Revolution 60

Revolution 60 is an adventure video game developed and published by Brianna Wu for iOS platforms. The story is centered on a team of four women working in an anime-themed special forces unit, attempting to liberate a space station.

It is slated for an eventual Steam release. The last news was on December 2015.[1]

Tropes used in Revolution 60 include:
  • All There in the Manual: The game has a manual that must be purchased separately to fill in most of the blanks in the lore, though it's freely available via several legally questionable sources.
  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Chessboard is the AI that commands the protagonists, and is generally reliable over 5% of the time. The remainder falls squarely into this trope.
  • Amazon Brigade: The protagonist cast members are all women.
    • The developer claims the development staff was one. This is false. Even if you count transsexuals as women they also proudly state parts of the art design were done the studio owner's husband.
  • Dialogue Tree: Uses one extremely similar to Mass Effect.
  • Race Lift: The Steam port.
  • Multiple Endings: Has over 20 according to the developer.
  • Press X to Not Die: Most of the gameplay outside of the dialogue sequences.
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