Describe Robyn here.
Okay, but first we're going to need some rain, thunder, and some hell's bells.
Robyn Miriam Carlsson, known by her Stage Names Robyn, is a Swedish singer-songwriter, who is mostly famous in Europe for her hit single "With Every Heartbeat".
In the 1990s, Robyn was hailed as a typical pop act, with no quirks or otherwise. Her 1995 album, Robyn is Here, even saw two top ten songs on America's Billboard top ten. After this, she released two further albums, My Truth in 1999, and Don't Stop The Music in 2002, to moderate acclaim in her native Sweden, but to lukewarm success in America and elsewhere.
When she wanted to branch out into her own creative styles, her record label refused, causing her to split ties with them. With help from Karin Dreijer-Andersson of The Knife, she formed her own record label, and produced a self-titled album, with a much more... well, let's just say that Robyn was very influenced by Karin's musical style. What was created is best described as snarkily danceable synthballads... or something like that.
Although she is still largely mainstream only in Europe, Robyn has been gaining recognition in North America due to her most recent album, Body Talk.
- Badass Boast: "Curriculum Vitae", and "You Should Know Better" are two of the most badass you will ever hear (if slightly exaggerated).
- Camp Straight: She has a huge LGBT following, and has been mistaken for being a lesbian, but she's straight. It's likely the hair.
- The Cover Changes the Gender: Averted in her cover of Prince's "Jack U Off".
- Deadpan Snarker: Half of her songs are this.
- Department of Redundancy Department: In "Konichiwa Bitches": "This shit is gettin' heavy like it weighs a ton." Also a Captain Obvious moment.
- Even the Girls Want Her
- Gratuitous Japanese: Her record label is Konichiwa Records.
- Ms. Fanservice: While not showing much skin.
- The Oner: "Call Your Girlfriend." Could also, though YMMV, count as a Crowning Moment of Awesome. It takes some serious chops to completely captivate the viewer for the length of a music video with nothing but dancing and lights
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: With herself, actually. She has two personalities in her music. In some songs, she's overly confident to the point of it being a Refuge in Audacity; in others, she is sensitive, sombre and heartfelt.
- Small Name, Big Ego: Mostly Played for Laughs.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: "Crash and Burn Girl" and "Handle Me".
- Unkempt Beauty
- White-Haired Pretty Girl