Revolutionary Girl Utena/Characters
The following are the characters from Revolutionary Girl Utena. If you have not seen the entire series, beware of spoilers!
Utena Tenjou
Voiced by: Tomoko Kawakami (JP), Rachael Lillis (EN)
The protagonist and namesake of the series, Utena Tenjou is a 14-year-old girl whose parents died when she was little. After a dashing prince saved her from depression, she vowed to become a prince herself. At the prestigious Ohtori Academy, she gets mixed up with a sinister and revolutionary dueling game played by the Student Council. She's very popular with the vast majority of the students at school, but not so much with the staff.
- Accidental Marriage: More like accidental engagement though.
- Action Girl: Her duels take place almost Once an Episode, and she's extremely athletic. And even outside of the duels, she's really tough both in personality and in physical ability. She can jump, she can punch, she's a demon on the basketball court, and she can beat trained duelists with broken swords, bamboo practice swords and a pitchfork. And let's not get started on the truly epic move she pulls in the last episode...
- Badass
- Beginner's Luck: She has no experience in swordfighting but manages to beat Saionji, who's practiced kendo since childhood.
- Bifauxnen: Though she's generally pretty tomboyish, it's only in The Movie when she really fits this trope, she has Boyish Short Hair when she isn't dueling, and her Custom Uniform is much more masculine-looking.
- Blithe Spirit/Rookie Red Ranger: She has no idea about the plot that the student council is involved in but gets involved in their lives (and tangled interpersonal issues).
- Blood Sisters: With Anthy.
- Bokukko: Refers to herself with the masculine pronoun "boku", fitting with her tomboyish nature.
- Break the Cutie: Utena only wanted to become the prince she admired. Said prince made sure that didn't happen.
- Character Tics: Stretching, exercising... even in the middle of a conversation.
- Composite Character: In the anime, as a child, Juri witnessed her older sister nearly drown, causing a boy to attempt to save her but drown in the process; however, Juri's sister is saved by an adult. This backstory is given to Utena in the movie, but instead of an older sister, the drowning girl is a stranger (actually Juri, according to Word of God), and the boy is Touga.
- In the movie-manga, Utena is the girl who nearly drowned.
- And in the original manga, Utena is the "boy" who jumped into the river to save a girl and nearly drowned. This is the one continuity where the rescuer actually survives.
- Compressed Hair: In the movie, which leads to a dramatic Letting Her Hair Down moment in the first duel with Saionji. There are actually sketches in the artbook showing how she could manage to braid it tightly enough to fit it under her hat.
- Conflicting Loyalty: To her prince, and her desire to be a prince herself. Some of the less scrupulous characters in the show exploit her through this.
- Conveniently an Orphan: It's in the show's prologue!
- Cool Car: Becomes this in the Gainax Ending of the movie.
- Custom Uniform: She says that she wears the boy's uniform, but no one in Ohtori has an outfit like hers.
- Deadpan Snarker: With the Shadow Girls in the Black Rose Saga.
- Determinator/Plucky Girl: In the last episode, she forces herself back up with her bare knuckles.
- Dreaming the Truth: In episode 34.
- Dub Name Change: The Enoki Films release names her Ursula.
- Dying Moment of Awesome: Well, sort of... but definitely awesome.
- Et Tu, Brute?: Is stabbed by Anthy in the penultimate episode.
- Even the Girls Want Her: And HOW. She even provides the picture for that page.
- Extraordinarily Empowered Girl: Combined with Implausible Fencing Powers.
- First Kiss: After hearing Wakaba talk about this, she muses that hers must have been from Dios. In the manga and light novel, her Sacred First Kiss is stolen by Touga early on.
- Girl in a Box: At her parents' funeral. She finds a third coffin and hides in it, hoping to be buried herself.
- Godiva Hair: In the movie-manga during her sex scene with Touga.
- Good with Numbers: According to Wakaba, she does quite well in math. Her grades start to slip, however, once she starts dueling.
- Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?: Every time she gives her routine about wanting to be a prince so she can rescue princesses, she reiterates that she's still "Just a normal girl who wants a normal guy!".
- Hot Amazon
- Incorruptible Pure Pureness: Averted.
- Innocent Blue Eyes
- Innocent Inaccurate
- In the Name of the Moon: "Grant me the power to bring the world revolution!"
- Kissing Discretion Shot: In the second ending sequence with Anthy.
- Magic Knight: Whenever she gains the power of Dios in a duel, or when Anthy powers up the sword.
- Meaningful Name: "Utena" translates to "calyx", a set of specialized leaves that protect the petals of a budding flower. Note that Anthy's name means "flower".
- Memento MacGuffin: Her ring!
- Morality Pet: Arguably, Touga's. She seems to be the only person that he really cares about.
- Naive Newcomer: At the very beginning, which doesn't make much sense since she's been attending Ohtori for at least one term prior.
- Once Upon a Time: "...there was a princess grieving over the deaths of her mother and father."
- Orphan's Plot Trinket: Her Rose Signet, which she received few after being orphaned.
- Parental Abandonment: Her parents died when she was very young, leaving her an orphan.
- Power Makes Your Hair Grow: In the movie, she normally has short hair. When she transforms into her dueling outfit, her hair also grows out.
- The Promise Invoked with Akio, manipulating her in the form of Dios, to save Anthy in her past.
- Proper Lady: She's not one, but once tries to act like one after Touga defeats her and she temporarily loses Anthy.
- Rapunzel Hair: In the movie, which also has her hair being wavy as opposed to straight. It is also Compressed Hair, as she keeps it under a hat when she;s not dueling.
- Romantic Two-Girl Friendship: With Wakaba and Anthy.
- Rose-Haired Girl: Not so much "sweetie" as "chivalric". That's what she wants to be.
- Save the Princess: What she thinks she's doing where Anthy is concerned.
- She's Got Legs: According to Ikuni himself, the reason why she wears Daisy Dukes.[1]
- Shut UP, Hannibal: Her duels frequently end like this. Especially prominent with her talk with Mikage in Nemuro Hall.
- Take My Hand: To Anthy in the final episode.
- Talking in Bed: She and Anthy frequently converse in their adjacent beds after they move into the planetarium tower.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: Especially the movie where she's fairly standoffish, although she has pink hair and is shorter than most characters.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: The Tomboy to Anthy's Girly Girl.
- Underwater Kiss: In the movie-manga with Touga. The actual movie has a variant: Utena and Touga are separated by a glass wall when they kiss, and only Touga's side is flooded, symbolizing the fact that he died by drowning.
- Who Wears Short Shorts?: She wears shorts as part of her Custom Uniform, which is the part of her uniform the teachers seem to have the biggest issue with.
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: The most naive character in the show.
- Wooden Katanas Are Even Better: Brings one to her duel with Saionji. He shears it off, but she beats him anyway.
Anthy Himemiya
Voiced by: Yuriko Fuchizaki (JP), Sharon Becker (EN)
The Rose Bride of the dueling games, she becomes engaged to whoever can best her current betrothed in a duel. It is said that this person shall gain from her the power to bring the world revolution. She has little autonomy of her own and is unpopular with most students, but she is coveted by the duelists of the Student Council due to her role in their game.
- All of the Other Reindeer
- Ambiguously Brown: Despite her bindi, her ethnicity is never specified.
- Back Stab: Quote Oscar Wilde: "The coward does it with a sword, the brave man with a kiss!"
- Badass Damsel: Her role as the Rose Bride hinders this though.
- Barrier Maiden: Subverted. She's actually what the barrier's preventing from getting out of Ohtori (that, and her own despair).
