< Ranma ½

Ranma ½/Tear Jerker

  • Ryu Kumon's backstory in Ranma 1/2, due mostly to Mood Whiplash: This is a series where pretty much no one ever died, and we don't even see any other death in the past, but he saw his father accidently kill himself and destroy his house when he was six
  • The final two episodes of the anime has this troper in tears from start to finish. It just sums up Ranma's life, caught between his sense of honour, his curse, and Genma's jerkassery.

Ranma: It's okay. It's better this way.

  • Akane's getting her Close-Call Haircut might be a little hard to see this way, given that it was her own temper-tantrums that played a role in it happening, but it's so obvious that it was absolutely devastating to her. That hair was the best symbol she had of her truest desire, to be a real woman, the work of years and her only sign of hope that one day, Dr. Tofu might return her feelings. And, in the blink of an eye, and thanks to one Ranma and Ryoga, it's all reduced to ashes, her heart totally crushed. Even in-universe, everyone treats this as absolutely devastating for her.
  • Ryoga. Nuff' said.
  • Another primarily in-universe tear-jerker is Mousse's dramatic speech in his return story about how he has loved Shampoo all his life and tried over and over to make her accept his feelings, eternally being rejected. The entire audience bursts into tears over this and even Ranma, who Mousse was just trying to kill (and who almost had his fiancee turned into a duck by Mousse), notes that this story makes him feel sorry for Mousse.
  • At the conclusion of the Shinnosuke arc, Ranma takes the forgetful boy aside to thank him for his help, and for saving Akane's life when she was a little girl. Shinnosuke, of the sieve-like memory, claims to not know what he's talking about and that he's never met any "Akane". But then she immediately comes up to say goodbye, and Shinnosuke's inner thoughts lament that he can't be with her even though he loves her, while Akane's say that she's sorry she can't reciprocate. Meanwhile, Ranma, who is usually every bit as jealous over Akane as she is over him, and who fought Shinnosuke when he thought the latter was stealing her away, recognizes what's going on and silently turns away to let the two of them have their final farewell.
  • The moment when Ranma sees Akane die near the end of the manga. Ranma freezes right before shutting down, as if he can't comprehend what just happened. And when his life is threatened afterwards, it doesn't seem to matter. He's completely uncaring about whether he'll live or die. Even when Ranma's out of danger, he, unable to cope, does nothing but sit there and stare at her old clothing. It isn't until they take that away, that he reacts violently and breaks down. Even if you hate Akane Tendo's guts, Ranma's reaction to it all is just heartbreaking.
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