< Relax-O-Vision

Relax-O-Vision/Playing With

Basic Trope: A clip of cute or relaxing things is shown instead of violent footage

  • Straight: Neil says to his victim "I'm gonna dismember you", and takes out a chainsaw. Then, a clip of kittens playing is shown, with the text "The footage is too violent for your tastes, so enjoy kittens playing in the meantime".
  • Exaggerated: Whenever somebody is about to slam a door, a clip of kittens playing is shown.
  • Justified: The scene really is too horrific, and has actually traumatized viewers in the past.
    • Or, Neil put the clip there himself to avoid detection from authority.
  • Inverted: Chuchoka and Fluffy, two Ridiculously Cute Critters are about to hug each other. Then, a clip of a serial killer ripping out a pregnant woman's guts is shown, with the text "The actual footage is dangerously cute for a man to see, so enjoy this violent scene in the meantime."
  • Subverted: When Neil sees the Relax o Vision, he breaks a fourth wall and tears the sign down to continue showing his violent act in front of the camera.
    • Neil says to his victim "I'm gonna dismember you", and takes out a chainsaw. Then, a clip of kittens playing is shown, with the text "The footage is too violent for your tastes, so enjoy kittens playing in the meantime". Then one of the kittens takes out a chainsaw...
  • Double Subverted: ...Until another sign is promptly placed.
  • Parodied: An upcoming horrible image is replaced by an even worse one.
    • Or: The image of Neil dismembering someone with a chainsaw is replaced with a clip of kittens. The soundtrack is left unchanged.
    • Kittens act out the dismemberment scene.
  • Deconstructed: The kittens are shown to have been horribly abused by Neil and are crying for help.
  • Reconstructed: ...after which they're promptly shown being happily adopted.
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted: Relax-O-Vision does not appear when Neil dismembers the victim with a chainsaw.
  • Enforced: Ratings need to be kept low.
  • Lampshaded: "How is it that every time we get in a fight, we get replaced by felines?"
  • Invoked: "Whatever is about to happen, it's not going to be pretty. Alice, stay here with the kids. Please, make sure they don't look away from those kittens!"
  • Defied: ???
  • Discussed: "Where's that fluffy kitten video when you need it?"
  • Conversed: ???

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