- Beautiful All Along: Often on the part of the viewers. In the first two arcs, she appears to have short, curled hair, but it's actually Rapunzel Hair instead. With her hair down and her glasses off, she's quite beautiful. The second picture here is an example.
- Blood Sisters: With Utena.
- Broken Bird
- Brother-Sister Incest: Although it at first appears to be consensual, it's made clear a few episodes later that Akio does not accept refusals, or even hesitation.
- But Now I Must Go: The happiest moment in the entire damn series is when she pulls this, as she resolves to finally leave the school so she can find Utena.
- Catch Phrase: In the next episode preview: "zettai unmei mokushiroku".
- Compressed Hair: Partially justified in that she does keep her hair bound most of the time, but it's hard to believe that such a large volume of hair can roll up so tightly.
- Damsel in Distress: Subverted: she has potential to fight back, but her role as the Rose Bride doesn't let her do this directly.
- Designated Victim: In the first arc, you could start a drinking game based on how much she gets slapped.
- Despair Event Horizon: Dios and Anthy crossed this in their backstories, which is what shaped them into Akio Ohtori the Magnificent Bastard and Anthy Himemiya the Rose Bride.
- Detached Sleeves: Her Rose Bride outfit is a sleeveless dress with detached cuffs.
- Dissonant Serenity: Something that creeps out a lot of the people around her, especially her soon-to-be sister-in-law Kanae.
- Driven to Suicide:
- When she sees the effects of Akio's manipulation on Utena (blaming herself because she MUST follow his will no matter what) she tries to throw herself off the roof of the dorm. Utena stops her though.
- And in the movie, it's heavily implied that she was about to do this before Utena shows up in the Rose Garden before their dance.
- Dub Name Change: The Enoki Films release names her Angie.
- Emotionless Girl: She rarely shows any emotions other than a placid smile, and it's noted to be creepy by a few other characters. Subverted, since she's more emotionally repressed than actually emotionless, and with all she's gone through it's not hard to see why.
- Extreme Doormat: Ha, ha, no. She only acts like one because she's resigned to that effectively being her role in the world. In reality, she's very opinionated and resentful of the way she's treated.
- Facial Markings: Wears a bindi.
- Fate Worse Than Death: The swords of hate, always stabbing her in every single uncovered inch of her body... combined with the understanding that taking them for Dios turned him into Akio, rendering all of her pain utterly pointless.
- Feminine Women Can Cook: Subverted. The only safe thing she makes is shaved ice.
- Flower Motifs: With all the characters, but especially her.
- Friend to All Living Things:
- Not in any over-the-top way, but she clearly has an affinity with animals, more so than with humans.
- It's also hinted that if you mistreat an animal, she'll calmly curse you to be hated by all of them. You heard that, Nanami?
- Girl in a Box: Twice.
- The Glasses Come Off
- Godiva Hair: Though the circumstances are of the Fan Disservice variety.
- Good Witch Versus Bad Witch: She ends up being both and varies between them. In the end, she decides to be a "good witch" and throws off her brother for good.
- Green Eyes
- Green Thumb: Spends all her time in the greenhouse.
- The Hecate Sisters: She can be seen as all three depending on the situation: the maiden in her role as the Rose Bride, the wife for the duelists, and the witch/crone.
- Heel Face Turn: Thanks to Utena' determination to save her, Anthy finally frees herself from Akio's endless quest for power via the dueling game and leaves him forever.
- Hidden Depths: Oh, so much.
- Human Pincushion: As a little girl, she was stabbed by dozens of townspeople for hiding Dios from them. As the Rose Bride, she's stabbed with a million swords in place of Akio while he tries to open the Rose Gate.
- Immortality Begins At Twenty: Looks quite young, has actually been alive for God knows how long.
- I Will Find You: At the very end, she leaves Ohtori and resolves to find Utena, who's disappeared.
- Jade-Colored Glasses: She's long since given up any hope of escaping her fate as the Rose Bride, and thus Utena's continued efforts to free her cause her either consternation or shock.
- Kissing Discretion Shot: In the second ending sequence with Utena.
- Lady in Red: Her Rose Bride attire. Anthy doesn't behave in a particularly sexual manner, but she is an object of desire for a few males in the cast. And she's far more sexually experienced than any of these kids.
- Woman in White: Her original Rose Bride attire in the manga; changed once the anime eclipsed the source material.
- Language of Magic
- Lethal Chef: Her cooking has... interesting side effects, though this may be intentional.
- Letting Her Hair Down
- Loners Are Freaks: Wakaba basically describes Anthy as this in the first episode.
- Love Martyr: To Akio, and how. Eventually ends up being subverted when she realizes Akio isn't worthy of it, and she leave him far behind.
- Meaningful Name: "Anthy" is derived from the Greek word "ánthos" for "flower". "Himemiya" means "princess shrine".
- Meganekko: However, it's later revealed that she doesn't actually need glasses to see, implying that she only invokes this image.
- Mysterious Waif
- One-Note Cook: Limits herself to shaved ice and children's snacks; see Lethal Chef for why.
- Perpetual Expression: A mild, emotionless smile. Except when it's not.
- Proper Lady: Horribly subverts it, as she looks and acts like one but the truth is VERY different.
- Purple Is the New Black: Her hair is black in the manga, but the anime series and movies render it purple.
- Rapunzel Hair: Moreso in the movie. The movie also renders her hair straight, whereas in the manga and anime, it's curly.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: It's never clarified just how old she really is, but it's definitely way over 14.
- Scary Shiny Glasses: These pop up whenever she's being complicit in Akio's manipulations.
- Shape Shifter: Could be an Empathic Shapeshifter.
- Shrinking Violet: What she appears to be on the surface... appropriate, considering her hair color.
- Stealth Insult: "Take it easy, Saionji...senpai." Note that Anthy had been using the very respectful suffix "-sama" all this time, but after Saionji loses the duel, she only uses "-senpai".
Utena: Himemiya, you're type-AB, right? Let's see, type-ABs are elusive and seldom reveal their true feelings, huh?
Anthy: And you're type-B, right, Utena-sama? Type-Bs are self-centered and prone to misconceptions...
Utena: Yeah, sorry, okay.
- Stepford Smiler
- Strange Girl: Emphasis on strange, but she has her reasons.
- Talking in Bed: She does this often with Utena after Utena moves in with her and Akio.
- Tears of Remorse: Near the end for letting Utena get entangled so far and then stabbing her in the back.
- The Three Faces of Eve: She can be seen as all three depending on the situation: the child in her role as a student, the wife as the Rose Bride, and the seductress as Akio's sexual partner.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Girly Girl to Utena's Tomboy.
- Uncanny Valley Girl: To the point that Kanae compares her to an alien, and Nanami thinks she's the scariest person she knows.
- Walking the Earth: With Chu-chu, after the Grand Finale. To search for Utena and for her real place in the world.
- What the Hell, Townspeople?: Her backstory, where the townspeople's response to her trying to protect her brother, who was pushing himself to the point of sickness in order to save everyone, was to ignore her crying and inflict the swords of hate on her. No wonder she's so messed up.
- Wicked Witch: Subverted, again! She's more of a Broken Bird.
- The Woman Wearing the Queenly Mask
- Wounded Gazelle Gambit: Played straight and subverted, which tells you something about her character.
- Zero-Approval Gambit: Combines this trope with The Woman Wearing the Queenly Mask. It turns out she's an ancient Goddess-Princess who watched her brother, the God-Prince, being responsible for all the evil on earth. As a child, she decided to take the blame and let herself be punished by the world for all eternity. She subsequently spends the entire series serene and calm, while suffering the anguish and hatred of the entire world... for her now evil prince and the fear to change.
