis Tooki McGanel
Voiced by: Ben Diskin
A brilliant and obnoxious scientist that, after his plan to take revenge on the company that fired him fails, decides to join the very pirates that thwarted him.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Defeat Means Friendship
- Karma Houdini: Jupis doesn't receive much comeuppance for hijacking the Daytron Factory.
- Humongous Mecha: "Johnny".
- Playing with Fire
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: He attacks Starship Factory because he was fired.
- To be fair, his life's work was ruined, his reputation was in shatters, and his wife left him.
- Shock and Awe: His Yo-Yo shock attack.
- The Smart Guy
Deego Aegis
Voiced by: David Sobolov
An ex-soldier that's fallen into a state of apathy and spends his days in a bar on the mining planet Vedan. He tries to steer clear of trouble, but when an old friend of his falls in with the local mafia, he's forced to take action.
- An Axe to Grind
- Broken Hero
- Drowning My Sorrows
- Gatling Good: His secondary weapon.
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Neutral No Longer: The Morarty Family burning down Angela's bar is what finally drives him to action.
- This Is Something He's Got to Do Himself: Fighting Gale.
- Unwitting Pawn: He and his troops were tricked into firing at civilians in order to prolong the war.