Reunion is a continuation fanfic for The Sarah Connor Chronicles by TV Troper "The1Russter". It shows John's rise in the La Résistance in 2027, meeting some familiar faces - to him, that is, including his uncle Derek Reese, his father Kyle and Alison Young, who is what Cameron is based off. Back in 2009, Sarah is trying to stop Skynet and looking after Savannah Weaver.
Available here.
Tropes used in Reunion include:
- Action Girl: Cameron, Allison Young, Samantha Weaver, Kate Brewster
- Action Mom: Sarah Connor,
- Action Survivor: What every was forced to become, post Judgement Day.
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Skynet. Averted with John Henry.
- Alternate History: The various futures those from the past have described.
- Authority Equals Asskicking
- Badass Automaton: The Terminators
- Badass Biker: Cameron
- Badass Crew : The Resistance
- Badass Longcoat: The resistance uniform
- Bad Future: Whatever the future is, it seems that a war with skynet is inevitable.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Older!Savannah Weaver
- Big Bad: Sky Net
- The Captain: Derek Reese
- The Chessmaster: Sky Net, Catherine Weaver
- Crapsack World: 2029 is this.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Skynet against the humans, until John Connor came along.
- Determinator: John Connor. That is why he becomes the leader of the resistance.
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu??: Everyone else views John Connor as this. He once took out seven terminators. By himself.
- Emotionless Girl:Cameron isn't
- The End of the World as We Know It: Judgement Day
- Future Badass: Young!Savannah Weaver.
- General Ripper: Averted, any of these would have got quickly killed off.
- Gondor Calls for Aid: Subverted. Connor does this to neighbouring outposts, but they only send 20 soldiers. Double Subverted, they change their minds and turn up partway though the battle
- Glowing Eyes of Doom: The terminators.
- Hope Bringer: John Connor. When word of him gets to General Brewster, Brewster gets given a folder. On the first page is one word: HOPE.
- Iron Woobie: John Connor. Also his mother.
- Kick the Dog: Catherine Weaver by killing Alison Young. Twice. And various other people as well, possibly including John's children in another timeline.
- La Résistance:
- Mama Bear: Sarah Connor. Catherine Weaver also exhibits some of this trope as well.
- Manipulative Bastard: Catherine Weaver
- Memetic Badass: John Connor quickly gets an incredible reputation. You deserves most of it though.
- Messianic Archetype: John Connor again, though he wishes he wasn't
- Papa Wolf: General Brewster
- Purity Sue: John Henry starts out as one of these, but it seems to be fading.
- Smug Snake: Kreilly. Also Catherine Weaver, in a possibly non-villainous example.
- The Stoic
- The Starscream: Sky Net
- Timey-Wimey Ball
- Took a Level in Badass: Savannah, under Sarah Connor.
- Used Future
- Villainous Breakdown: Kreilly has one of these after being attacked
- War Is Hell
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