< Reckless Gun Usage
Reckless Gun Usage/Playing With
Basic Trope: Characters don't use gun safely but don't have a reason to know.
- Straight: Alice casually points her pistol at Bob while talking to him.
- Exaggerated: Alice uses the barrel of her pistol to scratch her nose.
- Or worse, Alice is way, way, way Too Dumb to Live and attempts to pick her teeth with the trigger.
- Justified: Alice has no idea what a gun is.
- Alice is drunk, stoned, or just REALLY stupid.
- Alice thinks she knows more about safe gun handling than she really does.
- Inverted: Alice tries to shoot Bob, but she leaves the safety on.
- Subverted: Alice waves her gun around carelessly, but then explains that it's just a suction dart gun.
- Double Subverted: Alice got her suction dart pistol mixed up with her real pistol.
- Parodied: Alice carelessly waves around a super soaker. It goes off like a real gun.
- Deconstructed: Alice shoots Bob in the face because she wasn't using it properly.
- Reconstructed: Alice narrowly misses Bob, who promptly educates her in gun safety.
- Zig Zagged: Alice catches herself pointing her pistol at Bob and hastily corrects herself, explaining that even though it's a suction dart gun, she shouldn't get sloppy. Turns out it's a real gun, which she finds out when she deliberately fires at a target. Bob is standing behind the target.
- Averted: Alice handles her gun in a safe manner.
- Enforced: The film is a comedy, and Alice's ineptitude with guns is a Running Gag.
- Lampshaded: "You killed me three times during that sentence. Put down the gun."
- Invoked: "And this is how not to use a gun."
- Defied: Alice double-checks that her gun is unloaded before handing it to Bob, and even then warns him not to point it about recklessly.
- Discussed: "Anyone using their gun as a pointer will not have a gun anymore."
- Conversed: "I can't believe she's just waving it around like that. Five bucks says she shoots Bob in the face."
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