Ricky Sprocket: Showbiz Boy
Ricky Sprocket: Showbiz Boy is a Canadian animated series that aired on Nicktoons Network and Teletoon about a child star's misadventures outside the set. The show is from Studio B Productions, which also produced one of Nicktoons' biggest failures, Yakkity Yak. Unlike Shuriken School, Nicktoons managed to air season 2 of Ricky Sprocket.
The show ran from 2007 to 2010 on Nicktoons Network in the USA.
Tropes used in Ricky Sprocket: Showbiz Boy include:
- Be Careful What You Wish For: "Vicky Sprocket" and the lemon aid episode.
- Camp Gay: Wolf .
- Canada, Eh?: Benny.
- Creepy Crossdresser: One episode, Ricky became Vicky Sprocket.
- Cross-Dressing Voices: Quite a bit.
- The Eeyore: Ethal.
- Everything's Better with Monkeys: Ricky was with a talking monkey in one of the episodes.
- Evil Teacher: The main villain of "Moby Rick", voiced by Ian James Corlett.
- Expy: Kitten must be Ricky's version of Anna Hottenmeyer.
- Fat Idiot: Mr. Fishburger.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Andrea "Roll" Libman is Kitten.
- Ho Yay
- Hoist by His Own Petard: The end of "Moby Rick".
- Ian James Corlett: A recurring guest voice.
- "No Respect" Guy: Ricky.
- Only Sane Man: Ricky himself, compared to the rest of the cast.
- Rich Bitch/Spoiled Brat: Kitten Kabootle.
- The Rival: Kitten Kabootle.
- Sadist Teacher: Again, the main villain from "Moby Rick".
- Surrounded by Idiots: Ricky and sometimes Kitten.
- Ted Baxter: Kitten and Fishburger.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: Despite having two seasons, this show really wasn't that popular.
- X Meets Y: The Critic meets Code Monkeys.
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