< Rave Master
Rave Master/YMMV
- Alternate Character Interpretation: Lucia goes anywhere from Complete Monster to Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds depending on how you choose to interpret his past. (There's no question which one child Lucia is, though)
- Ass Pull: Niebble. He isn't referenced once until Sieg needs help breaking out of prison, and is treated by Sieg as a regular character we should already know.
- Complete Monster: Ogre, the only Big Bad character who didn't have a Freudian Excuse.
- Slade. Remember him? He was that guy who was introduced during King's start of darkness and died by the end of the flashback. Yeah. He's personally responsible for both King and Lucia's Big Bad status. In other words, for a promotion (which he doesn't even live to enjoy, thankfully) and the fact, that King's gang turned into criminals, he screwed over a mostly decent guy who happened to have turned to the wrong source, and a six year old child whose only crime was being the former's son.
- Don't forget Shakuma. While, given that he's a Raregroove, he probably had a Freudian Excuse, we never got to hear it. Instead, all we know is that he's personally responsible for the destruction of Raregroove and Symphonia, as well as all the citizens. He also placed a curse on Haru's grandfather out of spite, a curse that to an unsuspecting victim is an uncurable disease out of spite, and deeply enjoyed it, and the reason he went to war with the Symphonians is because it was a game. Like most of the later villains, he views the universe he lives in one that was created by the time warping of an apocalypse survivor who is ironically his ancestor to be false and must destroyed. Also, he was never there when King his own son was suffering, and you'd think he would be more protective of his family.
- Crazy Awesome: Let turning into a massive dragon during the Final Battle
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: Far, far too many to list here
- Crowning Moment of Funny: The fight with Go and Rosa as a whole, but especially Go's line "Die for my movie"
- Also, when Haru stands up to the Oracion Six and lets Elie know she's not alone, then imagines her and Lucia kissing.
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Again, many, particular standouts include Gale Glory's Power of Friendship speech and (naturally) the ending.
- Crowning Music of Awesome: The English Opening Theme, as mentioned below.
- Cult Classic: While one of the less well known series, its original story and well established background is what attracts its audience.
- Ear Worm: You listen to this song and tell me that it doesn't stick with you all day.
- An even bigger example is The Power Of Destiny.
- Evil Is Sexy: Reina, although she turns out to be not so evil.
- Fridge Brilliance: The Dark Bring corrupt people and turn them into destruction crazed maniacs beacuse they're part of Endless, who's sole purpose is to destory the world.
- Raregroove can also be transliterated as Realglobe
- Fridge Logic: How is it possible that Shiba survived an explosion that destroyed one-tenth of the world, when he was right at the epicenter?
- The Overdrive wasn't literally as powerful as everyone says it is. And as for how he survived being in the middle of it, that's hardly the single most fatal thing a main character has survived in this series. If anything, Shiba's survival at the very beginning sets the tone.
- The very first chapter shows Plue saved Shiba using the combined powers of the Rave (or something).
- Here's a better one. How is it that in the year 10015 about half of the world (at best) was known, causing that 'destroyed 1/10 of the planet' myth listed above. But in the year 10066 they not only discovered the rest of the world and built thriving cities all over it but developed highly advance air ships?
- The Overdrive wasn't literally as powerful as everyone says it is. And as for how he survived being in the middle of it, that's hardly the single most fatal thing a main character has survived in this series. If anything, Shiba's survival at the very beginning sets the tone.
- Growing the Beard: Many would point to Haru's battle with Sieg Hart as the moment.
- The Tower Of Din is more so as it introduces the concept of the Quirky Miniboss Squad that protects the ridiculously strong Big Bad with strong involvement and character development for the cast, when previously the manga had been an action-packed Monster of the Week story.
- High Octane Nightmare Fuel: Sieg Hart uses this on his enemies to send them to a nightmarish world. When Haru got trapped in it, he watched his mother set herself on fire (which burned him as well) and his sister slit her wrists so she could "give him something to drink". *shudder*
- Also when Deep Snow uses his Dark Bring/Shadow Stone to contort people.
- King going One-Winged Angel, even worse because he became a mindless monster.
- Asura's One-Winged Angel form.
- The Bug Monster sent by Blue Guardians
- The Endless
- Hilarious in Hindsight: Sieg complimenting the skeleton, which wraps right back around into a Funny Aneurysm Moment
- Jerkass Woobie: Reina and, in the fifth arc, Sieg Hart.
- Macekre: Not as bad as, say, a 4Kids dub (they didn't do this one), but yeah, the English dub has a few unnecessary edits, painfully unfunny puns and ad-libs.
- So Bad It's Good: The inevitable result.
- Woolseyism: Even if this is just a change from manga to anime, it still worked. The "Dark Bring" were called the "Shadow Stones", "Demon Card" was called the "Shadow Guard", and the "Sword of ten powers" was called the "Decaforce sword". They actually roll off the tongue a little better.
- Also the Ten Commandments > the Ten Powers. Less grand, but more fitting.
- Motive Decay - Luica. You get the sense that, at first, he had no idea why the heck he was trying to kill everyone. In fact, he goes from wanting things like power and world domination to a twisted desire for normalicy and a plan to obtain this by destroying the world. This is because that if this world is so right, then why did his family die and his life suck so much? In the end, maybe he has no straight motive; he's just nuts.
- The Scrappy: Griff
- Too Cool to Live: Gale Glory, King, Reina, and Sieg Hart, to name a few.
- The Woobie: Poor, poor Elie aka Resha.
- Gale Glory, too.
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