Akio Ohtori/End of the World/Dios
Voiced by: Jurota Kosugi (JP, series), Mitsuhiro Oikawa (JP, Movie), Crispin Freeman (EN, episode 13), Josh Mosby (EN, series and movie)
The highly attractive acting chairman of Ohtori Academy, as well as Anthy's brother. A powerful man who oversees the school from his tower.
- Affably Evil
- Aloof Big Brother: To Anthy.
- Ambiguously Brown
- Anything That Moves: If he can get results from sleeping with you, anything goes, and anything will go.
- Badass:
- Badass Baritone
- Badass in a Nice Suit: Usually in a red button-down shirt.
- Badass Long Hair
- Cultured Badass: In the anime.
- Big Bad: He's End of the World, the one who's been organizing the duels, forcing Anthy to be a prize in them, for the purpose of gaining her power. He ruthlessly manipulates Utena and his sister.
- Also, Big Good as Dios.
- Bigger Bad: Of the two first arcs of the TV series.
- Broken Ace: He once was the most generous and sweet person as Prince Dios, but his terrible experiences left him completely disenchanted and embittered. Now he's a Manipulative Bastard who manipulates everyone and everything... including Anthy, his little sister, who is pretty much trapped in a Fate Worse than Death, and he keeps her there.
- Brother-Sister Incest
- Casanova: Basically anyone who's female and meets him is soon infatuated with him, which he invariably takes advantage of.
- Celestial Body: Used symbolically at the end of episode 25.
- The Chessmaster: He's been directing the duels for who-knows-how long.
- Chivalrous Pervert: Very deconstructed. During his seduction sequences appears to be a perfect gentleman, but turns out to be the Enemy Without of a prince deity whose little sister Anthy has to suffer for his inability to cope with being divine. His seduction of Utena (including taking her virginity) is presented by him as the gentlemanly thing to do - kissing her feet, making her feel like a lady - it turns out it's all a ruse to make her into a very feminine, yet also completely passive bride for him to use in his cosmic plans, instead of her becoming a prince who could conquer him, and just like he did to Anthy.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: As Dios, which led to his downfall as he was unable to live up to the prince ideal.
- Clasp Your Hands If You Deceive
- Cool Car: Or as fans dub it, the Akio Car.
- Dead All Along: In the movie. It's even taken one step further when it's suggested that his idealized self Prince Dios was never even real in the first place, but was just a creation of Anthy's magic.
- Deal with the Devil: He loves making these.
- Despair Event Horizon: Dios and Anthy crossed this in their backstories, which is what shaped them into Akio Ohtori the Magnificent Bastard and Anthy Himemiya the Rose Bride.
- Domestic Abuser: The entire series could be seen as a case study in how domestic abusers systematically destroy any resolve their victims have, eventually rendering them to the passive husks Anthy is at the beginning of the series. He undermines her confidence, treats her like property, cuts her off from any meaningful relationships, passes her around to any (potentially abusive) student that wins the duel, and rapes her weekly. Take out the duel aspect, and you could find the same behavior in a lot of domestic abuse cases.
- Dub Name Change: The Enoki Films release names him Mike.
- Even the Guys Want Him
- Evil Sounds Deep
- Fallen Hero: He used to be a really nice guy.
- Foot Focus: Whenever he's gonna seduce someone, his gaze fixes on their feet.
- Green Eyes
- Instant Seduction: Have you met Akio? Congratulations, you're going to be having sex with him very soon.
- Jumping Off the Slippery Slope: We don't see it, but evidently he did at some point in the past.
- Karma Houdini: Sort of. Even if Akio got to keep his place in Ohtori and Utena was gone, she had the last laugh as she finally managed to free Anthy from his control, so Anthy says "But Now I Must Go" and goes Walking the Earth despite his pleas. Keep in mind that it's implied Akio has no magic of his own, so with Anthy gone he's completely powerless.
- Manipulative Bastard: Wow. Manipulates Anthy, manipulates Utena, manipulates the Student Council, manipulates a guy from fifty years ago so hard he creates an illusive reality.
- Master of Illusion: Uses the planetarium to create all the weirdness of the dueling arena.
- Meaningful Name/Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Tells Utena he's named after Venus, also known as the Morning Star, also known as Lucifer.
- More Than Mind Control: His relationship with Anthy: on some level, he's emotionally twisted her into wanting to stay with him forever, even though both of them are perfectly aware she's utterly miserable. Tellingly, his ultimate defeat is Utena helping Anthy break out of his influence and realizing no, he needs her a lot more than she needs him.
- No Sense of Personal Space: With anyone he tries to seduce.
- Not So Different: In his speech to Utena in the penultimate episode.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Like Anthy, he seems to have been around since at least the Middle Ages.
- Renaissance Man
- Samaritan Syndrome: As Dios, he constantly put the needs of the villagers before himself. Because of this, he grew weak to the point that he was on the verge of death. Anthy stepped in, and she was pretty much condemned to a Fate Worse Than Death...
- Shirtless Scene: Played for Fan Service and laughs.
- Sissy Villain: In the movie.
- Situational Sword
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: It's technically lavender, but still.
- The Wise Prince: As Dios.
The Council members
Touga Kiryuu
Voiced by: Takehito Koyasu (JP), Crispin Freeman (EN)
The president of the Student Council and a notorious playboy. Touga Kiryuu leads each Student Council meeting with his signature speech, a permutation of a quote from the book Demian.
- Aloof Big Brother: Would you wish a brother like him on anyone?
- Always Someone Better: Just as Saionji feels inferior to Touga, Touga is envious of Akio's power (at least partly because he's glimpsed far more of that power than any other duelist).
- Anything That Moves: Touga is mostly into girls, but he also hits on Miki in an early episode, has quite a lot of subtext with Saionji, and sleeps with Akio.
- Big Fancy House: The Kiryuus are very wealthy.
- Casanova: He has many multiple girlfriends.
- Catch Phrase:
- "If the egg's shell does not break, the chick will die without being born. We are the chick; the egg is the world. If the world's shell does not break, we will die without being born. Break the world's shell! For the sake of revolutionizing the world!"
- Also, in the Akio Ohtori Saga: "If your soul hasn't given up entirely, then you should be able to hear this sound, running about the Ends of the World. Now, come with us, to the world which you desire!"
- Chivalrous Pervert: Touga seduces any girl he wants (three or four at a time), but cares for Utena, for his sister Nanami and for his friend Saionji. And yet, that doesn't stop them from being a Manipulative Bastard to them if the situation merits it. See the ending of Nanami's duel in the third arc for a truly horrific example of this.
- Dead All Along: In the movie.
- Disc One Final Boss: He's the main antagonist of the first arc and even defeats Utena in their first duel.
- Dub Name Change: The Enoki Films release names him Tommy.
- Even the Guys Want Him
- Evil Redhead
- False Friend: Saionji is an asshole, but he still doesn't deserve what Touga pulls on him.
- The Hedonist
- Heel Face Turn: In the manga.
- Hypocrite: In one of the fillers, he mistakenly believes Nanami to be a lesbian and gives a lecture that homosexuality is wrong. At this point, he is sleeping with Akio.
- I Love You Because I Can't Control You: Touga falls in love with Utena because she seems to be the one girl who doesn't immediately fall under his charm.
- Knife-Throwing Act: One of the Student Council meetings had Touga and Miki doing this with Touga as the knife-thrower.
- Ladykiller in Love: With Utena. Also a Deconstruction. His "love" for Utena doesn't keep him from trying to control her anyway, and in the end, she doesn't love him back.
