< Relationships Series
Relationships Series/YMMV
- Crack Pairing: More than one.
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: Teana against space pirates, Yuuno when dealing with a flirty waitress.
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: There's a whole chapter that just makes you wanna go "AWWWW!"
- Die for Our Ship: From reviews AND in the story
- Some readers saw Genya as falling prey to this trope by having Ginga transferred to break up the relationship with her, Nove and Wendi, calling it a misuse of his authority and suggesting that he should suffer consequences for it.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Both Teela and the children, especially Isamu, are pretty well liked by the fans, much to the author's surprise.
- Growing the Beard: Around the time "Concession" was written, the two authors actually put a lot more effort into making it a very enjoyable series for people to read.
- Memetic Sex God: Touma, he ATTRACTS
his Unwanted HaremNakajima Brigades' boobs the moment they meet , hint: three of which are Lesbian. - Moe Moe: Lots of examples, ranging from Cinque's love of all cute and fuzzy objects to Vivio playing with her new siblings, to Shiro getting to play with his grandchildren.
- OTP / OT3
- Ship-to-Ship Combat: Yes. The primary pairing involves both sides of a shipping war that's been going on since the original series came out, so a good chunk of Nanoha's Fan Dumb is up in arms over this series.
- The Woobie: Touma
- They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: Both done straight and averted in this series.
- The aversion comes in Pain, which was specifically created to explore what would happen if Yuuno had been sent into the field.
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