Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City/Characters
A list of Characters introduced in Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City.
For characters introduced in the main series, see the main series Character Sheet.
Umbrella Security Service
Tropes fitting the USS team as a whole
- Faceless Goons: All the squad members have some form of face concealment.
- Hired Guns
- Villain Protagonist: Operation Raccoon City's marketing centered around them, with press detailed around them.
"Who do we kill next?"
Role: Recon
- The Apprentice: To HUNK
- Click. "Hello.": Pulls on off in the Triple Impact Trailer.
- Face of the Band: Out of all the squad members, Vector is the most prominent in marketing materials.
- In the Hood
- Knife Nut
"I can see... everything..."
Role: Surveillance
- Cold Sniper
- Goggles Do Something Unusual
- No Party Like a Donner Party: Implied in this little tidbit from Mission 2:
Vector: "Ugh... Looks like they were eating each other..."
Spectre: "Try surviving Soviet winter. Maybe you won't be so quick to judge."
"This was supposed to be fun!"
Role: Demolition
- Artificial Limbs: His left leg is a prosthetic.
- Badass Bandolier: Wears a grenade belt.
- The Brute
- Sir Swears-a-Lot
- Stuff Blowing Up
"This will only hurt a moment!"
Role: Medic
- Battleaxe Nurse: Pre-release info states she prefers treating wounded without painkillers.
- Frau Doktor
- Hopeless with Tech: Type 2. "I'm terrible with the computers..."
- Machete Mayhem
"This is all so fascinating..."
Role: Field Scientist
- The Beast Master: Can control BOWs with her special abilities for a short amount of time.
- The Corrupter: Induce Infection has a chance to infect humans, including Player Characters, and turn them into Crimson Heads on your side.
- For Science!
- Lack of Empathy
- Peek-a-Bangs of Shiny Midnight Black. A mild case of Improbable Hairstyle when you can wade through zombies and explosions for hours on end and still have great hair.
- Playing with Syringes
"We take our chances."
Role: Assault
- Mama Bear: to both the team and her own children. She's even called "Wolf Mother".
- Meaningful Name: her name means "wolf" in Italian.
- Team Mom
"Government forces have already entered the area. Do not let them secure evidence!"
- Evil Brit: Judging from his accent.
- Mission Control
- You Have Failed Me...
Government Spec Ops / Echo 6
Tropes fitting the Spec Ops unit as a whole
- Action Survivor: You wouldn't know it to look at them, but a lot of their training is in domestic situations (Dee-Ay and to some extent Harley being exempted), and it's unclear just how much field and combat experience Party Girl, Shona, and Tweed have. As a whole, they're a little less hardened than the USS strike team.
- For instance, Party Girl is clearly flagging by the end of the campaign and everyone wants to get out of dodge; in-game dialogue will have them fearful and confused at a few points, and they have little to no idea what to do with the zombie apocalypse. That said, the hail of bullets you're likely pumping out renders this trope all but invisible.
- Distaff Counterpart: It seems that their sniper, heavy weapons person, and stealth expert are female, and their leader, medic, and scientist are male; this is the opposite for the USS team.
- Helmets Are Hardly Heroic: Unlike the USS Squad, nobody on the Spec Ops team is wearing face masks or helmets.
- Miles to Go Before I Sleep: Echo Six wants out after finally evacuating Leon, Claire, and Sherry. Unfortunately, Command needs them for further missions and reluctantly orders them to stay behind to continue fighting in Raccoon City.
Crispin Jettingham callsign: DEE-AY
"Working as a team... that's the only way out of here."
Role: Assault
- The Ace: He's been a soldier so long, he has experience with just about any weapon and the know-how to handle any combat situation.
- The Captain: He acts as one, though its unclear what his actual rank is.
- Child Soldiers: Or so it is implied.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has a small one below his right eye.
- The Leader: Levelheaded variation.
- Nerves of Steel: Due to the sheer amount of experience in combat that he has. The Spec Ops trailer shows that blown to hell, though.
- Oh Crap: He has two great ones in the Triple Impact teaser trailer.
- Super Soldier: All his abilities sort of veer in that direction, including one by that very name.
Erez Morris callsign: HARLEY
"I don't get paid enough for this."
Role: Medic
- Badass Biker: His background
- The Big Guy
- Character Development: Harley found his calling as a healer rather than a fighter during the Gulf War, and gained with it no small amount of compassion.
- Cool Shades: Wears them backwards, for some odd reason.
- Dark and Troubled Past: He was about to be sent to jail before he joined the army.
- Hidden Depths: Despite his experience with violence, the army brought forth a facility for medicine and for helping others. To everyone's surprise, he eventually became a leader in those fields.
- The Medic
- Combat Medic: Just as likely to throw-down.
- The Messiah: Supplemental materials state that he will always put other lives before his own.
- No One Gets Left Behind: A philosophy he developed while in the Gulf War.
- Sir Swearsalot: Comes with being a biker.
Lawrence Kimbala callsign: SHONA
"Move quickly; they are vulnerable!"
Role: Field Scientist
- Dark and Troubled Past: Looking at the amount of scars he has, and that he grew up in war-torn Zimbabwe.
- Eye Scream: His right eye is gray and likely blind, as a scar runs over it.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: His head is covered in some notably long ones.
- Harmful to Minors: He was dealing with corpses since he was a kid.
- Playing with Syringes
- Start of Darkness: It's unclear just where his morals lie, but while at Harvard, his interests changed from curing diseases to manipulating viruses.
- Token Evil Teammate: He's a little bit more amoral than the rest of Echo Six, being similar to Four-Eyes in character.
Marisa Ronson callsign: TWEED
"Quiet... second only to the sound of a deafening explosion."
Role: Demolition
- Action Bomb: Some of her abilities make it a viable-ish strategy, devastatingly useful when cornered but very risky.
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: In her backstory, she dropped off the radar after a demo-job with SIS went pie-shaped before the US managed to coax her out of retirement.
- Secret Intelligence Service: According to background info, she's on loan from them.
- Shell Shocked Senior: The reason for the above Screw This, I'm Outta Here. She's more or less over it during the game, though.
- Small Girl, Big Gun
Carolyn Floyd callsign: WILLOW
"Why are we twiddling with our guns? Let's go!"
Role: Recon
- Injun Country: She grew up alone on a reservation, and learned combat and stealth there before she was ever in the military, which she joined straight out of high-school.
- Knife Nut: In the Triple Impact Trailer, she stabs the hell out of a Licker.
- The Perfectionist: Possibly as a result of growing up in harsh conditions, she is always keeping her skills sharp.
Sienna Fowler callsign: PARTY GIRL
"Some party this turned out to be."
Role: Surveillance
- Candid Camera Prank: Her specialty in her youth; she apparently threw wild parties for the upper-elite class and sold the footage to the highest bidders (it's unclear whether it was useful intelligence on those tapes or...something else). Regardless, she outsmarted some actual surveillance experts and was recruited afterwards.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Friendly Sniper: To counter Spectre, she's a lot more upbeat. It's even in her name.
- Fun Personified
"There's more than just the common cold going around down there."
Spec Ops Command: ECHO SIX: A Paracelsus Rail Gun is arriving in 3...2...1...
- Big Good
- Deep South: Judging from his accent
- Mission Control
- Reasonable Authority Figure: In stark contrast to USS command, Spec Ops mission control works with the team and is willing to bend mission objectives if it means saving a few lives.
- Southern-Fried Genius: He handles all the intel and is quick with the mission directives. All with a soothing southern accent.