- Love Redeems: Somewhat in the anime. Played straight in the manga.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Multicolored Hair: In earlier manga illustrations, he has black hair with red bangs; this was later changed to red with a lighter front lock to match with the anime.
- Not Blood Siblings: Nanami is crushed after finding out they are both adopted and not blood related after all. This is then subverted when it turns out that Touga was just playing with her head: while they are adopted, they were adopted from the same family and thus actually are blood siblings. For the record: this is the Double Subversion of the Inversion of a trope: a prime example of how Mind Screwy this show is.
- Rape as Backstory: In the movie.
- Really Gets Around: He will sleep with any girl, it seems.
- Sexy Man, Instant Harem
- Shirtless Scene: Fan Service or Fan Disservice, depending on how you see it, played up to the point of parody.
- Smug Snake: He is very handsome, charming, and manipulative... but ultimately, he's a horrendous Jerkass even to his sister, and he can't hold a candle to Akio.
- Something About a Rose
- Student Council President: According to the game, it's only because he's the oldest.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
- Wounded Gazelle Gambit: To gain Utena's sympathy in the first arc, he takes an attack meant for her from Saionji and plays up the injury. As a result, Saionji is kicked out of school and Utena takes Touga's side.
Juri Arisugawa
Voiced by: Kotono Mitsuishi (JP), Mandy Bonhomme (EN)
An incredibly skilled duelist with high levels of political power over the students and teachers, and the captain of the fencing team. Despite her confidence, she is still a soft and vulnerable person on the inside.
- Action Girl: She's the captain of the fencing club and gives Utena a really hard time in their duels.
- Alpha Bitch: In the manga.
- Badass: Just based on her performance against Utena, and contrasting that with everyone else's, one could argue that she's the best fighter in the whole series.
- Bifauxnen: Juri's typical attire is gender-neutral, and she does model gowns when not wearing the Student Council uniform, but her cool, icy bearing and fierceness arguably lead to her giving off this impression.
- Broken Bird: She's been carrying a torch for Shiori for a long time, even though Shiori has deliberately hurt her out of envy.
- Clingy MacGuffin: Subversion: she throws her locket into a lake in one episode; by the end of that episode, it's back with her again. However, she ends up finding it because the locket was planted there, not by sheer chance.
- Cool Big Sis: To Miki, at least.
- Death Glare
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- Dub Name Change: The Enoki Films release names her Julie.
- Even the Girls Want Her
- Expy: Of Oscar from Rose of Versailles, for a start, and several of Chiho Saito's aristocratic, Princess Curls-wearing characters from other series.
- Gray Rain of Depression
- Her Story Repeats Itself
- It's All Junk
- Jade-Colored Glasses: Refuses to believe in miracles to try and hide her emotional weaknesses. She's pretty pissed when Utena wins their first duel with an insane coincidence.
- Lady of War: Her elegance and maturity elevates her to this rather than Action Girl. In her duel with Utena, she effortlessly parries the latter's attacks with a very casual expression.
- Letting Her Hair Down: In episode 7.
- Memento MacGuffin: Her locket.
- Not So Stoic
- The Ojou: Implied to possibly be even richer than the Kiryuus, based on the way she casually one-ups Nanami at the beginning of episode 16.
- Princess Curls
- Rapunzel Hair: In the movie.
- Redemption in the Rain: Utena unintentionally striking and destroying her locket in their second duel symbolizes the freedom from the most toxic, one-sided relationship in her life, where a heavy downpour of rain then ensues.
- Red String of Fate: Shows up in her flashbacks.
- Schoolgirl Lesbians: For Shiori.
- Shower of Angst: Episode 17.
- Slave Collar: Her locket is a necklace variation of this. Its breaking at the end of her story symbolized her finally being free of her self-destructive, one-sided relationship with the person found inside the locket.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Juri/Jury.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: Even though she has orange hair.
- Tragic Keepsake: Depending on whether you see it as a link to the happy days Juri shared with Shiori and the Nameless Boy, or as a reminder of Shiori's betrayal.
Kyouichi Saionji
Voiced by: Takeshi Kusao (JP), Jack Taylor (EN)
- Always Someone Better: No matter what he does, Touga just seems to be one step ahead of him.
- Bastard Boyfriend: He claims to love Anthy, but his behavior is more in line with this. In fact, he abuses her physically before Utena defeats him.
- The Chew Toy: In fillers, and it's cathartic.
- Domestic Abuser: In every continuity, his physical abuse of Anthy is what spurs Utena to try to save her.
- Dub Name Change: The Enoki Films release names him Kevin Simon.
- Green-Eyed Monster: His relationship with Touga is defined by this.
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: It's hard to figure out how sympathetic he's supposed to be. But when your best friend makes it look like you violently assaulted him and gets you expelled to further his own goals, that's a clear sign your life sucks.
- Innocent Inaccurate
- Jerkass: And how.
- Jerkass Has a Point: He's actually one of the more perceptive members of the main cast, but it's not like people listen to him (for understandable reasons)...
- Kendo Team Captain
- Loin Cloth: His Shower Scene in the Sega Saturn game reveals that he wears fundoshi.
- The Masochism Tango: He does have some sort of unrequited attraction to Anthy, but his claims that she should be head-over-heels for him fall short when he backhands her every couple of scenes. You could probably also make an argument for him and Touga.
- Perpetual Frowner: Except for when he gives a Slasher Smile.
- Pet the Dog: When he's rooming with Wakaba in episode 20, especially when he makes a little hairclip for her. Too bad he botches it by taking up Mikage's offer and giving the hair-clip away in exchange for being able to return to Ohtori. Thus, the hair-clip goes to Anthy instead, and poor Wakaba goes Cute and Psycho.
- Purple Eyes
- Shirtless Scene: Near the end: clearly he's been taking lessons from Touga.
- Slasher Smile: Tends to give a lot of these: he easily has the most deranged expressions of any duelist when he gets pissed off. They're downright scary in The Movie.
- Smug Snake: More obviously than Touga.
- This Cannot Be!: His reaction when Utena wins the first duel.
- Troubled but Cute
- Uke: Depending on interpretation, he's arguably a Deconstruction of one. A lot of his problems stem from a mix of his love/hate relationship with Touga and the feelings of inferiority of always being second best and in his shadow. Ultimately, he wants to seek eternity to preserve the equal friendship he and Touga once shared. This also leads to him asserting his masculinity in very unhealthy ways, notably his abysmal treatment of Anthy.
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid: The younger Saionji we see in episode 9 wasn't halfway as horrible as the teen Saionji we met.
Miki "Mickey" Kaoru
Voiced by: Aya Hisakawa (JP), Jimmy Zoppi (EN)
A piano player and genius, and genuinely more friendly to Utena than the other members of the Student Council. He's constantly timing things with his stopwatch for unknown reasons.
- Character Tics: Timing his stopwatch. NOBODY KNOWS WHY, especially with Ikuhara's habit of leaving his answers vague or deliberately off-base. A good theory though is that he is timing the length of the dialogue from whoever spoke right before.
- Dub Name Change: The Enoki Films release makes Mickey his actual name.
- Dude, She's Like, in a Coma: In the manga only, he kisses Utena while she's taking a nap.
- Even the Guys Want Him: Besides his fangirls, Touga hits on him as early on as the fifth episode, and his piano teacher is implied to have a less than savoury interest in him.
- Friendly Enemy: To Utena. The rest of the Student Council comes around at some point or another, but Miki and her are buddies from very early on.
