
Roar was a short-lived FOX network show from 1997, the brain-child of Hardy Boys alum Shaun Cassidy.

Conor (Heath Ledger), a young Irish warrior, is trying to unite 4th century Ireland against the invading Romans. Longinus, leading the Romans, is secretly the cursed-to-be-immortal centurion who stabbed Christ at Calvary. The show freely mixed Christian tradition, Celtic Mythology, Druidism, and, barely, smatterings of history. And then there's the Roar. What heck is the 'Roar'? Did anybody ever figure it out?

Roar was not very well received and lasted less than one season, with only 8 of the 13 ordered episodes aired. The complete series is now available on DVD.

Tropes used in Roar include:
  • Action Girl: Catlin and Molly, as well as many other guest-stars. In fact, it was more unusual if a woman wasn't an Action Girl.
  • Ambiguously Gay: Pasolinus seems rather inordinately fond of his Evil Albino slave.
  • Anachronism Stew
  • And I Must Scream: Longinus' eventual fate.
  • The Archer: Catlin
  • Arc Words: "From this life, to the next."
  • Arranged Marriage: Conor and Molly (symbolically at least).
  • Bare Your Midriff: Catlin, and in fact, most of the women.
  • Batman Gambit: "The Cage"
  • Best Her to Bed Her: Minus the "bedding" part, it would seem Vorgeen was this, as Tully tells Conor mid-fight that she won't agree to unite the tribes unless he beats her in combat.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Conor and Catlin are both friendly, easy-going people--but when they get mad ...
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: Diana and Longinus.
  • Big No: Connor, when he runs back home and sees it burning to the ground with his family inside.
    • Catlin too when Shannon is shot. See Les Yay below.
  • Black Vikings
  • Book Ends: Conor is hunting a deer in the first scene of the first episode, and sees it again at the conclusion.
  • California Doubling: Filmed in Queensland, Australia - leading to the amusing sight of gum trees and the sound of kookaburras in Ireland.
  • Catch Phrase: "Sweet Bridget!"
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Glas's mother. Where was she when Glas is murdered?
    • Tully is absent without explanation in the final three or so episodes. Catlin is absent from the finale.
  • Dark Secret: Catlin is a Christian. This was a big deal back then.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Diana

"Such drama. Are you sure you're not Greek?"

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