- Half-Identical Twins: With Kozue. When Utena sees both of them together for the first time, she even comments on how similar they look.
- Innocent Innuendo: In the Black Rose Saga.
Nanami: Hey, hey, by the way... how did it feel?
Miki: How did what feel?
Nanami: You know what I mean... did it hurt?
Miki: *goes beet red*
- Intelligence Equals Isolation
- Just Friends: With Utena.
- Like Brother and Sister: His friendship with Juri has some hints of this; fanon and fanfiction have been known to take this in non-platonic directions (it doesn't help that at one point, in the movie, she seems to hit on him, though she may have been teasing him).
- Lonely Piano Piece: He often plays "The Sunlit Garden" alone, remembering how he used to play it with Kozue.
- Loving a Shadow: At least in the beginning, his feelings towards Anthy stem from the fact that she reminds him of Kozue when she was younger... or rather, how he remembers Kozue.
- Luminescent Blush: Tends to do this when embarrassed or talking to Anthy.
- Nice Guy: Miki is one of the few genuinely good-natured characters, and is certainly the Student Councilor least inclined to use others as punching bags for his own issues. This being Utena, he does have flaws, but he is one of the few characters that never slaps Anthy.
- Parental Abandonment
- The Piano Player
- Shy Blue Haired Boy
- Sibling Yin-Yang: With Kozue.
- Signature Song: "The Sunlit Garden", which was composed by Miki In-Universe. It serves as more than that though: it's a leitmotif of the show, and played during key scenes that invoke certain memories, whether real or imagined.
- Teen Genius: Taking college classes in seventh grade!
- Theme Twin Naming: "Miki" means "trunk" while "kozue" means "treetop".
- Twincest: Implied, particularly in the movie: while it comes more from Kozue, the fact that Miki essentially projects an idealised version of his sister onto Anthy is just a tad suspicious.
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: Also very innocent, albeit not quite as naive as Utena.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Nanami Kiryuu
Voiced by: Yuri Shiratori (JP), Leah Applebaum (EN)
A slightly late addition to the council, Nanami is the younger sister of Touga Kiryuu. Generally an immature person with a grudge against Anthy. Nanami frequently is the subject of the show's sillier episodes.
- Alpha Bitch: Being the younger sister of Student Council President Touga and an Ojou, she constantly flaunts her superiority over others and has a Girl Posse to help her keep other students from crossing her.
- Anguished Declaration of Love
- Animal Motifs: In one episode, she thinks she's turning into a cow. In the movie, she actually is a cow.
- Animals Hate Her: Might be due to a curse laid by Anthy, the local animal lover.
- Baleful Polymorph: Is tricked by Anthy into putting on a "fashion bell" that gradually turns her into a cow.
- Big Brother Attraction: Would you wish a brother like Touga on anyone?
- Big Fancy House: They hold balls there.
- Break the Haughty: Oh boooy, does this girl have a bad day: after discovering that her brother, whom she loved ever since she was a child, was not her blood sibling, she feels like the connection she had her whole life was a lie. After that, she runs away from home, into the house of a pair of close, happy siblings... only to walk in on them having sex. And after that, she walks in on her brother making out with a member of her old gang, to hear that her brother said he not only never loved her to begin with, and to have her ex-friend claim she has no connection to her anymore. And then after that, she gets the Akio Car treatment, where her brother attempts to rape her, much to her horror. Her proceeding duel has her break down in tears, claiming that she doesn't have any connection to the brother she loves, and is horrified at being just like the other girls he sees absolutely nothing in. It's very hard not to feel sorry for her after all that, even if you thought she was a raging Rich Bitch.
- The Cassandra: Tries to warn Utena about Akio and Anthy after accidentally learning exactly what their relationship is like, to no avail.
- The Chew Toy: In fillers; even moreso than Saionji!
- Children Are Innocent: Subverted: she kills the kitten she gave her brother because she thought it was taking away too much of his attention.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: She's rather merciless to anyone she feels is getting between her and Touga.
- Demoted to Extra: In the movie, Nanami gets a single blink-and-you'll-miss-it scene... as a cow. In the manga it was even worse, as she only ever shows up in one photograph and doesn't even make an actual on-panel appearance.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: Two words: "Nanami's Egg". It is an extended metaphor about puberty... in a show that is itself an extended metaphor about puberty, as well as Teen Pregnancy and her own abandonment issues.
- Don't You Dare Pity Me!
- Dual-Wielding: Both a sword and a knife. For whatever reason, she only has the sword during her duel in the third arc, however.
- Dub Name Change: The Enoki Films release names her Nanette.
- Egg Sitting: For the egg that she apparently laid. She gets really attached to it.
- Everything's Sparkly with Jewelry
- Evil Phone:
Nanami: What time do you think this is, moron?
Nanami: Who is this? At least give me your name.
Akio: The Ends of the World. Kiryuu Touga is waiting for you.
- Expy: Of Chitose Fujinomiya from Goldfish Warning, of all people. A spoiled rich blonde girl with dead parents, who declares herself head of the student council, who has all sorts of animal problems, whose classmates have attempted to make her wear a bell, and who is willing to take her desires to impress others to a farcical extent. Both are a little less Genre Savvy than their fellow cast members, but end up being made of sterner stuff than you'd think. Ikuhara worked on both series, so this isn't too surprising.
- Fallen Princess: Becomes this in the third arc.
- Girl Posse: Aiko, Yuuko and Keiko.
- Imagine Spot: When Nanami is trying to embarrass Anthy [and win Miki's affection] by planting weird stuff in her room. She envisions each ploy going off without a hitch, only to have them fail because Anthy is already keeping weird stuff in her room. And Miki finds it cute.
- Important Haircut
- Innocent Innuendo: See above, with Miki.
- Jerkass Has a Point: Like Saionji, by the end of the series Nanami has actually figured out a lot of what's going on, but given how she acted earlier, no one is inclined to believe her. See also The Cassandra above.
- Large Ham
- Minor Injury Overreaction: When Touga gets hurt in the Student Council Saga, Nanami is quick to blame Utena and Anthy for her brother's injuries.
- Mistaken for Gay: When she takes care of an egg in the anime, she asks Touga if he prefers boys or girls [she's talking about the gender of whatever is inside the egg]. He believes that she is talking about his sexuality and answers "Girls, obviously", which then Nanami replies with "Really? Me too". Cue a lecture about "Homosexuality is wrong" by Touga.
- Noblewoman's Laugh: Her signature laugh.
- Nonuniform Uniform: When she takes over as Student Council President, she gains a new, yellow, military-style uniform.
- The Ojou
- Rich Bitch: A very typical case, at least at first.
- Show the Forehead
- Skintone Sclerae: It's a bit inconsistent in the first arc, however.
- So Beautiful It's a Curse: In one episode, she thinks that someone is trying to kill her: "These attempts must certainly be the result of someone being jealous of my cute looks, my popularity, and refinement!"
- Spoiled Brat: She's a Rich Bitch who is used to being accommodated.
- Third Person Person: Does this sometimes around Touga, likely to make herself look cutesy.
- Troubled Fetal Position: When things get especially bad.
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid: Played straight and then subverted. She did genuinely adore her brother as a kiddo, but then we see what she did to a certain kitty...
- We Named the Monkey "Jack": Anthy named a cow after Nanami. This is obviously not meant to be flattering.
- Yandere: She's so obsessed with Touga that as a child she killed his cat out of jealousy.
The Black Rose Duelists
Wakaba Shinohara
Voiced by: Yuka Imai (JP), Roxanne Beck (EN)
Utena's best friend at the onset of the series, Wakaba is an eccentric girl who has a clear obsession with the protagonist. However, it's her crush on Saionji that kicks off the plot.
- All Girls Want Bad Boys: Poor girl is madly in love with a guy who is openly abusive to women.
- All Love Is Unrequited: With Saionji.
- Cute and Psycho
- Dub Name Change: The Enoki Films release names her Wanda.
- Genki Girl: To the point that she almost knocks Utena out of windows.
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: Smacks Utena out of her self-pity.
- The Glomp: She does this to Utena a lot, almost knocking her out of a window.
- Heroic Self-Deprecation: Thinks she's not nearly as great as Utena is.
- I Just Want to Be Special
- Love Letter Lunacy: She sends Saionji a love letter. He scoffs it, and it ends up put on display and mocked by other students. Poor Wakaba collapses crying, and Utena steps in to defend her honor... via challenging Saionji to a duel.
- Ms. Exposition: Her role in the first arc is basically to introduce our main characters to Utena. Later on, she becomes a more complete character.
- The Nondescript: And she's painfully aware of it.
- Romantic Two-Girl Friendship: Explicitly calls Utena "my one true love" several times, but this seems to be more of an inside joke between the two of them.
- Stepford Smiler
Kozue Kaoru
Voiced by: Chieko Honda (JP), Roxanne Beck (EN)
Miki's twin sister, a sexual and in her words "impure" girl who has a complicated and unhealthy relationship with Miki. She refuses to let him become romantically involved with anyone, but intentionally tries to get with everyone in order to aggrevate him.
- Attention Whore: Deconstructed: her inferiority complex with regards to her brother makes her think that negative attention is the only kind she can get, hence her promiscuous behaviour.
- Character Exaggeration: Kozue in the manga was a very different character from Kozue in the anime, and nowhere near as warped. Basically, she was just bratty and overprotective of Miki, and she certainly didn't act promiscuous or hurt anyone who would get close to him.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: In the manga, and overtly so.
- Creepy Twins: Miki is not creepy at all (unless you're the type to overthink some things...), but Kozue more than makes up for that!
- Damsel in Distress: Becomes one of these in the manga and light novel, forcing Miki (who, in these versions, had been completely opposed to the dueling game beforehand) to duel against Utena in order to save her.
- Disproportionate Retribution: Show attention or attraction to her brother around her, or worse, hurt him? You're in for it big time.
- Dub Name Change: The Enoki Films release names her Chris.
- Freudian Excuse: When Miki was unable to attend their recital, not only was it revealed Kozue was a sub-par player on her own, but being alone in front of the crowd clearly traumatized her. And while Miki is the series' Nice Guy, he hasn't treated her with the same affection since she stopped playing the piano and projects her childhood self onto Anthy. No wonder the girl has issues.
- Green-Eyed Monster: Don't take her brother's attention from her. Just... don't.
- Half-Identical Twins: With Miki. When Utena sees both of them together for the first time, she even comments on how similar they look to one another.
- Knight Templar Big Sister: Show attention or attraction to her brother around her, or worse, hurt him? You're in for it big time.
- The Nondescript: When she was younger.
- Parental Abandonment: See Miki's section. Kozue isn't exactly fond of their parents.
- Really Gets Around: She invokes this to get Miki's attention.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: With Miki.
- Theme Twin Naming: "Kozue" means "treetop" while "miki" means "trunk".
- Troubled but Cute
- Twincest: Implied, particularly in the movie.
- More blatant in the 20th anniversary manga. Wherein Kozue is openly attracted to her brother, going so far as to try kissing him in his sleep (she was rejected), and actually kissing him when she came to him in the middle of the night, claiming that her husband had abused and potentially sexually assaulted her, claiming she was in love with another man. It was to the point that, after the second mentioned rejection by her brother, she went into a state of catatonia.
- Yandere: Over Miki.
Shiori Takatsuki
Voiced by: Kumiko Nishihara (JP), Lisa Ortiz (EN)
A girl who Juri has a crush on. Shiori, on the other hand, has a bizarre resentment for Juri, and desperately tries to gain power over her in any possible way.
- Attention Whore: Shades of this in her character, though it's more like she just wants positive attention from someone who can actually make her feel good about herself.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Due to her cripplingly low self-esteem.
- Butterfly of Death and Rebirth: In the movie.
- Don't You Dare Pity Me!
- Disturbed Doves: When she loses her Black Rose duel.
- Drives Like Crazy: In the movie. While trying to ram Anthy off the road, she doesn't seem to notice that she's about to crash into a fork in the road.
- Dub Name Change: The Enoki Films release names her Sally.
- Green-Eyed Monster: Believes that Juri was always better than her at everything, and that she was only pretending to be friends with her in order to look down on her.
- Incompatible Orientation: Truthfully, this is the least of the problems between Juri and Shiori. May be subverted in the end.
- It's All About Me: In the movie, when, after she becomes a car, she rants to Anthy that the only who deserves to escape from Ohtori is "beautiful me. Me. Me. Me! Me! Me, me, me, me, ME!!!".
- The Nondescript: Considers herself to be plain in comparison to the beautiful Juri.
- Pure Is Not Good: Juri calls her "cruelly innocent". This may be true, but she's also willing to do some pretty awful things because of her inferiority complex.
- Purple Eyes
- Red String of Fate: As seen in Juri's past memories of her in episode 7.
- Selective Obliviousness: When Juri tries to warn her away from Ruka because she's worried about her, Shiori misinterprets her words as jealousy and thinks she's awful for it.
- Self-Serving Memory: In the movie, as she's recounting her so-called relationship with Touga before his death, she mentions that "my Prince and I were going to go steady." Considering he was still in a relationship with Utena at the time, chances are she's either lying or that's how she remembers it.
- Zettai Ryouiki: In The Movie.
Kanae Ohtori
Voiced by: Ai Orikasa (JP), Elizabeth Tarpon (EN)
Akio's fiancee and the heir to the bloodline Ohtori family. Although she loves Akio, she is highly disturbed by Anthy, seeing a lot of passive-aggressiveness in her behavior towards Kanae.
- Abusive Parents: Her mother, who seems to care for nothing but herself and sleeps with Kanae's fiance.
- Arranged Marriage: To Akio.
- Big No: At the end of her duel.
- Break the Cutie -> Cute and Psycho: When this girl snaps, she snaps. Being practically Mind Raped by Mikage and Mamiya did NOT help.
- Dark Mistress: Heavily deconstructed.
- Disposable Fiancé: She's introduced as Akio's fiancee, but Akio uses her power, cheats on her with everyone including her mother and maybe even literally disposes of her.
- Downer Ending: Out of all the duelists, Kanae is the only one not shown in the Book Ends montage towards the end. The last we see of her is, well... see How Do You Like Them Apples? below.
- Dub Name Change: The Enoki Films release names her Kate.
- Everything's Better with Princesses: Deconstructed like whoa. Kanae is implied to fit the true princess archetype in this series, being very kind-hearted and sweet... but also very passive and lacking any control over her own future. This is not portrayed as a good thing.
- Fragile Flower
- How Do You Like Them Apples?: In the third arc, Akio and Anthy feed a BSODing Kanae an apple pin-cushioned by forks. It is strongly implied that they're poisoning her, and the apple also obviously stands for Anthy's swords of hate. One of the background music tracks, which plays during Akio and Anthy's familial bonding is called "Fruit of Sin", as well. Make of that what you will.
- The Ojou: The Spoiled Sweet type.
- Sanity Slippage: She's really paranoid about Anthy due to the latter's Stepford Smiler nature.
Keiko Sonoda
Voiced by: Akira Nakagawa (JP), Mandy Bonhomme (EN)
The second-in-command to Nanami's Girl Posse.
- Backstabbing the Alpha Bitch: Arguably her Crowning Moment of Awesome.
- Cinderella: Subverted. At first, Keiko seems to follow this tale straight to the point of parody, Nanami being a sorta "evil stepmother"... But then her attitude to her "prince" appears to be much more "rose-bridish" than "cinderella-esque". And as she gets close to Touga at last, she switches roles with Nanami, starting to humiliate her. To crown the subversion, she ends up beaten and "princeless".
- Cute and Psycho: After snapping.
- Dub Name Change: The Enoki Films release names her Kelly.
- False Friend: Only pretended to be Nanami's friend so that she could get closer to Touga, and wastes no time in ditching her when the opportunity presents itself.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Girl Posse: A member of Nanami's posse, along with Aiko and Yuuko.
- Letting Her Hair Down: Does this once after Nanami makes her miss out on seeing Touga at a party.
- The Nondescript: Taken to new heights when the audience realizes that Utena doesn't even know her name after she duels her. The other two members of her Girl Posse have similar names as she does also.
- Together Umbrella: With Touga, which enrages Nanami.
Mitsuru Tsuwabuki
Voiced by: Akiko Yajima (JP), Ted Lewis (EN)
- Adorably Precocious Child: Deconstructed, as his innocence ends up being quite creepy at times.
- Badass Adorable
- The Chew Toy: His horrible luck is played for utter comedy, even in his Black Rose episode.
- Combat Pragmatist: In his Black Rose episode, he attacks Utena before she can even draw the Sword of Dios; he also puts to good use the intrinsic advantages of dual-wielding against someone with a single weapon.
- Creepy Child: Has a cheerful demeanor, but initially places Nanami in a series of deadly situations so he can rescue her, apparently not realizing that this is very bad. Also qualifies during his tenure as a Black Rose duelist.
- Dual-Wielding: Wields Nanami's sword and knife as a Black Rose duelist.
- Dub Name Change: The Enoki Films release names him Mitch.
- Indirect Kiss: His chocolate bar, which had a bite taken out by Nanami.
- Looking for Love In All the Wrong Places: When the object of your affection is Nanami of all people, you have issues.
- Stalker with a Crush: A clipshow episode shows Tsuwabuki following and spying on Nanami since the start of the series. Which leads to him plotting to make her fall in love with him. Surprisingly for this anime, it's only played for laughs.
- Yandere: Once he snaps over Nanami.
Tatsuya Kazami
Voiced by: Ryotaro Okiayu (JP), Frank Frankson (EN)
A boy who Wakaba knew when she was younger. After he arrives at Ohtori during the events of the series, Wakaba continues referring to him by the nickname of "Onion Prince", much to his embarrassment.
- Dogged Nice Guy: To Wakaba. Upon hearing him confess, Mikage rejects him for the Black Duels and sends him home. And immeduately afterwards, he uses said knowledge to put Wakaba as the next Black Duelist in line.
- Embarrassing Nickname: "Prince Onion". To clarify: in Japanese, referring to something as onion-make means it's shoddy or second-rate.
- Green-Eyed Monster
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: To Wakaba.
Souji Mikage/Professor Nemuro
Voiced by: Hikaru Midorikawa (JP), Dan Green (EN)
- Anti-Villain: Type III.
- Big Bad: Of the Black Rose Saga.
- Dead All Along: Possibly. It isn't clear whether or not he died in the fire he started at Nemuro Hall years ago, though the fact that he hasn't aged since then may indicate that he's a ghost of sorts.
- Despair Event Horizon: Weaponized, sorta. He uses tactics that arguably predate those of Celestial Being, approaching young people who are in their lowest with promise of a chance to change their worlds and end what's making them suffer by defeating Utena: it's specially obvious in the cases of people like Kanae, Wakaba, Keiko or Mitsuru Tsuwabuki. And then we learn that Mikage himself also went past the Despair Event Horizon in his backstory, and is pushed even further in the last episode of the Black Rose Saga.
- Disproportionate Retribution: All the duels he enables are this, and usually for a small or perceived slight.
- Driven to Madness: Seeing his beloved Tokiko seduced by Akio and the death of Mamiya made him crack, big time.
- Dub Name Change: The Enoki Films release names him Sonny.
- Elaborate Underground Base: Nemuro Memorial Hall. He does his thing in an elevator decorated with pictures of butterflies (in different stages of development) and a leaf, which leads to a massive underground mausoleum where the bodies of a hundred duelists are stored.
- Expy: Of Fiore from the Sailor Moon R movie, which Ikuhara also directed. In addition to their appearances and role in the narrative, they also have the same seiyuu Hikaru Midorikawa.
- Fake Memories: His memories of Mamiya and what really happened to Nemuro Hall.
- Foil: To Utena, pink hair and all. Utena is straightforward and well-meaning; he is manipulative and cruel. They have some similarities too: see Shadow Archetype and Spear Counterpart below.
- The Glasses Come Off: This is reversed with him, who is unable to clearly perceive things after he loses his glasses.
- I Am What I Am
- Indirect Kiss: Tokiko's Lipstick Mark on his cup.
- I Reject Your Reality
- Loving a Shadow: "Mamiya" is actually Anthy in disguise.
- MacGuffin
- Manipulative Bastard: How he creates Black Rose duelists.
- Mind Rape: How he manipulates the Black Rose duelist candidates, via making them tell him their deepest traumas and frustrations and using said knowledge to recruit them to his side. It's a frighteningly good use of the "Mundane" methods.
- More Than Mind Control: His entire shtick with the black roses.
- Not So Different: With Utena, and their similar coloration intentionally highlights this.
- Our Ghosts Are Different: Maybe. The end of the Black Rose Saga suggests he was Dead All Along, but reality seems to get overwritten at that point. It's theorized that he might be a self-propagating mental projection, though you may as well just call that a ghost. More confusingly, his flashback scenes don't even match up with what we know about the timeline from elsewhere.
- Pet the Dog: Well, he lets Tatsuya walk away free and clear... then again, this may have been because Tatsuya was the most mentally-healthy person on campus, and thus not suitable for his purposes.
- Playing with Fire: The reason Nemuro Hall burned down.
- The Professor: As Nemuro.
- Ret-Gone: After the Black Rose Saga, everyone but Akio and Anthy forgets he was ever there.
- Rose Haired Guy
- Sanity Slippage
- Shadow Archetype: Of Utena.
- Signature Move: He's ambidextrous.
- Single Tear
- Spear Counterpart: To Utena: pink hair, attached to a submissive person in an engagement type of situation (whose looks and names are quite similar) motivated by idealized memories.
- Spooky Photographs
- The Stoic: Was described as being akin to a "human computer".
- Teen Genius: A professor at just 18.
- There Are No Therapists: Man could really have used one. He also functions as a twisted version of a therapist in the Black Rose Saga, urging the students who visit him to confess their psychological problems. Of course, having Mikage listen to your issues is really not a good way to solve them.
- Tomato Surprise
- Unwitting Pawn: To Akio, who had him under control the whole time.
Mamiya Chida
Voiced by: Maria Kawamura (JP), Liam O'Brien (EN)
Mikage's associate who is assisting him with the growing of roses for his duelists. His purpose is to be the new Rose Bride in Anthy's place.
- Ambiguously Brown
- Dead Person Impersonation: Anthy took over his identity to fool Mikage into believing that Mamiya is still alive.
- Dub Name Change: The Enoki Films release names him Miles.
- Facial Markings: Wears a bindi.
- Green Eyes
- Identical Stranger: To Anthy which, considering he really is Anthy, and that his real appearance was completely different, this is actually subverted.
- Ill Boy
- Spear Counterpart: To Anthy, subverted.
- The Stoic: Tends not to show much emotion.
- Unperson: No one but Mikage and the Black Rose Duelists know he exists, and they forget him once their roses are destroyed.
Tokiko Chida
Voiced by: Noriko Hidaka (JP), Tara Jayne (EN)
Mamiya's older sister, who brought Mamiya to Ohtori several years ago in order to try to cure his fatal illness.
- Armor-Piercing Slap: To Nemuro, once she sees him burn down a certain building...
- Beauty Mark
- Expository Hairstyle Change: At the end of episode 22, we see her as an older woman. Her formerly short hair has grown much longer.
- Hot Scientist: She became one to try curing her little brother's life-threatening illness. She failed, and Mamiya ultimately died when Nemuro Hall was burned down.
- Promotion to Parent: Towards Mamiya.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
Other characters
Mrs. Ohtori
Voiced by Yoko Soumi (JP)
Kanae's mother, the chairman's wife, and yet another person in the series sleeping with Akio.
- Christmas Cake: A harsh deconstruction of one.
- Fallen Princess: In a series that loves playing with princess tropes, she represents what happens when the princess grows up, gets older and is still unfulfilled.
- Hidden Eyes: We never see her eyes while she's on screen.
- Mrs. Robinson: An almost textbook version of this trope, since she's an older woman trying to reclaim what's left of her girlhood in the worst possible way.
- Ready for Lovemaking: It's very subtle, but a close look at what she's wearing shows this.
- Wicked Stepmother: She acts in this fashion, cavorting with Akio and caring very little about her ill husband's health or Kanae's well-being.
- Your Cheating Heart: Something Akio passive-aggressively reminds her of constantly when they're on screen together.
Ruka Tsuchiya
Voiced by: Nozomu Sasaki (JP), Wayne Grayson (EN)
A former member of the student council who left due to a severe illness. After the Black Rose Duels end, he returns to Ohtori with a plan in mind.
- Back for the Dead: He's terminally ill when he returns to the school.
- The Casanova
- Hands-On Approach: He corrects the fencing students in a very suggestive way.
- Incompatible Orientation: He loves Juri. Juri is a lesbian. Do the maths.
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: To Juri, even if it means making her hate him.
- Jerkass Facade: Maybe. In retrospect, every action he took was to free Juri from her unhealthy bond to Shiori, and there's a good chance he was making Juri hate him on purpose; however, not all fans feel that the ends justified the means, especially given that his actions include sexually assaulting Juri.
- Love Triangle: Between him, Shiori and Juri.
- Manipulative Bastard: Subverted. At first, we're led to believe he's another manipulative prick just like all the other male leads, but by the end of Juri's duel, it's revealed that everything he did was to discredit Shiori and free Juri from her self-destructive obsession with the girl.
- Thanatos Gambit: Knew that he'd die and had his days numbered, but he still used this to his advantage to force Juri out of her vicious cycle.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Chigusa Sanjouin
Voiced by: Maya Okamoto
The antagonist of the "Someday My Revolution Will Come" Sega Saturn game. Chigusa is very masculine and hates the idea of girls being passive, as she prefers strong and powerful girls.
- Action Girl
- Dead All Along: Unlike Mikage, whose status was ambiguous, Chigusa is explicitly stated to have died in the fire at the fencing hall 15 years ago.
- Even the Girls Want Her: Gets her share of squealing from fangirls when she's in class, and Kozue is even seen dating her at one point.
- Everything's Better with Princesses: Completely subverted in her mind. Chigusa hates passive girls that she perceives to be "princesses", in contrast to commanding girls like her whom she believes to be "queens".
- Femme Fatale
- God-Created Canon Foreigner: The Sega Saturn game was created by all the original TV series team, and is officially counted as canon.
- God Save Us From the Queen: Chigusa identifies with the Evil Queen from Snow White. That symbolism appears several times, such as the calendar by her locker and the poisoned apple she leaves for the protagonist.
- Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?: If the protagonist asks her if she has a girlfriend at one point, Chigusa says that she only likes regular boys. Then she goes on a date with Kozue a few scenes later.
- Huge Schoolgirl: Based on her height next to Touga, Chigusa is at least 6'1".
- Informed Attribute: Chigusa is supposed to look very masculine, to the point where she feels the need to specify her gender when she introduces herself to the class, but it doesn't show at all in her character design.
- Lady of War: In contrast to her masculinity she's an elegant fencer.
- Manipulative Bitch
- No Guy Wants an Amazon: The fencing team's sponsor Masaomi chose girly Koto over cold, powerful Chigusa. She never recovered from that rejection, and thus hates all girls who act passive and feminine... especially the player character, who is Masaomi and Koto's daughter.
- Our Ghosts Are Different: In a way similar to Mikage.
- Spikes of Villainy: On her duelling outfit and the pommel of her sword.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Has teal-colored hair.
Shadow Play Girls
Voiced by: Maria Kawamura (A-Ko), Satomi Koorogi (B-Ko), Kumiko Watanabe (C-Ko, JP); Mandy Bonhomme (A-Ko), Sharon Becker (B-Ko), Lisa Ortiz (C-Ko, EN)
- Canon Immigrant: C-Ko is the only one of the Shadow Girls to be transplanted into the movie, with A-Ko and B-Ko being replaced by E-Ko and F-Ko.
- Catch Phrase: "I wonder, I wonder, do you know what I wonder?" Lampshaded in that their school group is the "Kashira Playhouse", a pun on their catchphrase.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Their leitmotif is even named "Aliens from the Planet Kashira".
- Combat Commentator: In the movie, the Shadow Girls broadcast live footage of Anthy's car chase to the outside world, providing commentary on "who's in the lead", and actually being able to communicate to her through the car radio.
- Even Nerds Have Standards: They're not actually nerds, but A-Ko and B-Ko have the nerve to say that C-Ko is "a little strange" compared to them, and that she has no friends. In C-Ko's words, "you guys are ones to talk."
- Extra! Extra! Read All About It!: In the Black Rose Saga: "Gogai! Gogai! Gogai!" aka "Newflash, newsflash! Newsflash!"
- The Faceless: When they finally appear in person, they're only shown from behind.
- Faux Symbolism: Invoked. Several of their plays are perfect allegories of the events of the episode. Then there are the plays that involve a monkey-catching robot and a wife who thinks you can eat tires for dinner.
- Funny Background Event: Either this or Meaningful Background Event.
- Genki Girl: What they're trying to say is sometimes ambiguous, but they're always very enthusiastic about it.
- Girl Posse
- Greek Chorus: They comment on the duels and/or act out allegorical plays that reference events in the episode.
- The Hecate Sisters
- Leitmotif: "Aliens from the Planet Kashira".
- Once an Episode: Their shows.
- Painting the Fourth Wall
- Planet of Hats: If Word of God and fan interpretation is to be believed, the Shadow Girls come from a planet called Kashira. The movie supports this, somewhat, with the reveal of an entire news studio of shadow girls.
- School Newspaper Newshound
- School Play
- Back to Revolutionary Girl Utena
- ↑ "Well, keep in mind that Utena is slightly hampered in things like trying to get shorts and skirts to fit correctly; mortal clothing is not engineered to account for legs that go slightly more than all the way up. :)" -- Benjamin "Gryphon" Hutchins, 8/20/2000, Eyrie Productions, Unlimited website